public static void loadConfig() { dir = KFA.fileCopy(, "config.yml", false); kf = new ConfigFile(dir + File.separator + "config.yml"); long oldver = kf.getLong("version", 0L); if (oldver < 7L) { dir = KFA.fileCopy(, "config.yml", true); kf = new ConfigFile(dir + File.separator + "config.yml"); verchange = true; } else if (oldver == 7L) { kf.set("forcelangcopy", "+"); kf.set("version", "8"); verchange = false; } if (kf.getBoolean("forcelangcopy")) { KFA.lf.insert(new LangFile(KFA.getFileStream(, "lang.lng"))); kf.set("forcelangcopy", "-"); } kf.repair_missing = true; opperms = kf.getBoolean("permissions.op", true); dfcheck = kf.getBoolean("permissions.disableflagcheck", true); silktouch = kf.getBoolean("creatorblock.silktouch", true); ProtectionCore.movecheckrate = (int)kf.getLong("movecheckrate", 10L); try { String[] tool = (kf.get("tools.wand", "271") + ":0").split("\\:"); wandtool = KFA.srv.createItemStack(Integer.valueOf(tool[0]).intValue(), 1, Integer.valueOf(tool[1]).intValue()); tool = (kf.get("", "268") + ":0").split("\\:"); infotool = KFA.srv.createItemStack(Integer.valueOf(tool[0]).intValue(), 1, Integer.valueOf(tool[1]).intValue()); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("[ProtectionCore] Error in configuration, the tools aren't defined properly"); e.printStackTrace(); } limits = new int[0]; for (String s : kf.get("regionlimits").split("\\ ")) { try { limits = ArrayUtils.add(limits, Integer.valueOf(s).intValue()); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("[ProtectionCore] Error the limit \"" + s + "\" is not number!"); } }; }
public static boolean loadRegions() { boolean loaded = true; rf = new ConfigFile(dir + File.separator + "regions.yml"); for (WorldServer s : MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServers) { rf.set(s.dimensionSetAtCreate, "\r"); }; for (String world : rf.mainAdressList()) { System.out.println("Loading dimension " + world); Region.regions.put(Integer.valueOf(world), new ArrayList()); Region.regnames.put(Integer.valueOf(world), new ArrayList()); for (??? = rf.mainAdressList(world).iterator(); ((Iterator)???).hasNext(); ) { String regname = (String)((Iterator)???).next(); String adr = world + "." + regname + "."; Region r = new Region(new Area(rf.get(adr + "area"), Integer.valueOf(world).intValue()), regname, 1, null); loaded = (loadRegion(rf, r, adr)) && (loaded); } if (!((List)Region.regnames.get(Integer.valueOf(world))).contains("{global}")) { System.out.println("Global region creating..."); int min = -2147483648; int max = 2147483647; new Region(new Area(min, min, min, max, max, max, Integer.valueOf(world).intValue()), "{global}", 0, Region.getTemplate("{global}")); } }