/** Draws status bar for Black Hole */ private void drawPoison() { myImage.setColor(Color.BLACK); myImage.drawString("Black Hole", 10, 30); bar.setColor(Color.BLACK); bar.fill(); }
/** Draws status bar for Fire Power */ private void drawIce() { myImage.setColor(Color.RED); // Set the color of myImage blue myImage.drawString("Fire Power", 10, 30); // display text "Fire Power" at a location on myImage bar.setColor(Color.RED); // set the color of the image bar as blue bar.fill(); // fill the image bar with blue }
/** Draws status bar for Invincibility */ private void drawStun() { myImage.setColor(Color.YELLOW); myImage.drawString("Invincibility", 10, 30); bar.setColor(Color.YELLOW); bar.fill(); }
/** Draws status bar for Flight */ private void drawFire() { myImage.setColor(Color.BLUE); // Set the color of myImage red myImage.drawString("Flight", 10, 30); // display text "Flight" at a location on myImage bar.setColor(Color.BLUE); // set the color of the image bar as red bar.fill(); // fill the image bar with red }
public TrafficWorld() { super(WORLD_WIDTH, WORLD_HEIGHT, CELL_SIZE); GreenfootImage background = this.getBackground(); background.setColor(Color.GREEN); background.fill(); for (int n = 0; n < Y_ROADS; n++) { int Y_INC = (((Road.Y_GAP_SIZE + Road.ROAD_HEIGHT) * n) + (Road.ROAD_HEIGHT / 2)); HorizontalRoads[n] = new Road(); this.addObject(HorizontalRoads[n], (WORLD_WIDTH / 2), Y_INC); } for (int n = 0; n < X_ROADS; n++) { int X_INC = (((Road.X_GAP_SIZE + Road.ROAD_HEIGHT) * n) + (Road.ROAD_HEIGHT / 2)); VerticalRoads[n] = new Road(); this.addObject(VerticalRoads[n], X_INC, (WORLD_HEIGHT / 2)); VerticalRoads[n].turn(90); } for (int x = 0; x < X_ROADS; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < Y_ROADS; y++) { Intersection intersection = new Intersection(); this.addObject(intersection, VerticalRoads[x].getX(), HorizontalRoads[y].getY()); intersection.addLights(); } } }
private void drawBox() { amarelo = new Color(255, 188, 0); laranja = new Color(255, 133, 0); imgHelp = getImage(); imgHelp.setColor(laranja); imgHelp.fill(); imgHelp.scale(200, 50); imgHelp.setColor(amarelo); int margem = 5; int largura = imgHelp.getWidth() - 2 * margem; int altura = imgHelp.getHeight() - 2 * margem; imgHelp.fillRect(margem, margem, largura, altura); }
/** * Change the background colour of this Button * * @param background The colour to use */ public void update(Color background) { GreenfootImage tempTextImage = new GreenfootImage(buttonText, textSize, Color.BLACK, background); myImage = new GreenfootImage(tempTextImage.getWidth() + 8, tempTextImage.getHeight() + 8); myImage.setColor(Color.BLACK); myImage.fill(); myImage.drawImage(tempTextImage, 4, 4); myImage.setColor(Color.BLACK); myImage.drawRect(0, 0, tempTextImage.getWidth() + 7, tempTextImage.getHeight() + 7); setImage(myImage); }
/** * Change the text displayed on this Button * * @param text String to display */ public void update(String text) { Color buttonFill = new Color(242, 206, 27); // yellow fill colour buttonText = text; GreenfootImage tempTextImage = new GreenfootImage(text, 20, Color.BLACK, buttonFill); myImage = new GreenfootImage(tempTextImage.getWidth() + 8, tempTextImage.getHeight() + 8); myImage.setColor(Color.BLACK); myImage.fill(); myImage.drawImage(tempTextImage, 4, 4); myImage.setColor(Color.BLACK); myImage.drawRect(0, 0, tempTextImage.getWidth() + 7, tempTextImage.getHeight() + 7); setImage(myImage); }