@Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); String storageDir = getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/"; String storageFile = storageDir + "storage.dat"; String storageJournal = storageDir + "journal.dat"; EncryptedStorage storageCrypto = new EncryptedStorage(storageFile, storageJournal, new CryptoKey(new byte[16])); storageCrypto.close(); }
public void onActionBarItemClicked(int position) { if (position == OnActionBarListener.HOME_ITEM) { final GDApplication app = getGDApplication(); switch (mActionBarType) { case Normal: final Class<?> klass = app.getHomeActivityClass(); if (klass != null && !klass.equals(GDMapActivity.this.getClass())) { if (Config.GD_INFO_LOGS_ENABLED) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Going back to the home activity"); } Intent homeIntent = new Intent(GDMapActivity.this, klass); homeIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); startActivity(homeIntent); } break; case Dashboard: final Intent appIntent = app.getMainApplicationIntent(); if (appIntent != null) { if (Config.GD_INFO_LOGS_ENABLED) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Launching the main application Intent"); } startActivity(appIntent); } break; } } else { if (!onHandleActionBarItemClick(getActionBar().getItem(position), position)) { if (Config.GD_WARNING_LOGS_ENABLED) { Log.w( LOG_TAG, "Click on item at position " + position + " dropped down to the floor"); } } } }