public void createRenderables() { this.gridElements = new ArrayList<GridElement>(); double gridStep = this.size / 10; Position p1, p2; ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); // South-North lines for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { double easting = this.SWEasting + gridStep * i; positions.clear(); p1 = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, easting, SWNorthing); p2 = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, easting, SWNorthing + this.size); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(p1, p2, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(p1); positions.add(p2); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); Object polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); Sector lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EASTING); ge.setValue(easting); this.gridElements.add(ge); } } // West-East lines for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { double northing = this.SWNorthing + gridStep * i; positions.clear(); p1 = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting, northing); p2 = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting + this.size, northing); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(p1, p2, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(p1); positions.add(p2); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); Object polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); Sector lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTHING); ge.setValue(northing); this.gridElements.add(ge); } } }
public SquareSector( int UTMZone, String hemisphere, Sector UTMZoneSector, double SWEasting, double SWNorthing, double size) { this.UTMZone = UTMZone; this.hemisphere = hemisphere; this.UTMZoneSector = UTMZoneSector; this.SWEasting = SWEasting; this.SWNorthing = SWNorthing; this.size = size; // Compute corners positions this.sw = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting, SWNorthing); = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting + size, SWNorthing); this.nw = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting, SWNorthing + size); = computePosition(this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting + size, SWNorthing + size); this.squareCenter = computePosition( this.UTMZone, this.hemisphere, SWEasting + size / 2, SWNorthing + size / 2); // Compute approximate bounding sector and center point if (this.sw != null && != null && this.nw != null && != null) { adjustDateLineCrossingPoints(); this.boundingSector = Sector.boundingSector(Arrays.asList(sw, se, nw, ne)); if (!isInsideGridZone()) this.boundingSector = this.UTMZoneSector.intersection(this.boundingSector); this.centroid = this.boundingSector != null ? this.boundingSector.getCentroid() : this.squareCenter; // this.squareCenter = this.boundingSector.getCentroid(); } // Check whether this square is truncated by the grid zone boundary this.isTruncated = !isInsideGridZone(); }
public void createRenderables() { this.gridElements = new ArrayList<GridElement>(); ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); Position p1, p2; Object polyline; Sector lineSector; // left segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(sw, nw, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(sw); positions.add(nw); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_WEST); ge.setValue(this.SWEasting); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // right segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(se, ne, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(se); positions.add(ne); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_EAST); ge.setValue(this.SWEasting + this.size); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // bottom segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(sw, se, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(sw); positions.add(se); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_SOUTH); ge.setValue(this.SWNorthing); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // top segment positions.clear(); if (this.isTruncated) { computeTruncatedSegment(nw, ne, this.UTMZoneSector, positions); } else { positions.add(nw); positions.add(ne); } if (positions.size() > 0) { p1 = positions.get(0); p2 = positions.get(1); polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); lineSector = Sector.boundingSector(p1, p2); GridElement ge = new GridElement(lineSector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE_NORTH); ge.setValue(this.SWNorthing + this.size); this.gridElements.add(ge); } // Label if ( != null) { // Only add a label to squares above some dimension if (this.boundingSector.getDeltaLon().degrees * Math.cos(this.centroid.getLatitude().radians) > .2 && this.boundingSector.getDeltaLat().degrees > .2) { LatLon labelPos = null; if (this.UTMZone != 0) // Not at poles { labelPos = this.centroid; } else if (this.isPositionInside(new Position(this.squareCenter, 0))) { labelPos = this.squareCenter; } else if (this.squareCenter.getLatitude().degrees <= this.UTMZoneSector.getMaxLatitude().degrees && this.squareCenter.getLatitude().degrees >= this.UTMZoneSector.getMinLatitude().degrees) { labelPos = this.centroid; } if (labelPos != null) { GeographicText text = new UserFacingText(, new Position(labelPos, 0)); text.setPriority(this.size * 10); this.gridElements.add( new GridElement(this.boundingSector, text, GridElement.TYPE_GRIDZONE_LABEL)); } } } }
public Extent getExtent(Globe globe, double ve) { return Sector.computeBoundingCylinder(globe, ve, this.boundingSector); }
/** Create the graticule grid elements */ private void createUTMRenderables() { this.gridElements = new ArrayList<GridElement>(); ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); // Generate meridians and zone labels int lon = -180; int zoneNumber = 1; int maxLat; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { Angle longitude = Angle.fromDegrees(lon); // Meridian positions.clear(); positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(-80), longitude, 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(-60), longitude, 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(-30), longitude, 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(Angle.ZERO, longitude, 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(30), longitude, 10e3)); if (lon < 6 || lon > 36) { // 'regular' UTM meridians maxLat = 84; positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(60), longitude, 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(maxLat), longitude, 10e3)); } else { // Exceptions: shorter meridians around and north-east of Norway if (lon == 6) { maxLat = 56; positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(maxLat), longitude, 10e3)); } else { maxLat = 72; positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(60), longitude, 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(maxLat), longitude, 10e3)); } } Object polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(-80, maxLat, lon, lon); this.gridElements.add(new GridElement(sector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE)); // Zone label GeographicText text = new UserFacingText(zoneNumber + "", Position.fromDegrees(0, lon + 3, 0)); sector = Sector.fromDegrees(-90, 90, lon + 3, lon + 3); this.gridElements.add(new GridElement(sector, text, GridElement.TYPE_LONGITUDE_LABEL)); // Increase longitude and zone number lon += 6; zoneNumber++; } // Generate special meridian segments for exceptions around and north-east of Norway for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { positions.clear(); lon = specialMeridians[i][0]; positions.add( new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(specialMeridians[i][1]), Angle.fromDegrees(lon), 10e3)); positions.add( new Position(Angle.fromDegrees(specialMeridians[i][2]), Angle.fromDegrees(lon), 10e3)); Object polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE); Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(specialMeridians[i][1], specialMeridians[i][2], lon, lon); this.gridElements.add(new GridElement(sector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE)); } // Generate parallels - no exceptions int lat = -80; for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) { Angle latitude = Angle.fromDegrees(lat); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // Each prallel is divided into four 90 degrees segments positions.clear(); lon = -180 + j * 90; positions.add(new Position(latitude, Angle.fromDegrees(lon), 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(latitude, Angle.fromDegrees(lon + 30), 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(latitude, Angle.fromDegrees(lon + 60), 10e3)); positions.add(new Position(latitude, Angle.fromDegrees(lon + 90), 10e3)); Object polyline = createLineRenderable(positions, Polyline.LINEAR); Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(lat, lat, lon, lon + 90); this.gridElements.add(new GridElement(sector, polyline, GridElement.TYPE_LINE)); } // Latitude band label if (i < 20) { GeographicText text = new UserFacingText(latBands.charAt(i) + "", Position.fromDegrees(lat + 4, 0, 0)); Sector sector = Sector.fromDegrees(lat + 4, lat + 4, -180, 180); this.gridElements.add(new GridElement(sector, text, GridElement.TYPE_LATITUDE_LABEL)); } // Increase latitude lat += lat < 72 ? 8 : 12; } }