/** * Use the GUI results to set up the variables needed to run the algorithm. * * @return <code>true</code> if parameters set successfully, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private boolean setVariables() { String tmpStr; System.gc(); if (replaceImage.isSelected()) { displayLoc = REPLACE; } else if (newImage.isSelected()) { displayLoc = NEW; } tmpStr = textSearchWindowSide.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 5, 101)) { searchWindowSide = Integer.valueOf(tmpStr).intValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Search window side must be between 5 and 101"); textSearchWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSearchWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } if ((searchWindowSide % 2) == 0) { MipavUtil.displayError("Search window side must be an odd number"); textSearchWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSearchWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = textSimilarityWindowSide.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 3, 99)) { similarityWindowSide = Integer.valueOf(tmpStr).intValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Similarity window side must be between 3 and 99"); textSimilarityWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSimilarityWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } if ((similarityWindowSide % 2) == 0) { MipavUtil.displayError("Similarity window side must be an odd number"); textSimilarityWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSimilarityWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } if (similarityWindowSide >= searchWindowSide) { MipavUtil.displayError("Similarity window side must be less than search window side"); textSimilarityWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSimilarityWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = textNoiseStandardDeviation.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 0.001, 1000.0)) { noiseStandardDeviation = Float.valueOf(tmpStr).floatValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Radius must be between 0.001 and 1000.0"); textNoiseStandardDeviation.requestFocus(); textNoiseStandardDeviation.selectAll(); return false; } doRician = doRicianCheckBox.isSelected(); if (doRician) { tmpStr = textDegree.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 1.0, 10.0)) { degreeOfFiltering = Float.valueOf(tmpStr).floatValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Degree of filtering must be between 1.0 and 10.0"); textDegree.requestFocus(); textDegree.selectAll(); } } if (image.getNDims() > 2) { image25D = image25DCheckBox.isSelected(); } return true; }
/** Saves the default settings into the Preferences file. */ public void legacySaveDefaults() { String defaultsString = new String(getParameterString(",") + "," + newImage.isSelected()); Preferences.saveDialogDefaults(getDialogName(), defaultsString); }
/** * Returns whether the whole image should be processed (as opposed to just VOI regions). * * @return true if the whole image should be processed, false if regions inside VOIs should be * processed */ public boolean isProcessWholeImageSet() { return wholeImageRadio.isSelected(); }
/** * Use the GUI results to set up the variables needed to run the algorithm. * * @return <code>true</code> if parameters set successfully, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private boolean setVariables() { String tmpStr; int i; int totLength = image.getExtents()[0]; for (i = 1; i < image.getNDims(); i++) { totLength *= image.getExtents()[i]; } tmpStr = greenMergingText.getText(); mergingDistance = Float.parseFloat(tmpStr); if (mergingDistance < 0.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("Merging distance cannot be less than 0"); greenMergingText.requestFocus(); greenMergingText.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = redMinText.getText(); redMin = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); if (redMin < 1) { MipavUtil.displayError("red minimum must be at least 1"); redMinText.requestFocus(); redMinText.selectAll(); return false; } else if (redMin > totLength) { MipavUtil.displayError("red minimum must not exceed " + totLength); redMinText.requestFocus(); redMinText.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = redFractionText.getText(); redFraction = Float.parseFloat(tmpStr); if (redFraction <= 0.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("red fraction must be greater than zero"); redFractionText.requestFocus(); redFractionText.selectAll(); return false; } else if (redFraction > 1.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("red fraction must not exceed one"); redFractionText.requestFocus(); redFractionText.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = greenMinText.getText(); greenMin = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); if (greenMin < 1) { MipavUtil.displayError("green minimum must be at least 1"); greenMinText.requestFocus(); greenMinText.selectAll(); return false; } else if (greenMin > totLength) { MipavUtil.displayError("green minimum must not exceed " + totLength); greenMinText.requestFocus(); greenMinText.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = greenFractionText.getText(); greenFraction = Float.parseFloat(tmpStr); if (greenFraction <= 0.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("green fraction must be greater than zero"); greenFractionText.requestFocus(); greenFractionText.selectAll(); return false; } else if (greenFraction > 1.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("green fraction must not exceed one"); greenFractionText.requestFocus(); greenFractionText.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = blueMinText.getText(); blueMin = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); if (blueMin <= 0) { MipavUtil.displayError("Number of blue pixels must be greater than 0"); blueMinText.requestFocus(); blueMinText.selectAll(); return false; } else if (blueMin > totLength) { MipavUtil.displayError("blue minimum must not exceed " + totLength); blueMinText.requestFocus(); blueMinText.selectAll(); return false; } if (oneButton.isSelected()) { greenRegionNumber = 1; } else if (twoButton.isSelected()) { greenRegionNumber = 2; } else if (threeButton.isSelected()) { greenRegionNumber = 3; } else { greenRegionNumber = 4; } twoGreenLevels = twoBox.isSelected(); tmpStr = blueValueText.getText(); blueBoundaryFraction = Float.parseFloat(tmpStr); if (blueBoundaryFraction < 0.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("Blue boundary fraction cannot be less than 0.0"); blueValueText.requestFocus(); blueValueText.selectAll(); return false; } else if (blueBoundaryFraction > 1.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("Blue boundary value cannot be greater than 1.0"); blueValueText.requestFocus(); blueValueText.selectAll(); return false; } blueSmooth = blueSmoothBox.isSelected(); tmpStr = interpolationText.getText(); interpolationDivisor = Float.parseFloat(tmpStr); if (interpolationDivisor <= 1.0f) { MipavUtil.displayError("Interpolation divisor must be greater than 1"); interpolationText.requestFocus(); interpolationText.selectAll(); return false; } return true; } // end setVariables()
/** * Returns whether a new image should be produced by the dialog this panel is a part of. * * @return true if a new image should be created, false if the input image should be replaced */ public boolean isOutputNewImageSet() { return newImageRadio.isSelected(); }