private boolean validate(String title) { if (instructionsTextArea.getText() == null || instructionsTextArea.getText().length() == 0) { String msg = "Instructions text field is empty"; String details = "Must enter instructions into instructions text field"; AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, details, workflowInitiationView); return false; } if (workflowProcessesComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() == WorkflowProcess.REVIEW3) { // if (editPathCoordinateTextField.getText() == null // || editPathCoordinateTextField.getText().length() == 0) { // String msg = "Edit view coordinate UUID text field is empty"; // String details = "Must enter edit view coordinate UUID into edit coordinate text field"; // AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, details, // AppContext.getMainApplicationWindow().getPrimaryStage()); // return false; // } if (promotionPathCoordinateLabel.getText() == null || promotionPathCoordinateLabel.getText().length() == 0) { String msg = "Promotion view coordinate is unset"; String details = "Promotion view coordinate must be set in config file app.xml"; AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, details, workflowInitiationView); return false; } } else if (workflowProcessesComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() == WorkflowProcess.DUAL_REVIEW) { // if (editPathCoordinateTextField.getText() == null // || editPathCoordinateTextField.getText().length() == 0) { // String msg = "Edit view coordinate UUID text field is empty"; // String details = "Must enter edit view coordinate UUID into edit coordinate text field"; // AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, details, // AppContext.getMainApplicationWindow().getPrimaryStage()); // return false; // } if (promotionPathCoordinateLabel.getText() == null || promotionPathCoordinateLabel.getText().length() == 0) { String msg = "Promotion view coordinate is unset"; String details = "Promotion view coordinate must be set in config file app.xml"; AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, details, workflowInitiationView); return false; } } else { String msg = "Unsupported WorkflowProcessModel: " + workflowProcessesComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); String details = "Only WorkflowProcess." + WorkflowProcess.REVIEW3 + " and WorkflowProcess." + WorkflowProcess.DUAL_REVIEW + " currently supported"; AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, details, workflowInitiationView); return false; } return true; }
private void initiateWorkflow() { if (!validate("Failed initiating workflow")) { return; } String description = generatedComponentDescriptionLabel.getText(); WorkflowProcess process = workflowProcessesComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); Map<String, String> map = getOutputVariablesMap(); LOG.debug( "Invoking createNewConceptWorkflowRequest(preferredDescription=\"" + description + "\", conceptUuid=\"" + componentOrConcept.getPrimordialUuid().toString() + "\", processName=\"" + process + "\")"); ProcessInstanceCreationRequestI createdRequest = null; try { createdRequest = getWorkflowService() .createNewComponentWorkflowRequest( description, componentOrConcept.getPrimordialUuid(), process.getText(), map); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unexpected error creating request", e); } if (createdRequest == null) { String title = "Workflow Initiation Failed"; String msg = "Failed creating WorkflowProcessModel " + workflowProcessesComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() + " (service call returned null)"; String details = "Component: " + description + "\n" + map; AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, details, workflowInitiationView); } else { LOG.debug("Created ProcessInstanceCreationRequestI: " + createdRequest); AppContext.getCommonDialogs() .showInformationDialog( "Workflow initiation succeeded", "Created " + workflowProcessesComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() + "\nFor componentId " + componentOrConcept.getPrimordialUuid()); doCancel(); } }
/** * Imports the dialect variant words into a map of the dialect to the dialect variant word. Checks * to see if the map is empty before loading, and will only load the words if the map is found to * be empty. * * @param dialectOrLanguageNid the dialect or language nid * @throws UnsupportedDialectOrLanguage indicates an unsupported dialect or language * @throws IOException signals that an I/O exception has occurred */ private static void lazyInit(int dialectOrLanguageNid) throws UnsupportedDialectOrLanguage, IOException { if (variantMap == null) { initLock.lock(); try { if (variantMap == null) { HashMap<Integer, Map<String, String>> initialVariantMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, String>>(); variantSetMap = new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>(); ViewCoordinate vc = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getMetadataVC(); TerminologySnapshotDI ts = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getSnapshot(vc); ConceptVersionBI enVariantTextRefsetC = Language.EN_VARIANT_TEXT.getStrict( AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getMetadataVC()); Collection<? extends RefexChronicleBI<?>> enVariants = enVariantTextRefsetC.getRefexes(); Set<String> variantSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (RefexChronicleBI<?> refex : enVariants) { if (RefexStringVersionBI.class.isAssignableFrom(refex.getClass())) { RefexStringVersionBI<?> variantText = (RefexStringVersionBI<?>) refex.getVersion(vc); if (variantText != null) { variantSet.add(variantText.getString1()); } } } variantSetMap.put(Language.EN.getStrict(vc).getNid(), variantSet); addDialect(Language.EN_AU, vc, Language.EN_AU_TEXT_VARIANTS, ts, initialVariantMap); addDialect(Language.EN_CA, vc, Language.EN_CA_TEXT_VARIANTS, ts, initialVariantMap); addDialect(Language.EN_NZ, vc, Language.EN_NZ_TEXT_VARIANTS, ts, initialVariantMap); addDialect(Language.EN_UK, vc, Language.EN_UK_TEXT_VARIANTS, ts, initialVariantMap); addDialect(Language.EN_US, vc, Language.EN_US_TEXT_VARIANTS, ts, initialVariantMap); DialectHelper.variantMap = initialVariantMap; } } catch (ContradictionException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } finally { initLock.unlock(); } } if (!variantMap.containsKey(dialectOrLanguageNid) && !variantSetMap.containsKey(dialectOrLanguageNid)) { throw new UnsupportedDialectOrLanguage("nid: " + dialectOrLanguageNid); } }
