/** Constructor */ public GameManager(MainGameFrame mgf1) { // to be able to reach main menu from the game we need to pass it to the actual game manager to // know its caller. mgf = mgf1; setSize(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT); addKeyListener(new TAdapter()); addKeyListener(new PauseAdapter(this)); setFocusable(true); setBackground(Color.CYAN); setDoubleBuffered(true); // ingame = true; pauseFlag = false; nextLevelFlag = false; directionKeysFlag = mgf.getControls(); difficultyFlag = mgf.getDifficulty(); currentLevel = 1; // Init game objects wind = WindManager.getInstance(); // Initialize singleton WindManager class boat = new Boat(0, 20); initGame(); // gamePoint = 0; // Init Timer timer = new Timer(40, this); startTimer(); }
/** Level initialization handled here */ public void initGame() { // First level initializations-burada can da sıfırlanmalı, oyunu restart yapan method bu olmalı if (currentLevel == 1) { boat.setFlashForward(false); // init bonus state boat.replenishUsedNumOfBullets(); // init bonus state // boat.setNumOfLives(INITIAL_BOAT_LIFE_AMOUNT);//init bonus state boat.setBoatImage(mgf.getBoatColor()); // To set the proper image from the main game frame // setDifficultInBoat(mgf.getDifficulty()); // System.out.println("difffi: " + mgf.getDifficulty()); if (mgf.getDifficulty()) { boat.setNumOfLives(INITIAL_BOAT_LIFE_AMOUNT - 2); } else { boat.setNumOfLives(INITIAL_BOAT_LIFE_AMOUNT); } boat.setDirectionKeysOn(mgf.getControls()); boat.setPosition(0, 20); boat.setDirection(0); boat.setVisible(true); // Game object positions buoyPositions = new int[][] { {250, 500}, {300, 100}, {500, 300}, {450, 125}, {400, 200}, {350, 400}, {200, 250} }; islandPositions = new int[][] { {50, 175}, // small {550, 300}, // medium {50, 450} // medium }; islandTypes = new String[] {"small", "medium", "medium"}; bonusPositions = new int[][] {{60, 350}, {500, 550}}; gamePoint = 0; initBuoys(); initIslands(); initBonuses(); System.out.println("inside init game level-1"); } // other level initializations if (currentLevel == 2) { initGameLevel2(); } if (currentLevel == 3) { initGameLevel3(); } }