private void initUI() { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel flowPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); JPanel conceptCodeNameSummaryPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (prefs.getShowConceptCodeNameSummary()) { UIUtil.insertInBag(conceptCodeNameSummaryPanel, conceptCodeSummaryLabel, 0, 1); UIUtil.insertInBag(conceptCodeNameSummaryPanel, conceptCodeSummaryValue, 1, 1); UIUtil.insertInBag(conceptCodeNameSummaryPanel, conceptNameSummaryLabel, 0, 2); UIUtil.insertInBag(conceptCodeNameSummaryPanel, conceptNameSummaryValue, 1, 2); } UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, deLongNameTitleLabel, 0, 1); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, deLongNameValueLabel, 1, 1); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, deIdTitleLabel, 0, 2); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, deIdValueLabel, 1, 2); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, deContextNameTitleLabel, 0, 3); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, deContextNameValueLabel, 1, 3); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, vdLongNameTitleLabel, 0, 4); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, vdLongNameValueLabel, 1, 4); // Un-Comment if CDEBrowserLink can be directed to CDEBrowser application. // UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, cdeBrowserLinkLabel, 0, 5); // UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, cdeBrowserLinkValueLabel, 1, 5); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, clearButton, 0, 6, 2, 1); UIUtil.insertInBag(mainPanel, searchDeButton, 1, 6); cdeBrowserLinkValueLabel.addMouseListener( new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { String errMsg = "Error attempting to launch web browser"; String osName = System.getProperty(""); String url = getCDEBrowserURL(); try { if (osName.startsWith("Mac OS")) { Class fileMgr = Class.forName(""); Method openURL = fileMgr.getDeclaredMethod("openURL", new Class[] {String.class}); openURL.invoke(null, new Object[] {url}); } else if (osName.startsWith("Windows")) Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + url); else { // assume Unix or Linux String[] browsers = { "firefox", "opera", "konqueror", "epiphany", "mozilla", "netscape" }; String browser = null; for (int count = 0; count < browsers.length && browser == null; count++) if (Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"which", browsers[count]}).waitFor() == 0) browser = browsers[count]; if (browser == null) throw new Exception("Could not find web browser"); else Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {browser, url}); } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errMsg + ":\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} }); disableCDELinks(); JPanel titlePanel = new JPanel(); JLabel title = new JLabel("Map to CDE"); titlePanel.add(title); flowPanel.add(mainPanel); topPanel.add(conceptCodeNameSummaryPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); topPanel.add(titlePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); this.add(flowPanel); this.add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); searchDeButton.setActionCommand(SEARCH); clearButton.setActionCommand(CLEAR); searchDeButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { JButton button = (JButton) event.getSource(); if (button.getActionCommand().equals(SEARCH)) { CadsrDialog cd = BeansAccessor.getCadsrDEDialog(); // update dialog with current node cd.init(node); cd.setAlwaysOnTop(true); cd.setVisible(true); Object o = cd.getAdminComponent(); if (o == null) return; tempDE = (DataElement) o; if (tempDE != null) { // Check for conflict DataElement confDe = DEMappingUtil.checkConflict(de, tempDE); if (confDe != null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, PropertyAccessor.getProperty( "de.conflict", new String[] { de.getDataElementConcept().getProperty().getLongName(), confDe.getDataElementConcept().getProperty().getLongName() }), "Conflict", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } if (tempDE != null) { AdminComponent ac = DEMappingUtil.checkDuplicate(de, tempDE); if (ac != null) { if (ac instanceof ObjectClass) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "This creates a duplicate mapping with " + LookupUtil.lookupFullName((ObjectClass) ac), "Conflict", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); if (ac instanceof DataElement) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "This creates a duplicate mapping with " + ((DataElement) ac) .getDataElementConcept() .getProperty() .getLongName(), "Conflict", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } } updateFields(); firePropertyChangeEvent( new PropertyChangeEvent(this, ApplyButtonPanel.SAVE, null, true)); // firePropertyChangeEvent( // new PropertyChangeEvent(this, // ButtonPanel.SWITCH, null, false)); modified = true; } } } }); clearButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { JButton button = (JButton) event.getSource(); if (button.getActionCommand().equals(CLEAR)) { clear(); firePropertyChangeEvent( new PropertyChangeEvent(this, ApplyButtonPanel.SAVE, null, true)); modified = true; // fireElementChangeEvent(new ElementChangeEvent(node)); } } }); if ((node.getUserObject() instanceof DataElement)) firePropertyChangeEvent( new PropertyChangeEvent( this, ButtonPanel.SWITCH, null, StringUtil.isEmpty(de.getPublicId()))); }
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { searchDeButton.setEnabled(enabled); clearButton.setEnabled(enabled); }