private ComponentWorkflowServiceI getWorkflowService() { if (workflowService == null) { workflowService = AppContext.getService(ComponentWorkflowServiceI.class); } assert workflowService != null; return workflowService; }
private String getDefaultPromotionPathCoordinateTextFieldContent() { UUID promotionPathUUID = AppContext.getAppConfiguration().getCurrentWorkflowPromotionPathUuidAsUUID(); if (promotionPathUUID == null) { return ""; } try { return OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(promotionPathUUID).getPreferredDescription().getText(); } catch (IOException | ContradictionException e) { return ""; } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see javafx.concurrent.Task#failed() */ @Override protected void failed() { Throwable ex = getException(); // Update UI. resultLabel.setText("Failed to import model: " + ex.getMessage()); // Show dialog. String title = ex.getClass().getName(); String msg = String.format("Unexpected error importing from file \"%s\"", fileName); LOG.error(msg, ex); AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, ex.getMessage()); }
@Override public void setConcept(int conceptNid) { try { setConcept( ExtendedAppContext.getDataStore() .getConceptVersion(WBUtility.getViewCoordinate(), conceptNid)); } catch (IOException e) { String title = "Unexpected error loading concept with Nid " + conceptNid; String msg = e.getClass().getName(); logger.error(title, e); AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog(title, msg, e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Gets a description spec representing the <code>description</code> in the dialect specified by * the <code>dialectNid</code>. * * @param description the description to represent * @param dialectNid specifying the dialect of the description spec * @param viewCoordinate specifying which version of the description to use * @return the generated description spec for the specified dialect * @throws UnsupportedDialectOrLanguage indicates an unsupported dialect or language * @throws IOException signals that an I/O exception has occurred */ public static DescriptionSpec getDescriptionSpecForDialect( DescriptionVersionBI<?> description, int dialectNid, ViewCoordinate viewCoordinate) throws UnsupportedDialectOrLanguage, IOException { try { lazyInit(dialectNid); String variantText = makeTextForDialect(description.getText(), dialectNid); UUID descUuid = UuidT5Generator.getDescUuid( description.getText(), AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class) .getConcept(dialectNid) .getPrimordialUuid(), AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class) .getConcept(description.getConceptNid()) .getPrimordialUuid()); DescriptionSpec ds = new DescriptionSpec( new UUID[] {descUuid}, SpecFactory.get( AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class) .getConcept(description.getConceptNid()), viewCoordinate), SpecFactory.get( AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class) .getConcept(description.getTypeNid()), viewCoordinate), variantText); ds.setLangText(description.getLang()); return ds; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } }
/** * Checks if the enclosing concept of the given <code>description</code> is has any descriptions * in the specified dialect, <code>dialectNid</code>. Uses the given <code>viewCoordinate</code> * to determine which version of the descriptions to use. * * @param description the description containing the text to check * @param dialectNid the dialect nid specifying the desired dialect * @param viewCoordinate the view coordinate specifying which version of the description to use * @return <code>true</code>, if no description is found in the specified dialect * @throws IOException signals that an I/O exception has occurred * @throws ContradictionException if more than one version is found for the given view coordinate * @throws UnsupportedDialectOrLanguage indicates an unsupported dialect or language */ public static boolean isMissingDescForDialect( DescriptionVersionBI<?> description, int dialectNid, ViewCoordinate viewCoordinate) throws IOException, ContradictionException, UnsupportedDialectOrLanguage { lazyInit(dialectNid); if (!description.getLang().equals("en")) { return false; } if (isTextForDialect(description.getText(), dialectNid)) { return false; } String dialectText = makeTextForDialect(description.getText(), dialectNid); ConceptVersionBI concept = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class) .getConceptVersion(viewCoordinate, description.getConceptNid()); for (DescriptionVersionBI<?> d : concept.getDescriptionsActive()) { if (d.getText().toLowerCase().equals(dialectText.toLowerCase())) { return false; } } return true; }
@FXML void initialize() { assert syncUserName != null : "fx:id=\"syncUserName\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert cancelButton != null : "fx:id=\"cancelButton\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert password != null : "fx:id=\"password\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert fullNameUnique != null : "fx:id=\"fullNameUnique\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert roles != null : "fx:id=\"roles\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert layoutPane != null : "fx:id=\"layoutPane\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert fullName != null : "fx:id=\"fullName\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert okButton != null : "fx:id=\"okButton\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert userName != null : "fx:id=\"userName\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert workflowUserName != null : "fx:id=\"workflowUserName\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; assert uuid != null : "fx:id=\"uuid\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'AddUser.fxml'."; for (RoleOption ro : RoleOption.values()) { roles.getItems().add(ro.value()); } upm_ = AppContext.getService(UserProfileManager.class); uuidValid_ = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { bind(uuid.textProperty()); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (uuid.getText().length() == 0 || Utility.isUUID(uuid.getText())) { if (uuid.getText().length() > 0 && AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class) .hasUuid(UUID.fromString(uuid.getText()))) { setInvalidReason("If a UUID is specified, it must be unique"); return false; } else { clearInvalidReason(); return true; } } else { setInvalidReason("Invalid uuid"); return false; } } }; ErrorMarkerUtils.setupErrorMarkerAndSwap(uuid, layoutPane, uuidValid_); userNameValid_ = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { bind(userName.textProperty()); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (userName.getText().length() > 0 && !upm_.doesProfileExist(userName.getText())) { clearInvalidReason(); return true; } else { setInvalidReason("The user name is required, and must be unique"); return false; } } }; ErrorMarkerUtils.setupErrorMarkerAndSwap(userName, layoutPane, userNameValid_); fullNameUniqueValid_ = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { bind(fullNameUnique.textProperty(), uuid.textProperty()); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (fullNameUnique.getText().length() > 0) { UUID userUuid; if (uuid.getText().length() > 0) { if (uuidValid_.get()) { userUuid = UUID.fromString(uuid.getText()); } else { setInvalidReason("If a UUID is specified, it must be valid."); return false; } } else { userUuid = GenerateUsers.calculateUserUUID(fullNameUnique.getText()); } if (AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).hasUuid(userUuid)) { setInvalidReason("The full name must be unique"); return false; } else { clearInvalidReason(); return true; } } else { setInvalidReason( "The Full Name is required, and must be unique. If a UUID is specified, it must be valid, and unique"); return false; } } }; ErrorMarkerUtils.setupErrorMarkerAndSwap(fullNameUnique, layoutPane, fullNameUniqueValid_); okButton.disableProperty().bind(fullNameUniqueValid_.and(userNameValid_).and(uuidValid_).not()); cancelButton.setCancelButton(true); // JavaFX is silly: cancelButton.setOnKeyPressed( new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() { @Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { event.consume();; } } }); cancelButton.setOnAction( (event) -> { layoutPane.getScene().getWindow().hide(); }); okButton.setDefaultButton(true); okButton.setOnAction( (event) -> { try { User u = new User(); u.setFullName(fullName.getText()); u.setPassword(password.getText()); u.setSyncUserName(syncUserName.getText()); u.setWorkflowUserName(workflowUserName.getText()); u.setUniqueFullName(fullNameUnique.getText()); u.setUniqueLogonName(userName.getText()); u.setUUID(uuid.getText()); for (String roleName : roles.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems()) { u.getRoles().add(RoleOption.fromValue(roleName)); } upm_.createNewUser(u); layoutPane.getScene().getWindow().hide(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error creating user", e); AppContext.getCommonDialogs().showErrorDialog("Unexpected error adding user", e); } }); }
public static String getDefaultChangeSetUrl() { return AppContext.getAppConfiguration().getDefaultChangeSetUrl(); }
public static String getDefaultWorkflowServerUrl() { return AppContext.getAppConfiguration().getDefaultWorkflowServerUrl(); }
public static UUID getDefaultWorkflowPromotionPath() { return AppContext.getAppConfiguration().getDefaultWorkflowPromotionPathUuidAsUUID(); }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); try { sb.append(" String Value: " + strValue + "(" + primordialUuid + "),"); sb.append(" Boolean Value: " + booleanValue + ","); sb.append(" Float Value: " + floatValue + ","); sb.append(" Int Value: " + intValue + ","); sb.append(" Long Value: " + longValue + ","); sb.append(" Refset Type: " + refsetType + ","); try { ConceptChronicleBI refset = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getConcept(UUID.fromString(refsetUuid)); sb.append(" Refset: " + refset + " (" + refsetUuid + "),"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } try { ConceptChronicleBI c1 = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getConcept(UUID.fromString(c1Uuid)); sb.append(" C1: " + c1 + " (" + c1Uuid + "),"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } try { ConceptChronicleBI c2 = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getConcept(UUID.fromString(c2Uuid)); sb.append(" C2: " + c2 + " (" + c2Uuid + "),"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } try { ConceptChronicleBI c3 = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getConcept(UUID.fromString(c3Uuid)); sb.append(" C3: " + c3 + " (" + c3Uuid + "),"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } try { ConceptChronicleBI c1 = AppContext.getService(TerminologyStoreDI.class).getConcept(UUID.fromString(c1Uuid)); sb.append(" C1: " + c1 + " (" + c1Uuid + "),"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } sb.append(" DRCOMPONENT FIELDS: {" + super.toString() + "}, "); sb.append("\nIdentifiers: ["); if (identifiers != null) { for (DrIdentifier identifier : identifiers) { int i = 0; sb.append(identifier.toString() + (i == identifiers.size() - 1 ? "" : ",")); i++; } } sb.append("]"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sb.toString(); }