/** * stop sending file commands to the robot. * * @todo add an e-stop command? */ public void Halt() { running = false; paused = false; linesProcessed = 0; previewPane.setLinesProcessed(0); previewPane.setRunning(running); UpdateMenuBar(); }
/** * Opens a file. If the file can be opened, get a drawing time estimate, update recent files list, * and repaint the preview tab. * * @param filename what file to open */ public void LoadGCode(String filename) { CloseFile(); try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(filename)); linesTotal = 0; gcode = new ArrayList<String>(); try { while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { gcode.add(scanner.nextLine()); ++linesTotal; } } finally { scanner.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log("<span style='color:red'>File could not be opened.</span>\n"); RemoveRecentFile(filename); return; } previewPane.setGCode(gcode); fileOpened = true; EstimateDrawTime(); UpdateRecentFiles(filename); Halt(); }
// save paper limits public void SetRecentPaperSize() { String id = Long.toString(robot_uid); prefs.putDouble(id + "_paper_left", paper_left); prefs.putDouble(id + "_paper_right", paper_right); prefs.putDouble(id + "_paper_top", paper_top); prefs.putDouble(id + "_paper_bottom", paper_bottom); previewPane.setPaperSize(paper_top, paper_bottom, paper_left, paper_right); }
public Container CreateContentPane() { // Create the content-pane-to-be. JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); contentPane.setOpaque(true); // the log panel log = new JTextPane(); log.setEditable(false); log.setBackground(Color.BLACK); logPane = new JScrollPane(log); kit = new HTMLEditorKit(); doc = new HTMLDocument(); log.setEditorKit(kit); log.setDocument(doc); DefaultCaret c = (DefaultCaret) log.getCaret(); c.setUpdatePolicy(DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE); ClearLog(); // the preview panel previewPane = new DrawPanel(); previewPane.setPaperSize(paper_top, paper_bottom, paper_left, paper_right); // status bar statusBar = new StatusBar(); Font f = statusBar.getFont(); statusBar.setFont(f.deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 15)); Dimension d = statusBar.getMinimumSize(); d.setSize(d.getWidth(), d.getHeight() + 30); statusBar.setMinimumSize(d); // layout Splitter split = new Splitter(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); split.add(previewPane); split.add(logPane); split.setDividerSize(8); contentPane.add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); contentPane.add(split, BorderLayout.CENTER); // open the file if (recentFiles[0].length() > 0) { OpenFileOnDemand(recentFiles[0]); } // connect to the last port ListSerialPorts(); if (Arrays.asList(portsDetected).contains(recentPort)) { OpenPort(recentPort); } return contentPane; }
/** * Complete the handshake, load robot-specific configuration, update the menu, repaint the preview * with the limits. * * @return true if handshake succeeds. */ public boolean ConfirmPort() { if (portConfirmed == true) return true; String hello = "HELLO WORLD! I AM DRAWBOT #"; int found = line3.lastIndexOf(hello); if (found >= 0) { portConfirmed = true; // get the UID reported by the robot String[] lines = line3.substring(found + hello.length()).split("\\r?\\n"); if (lines.length > 0) { try { robot_uid = Long.parseLong(lines[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } // new robots have UID=0 if (robot_uid == 0) GetNewRobotUID(); mainframe.setTitle("Drawbot #" + Long.toString(robot_uid) + " connected"); // load machine specific config GetRecentPaperSize(); LoadConfig(); if (limit_top == 0 && limit_bottom == 0 && limit_left == 0 && limit_right == 0) { UpdateConfig(); } previewPane.setMachineLimits(limit_top, limit_bottom, limit_left, limit_right); SendConfig(); UpdateMenuBar(); previewPane.setConnected(true); } return portConfirmed; }
// Take the next line from the file and send it to the robot, if permitted. public void SendFileCommand() { if (running == false || paused == true || fileOpened == false || portConfirmed == false || linesProcessed >= linesTotal) return; String line; do { // are there any more commands? line = gcode.get((int) linesProcessed++).trim(); previewPane.setLinesProcessed(linesProcessed); statusBar.SetProgress(linesProcessed, linesTotal); // loop until we find a line that gets sent to the robot, at which point we'll // pause for the robot to respond. Also stop at end of file. } while (ProcessLine(line) && linesProcessed < linesTotal); if (linesProcessed == linesTotal) { // end of file Halt(); } }
public void ClosePort() { if (portOpened) { if (serialPort != null) { try { // Close the I/O streams. out.close(); in.close(); // Close the port. serialPort.removeEventListener(); serialPort.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Don't care } } ClearLog(); portOpened = false; portConfirmed = false; previewPane.setConnected(false); UpdateMenuBar(); } }
// The user has done something. respond to it. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object subject = e.getSource(); if (subject == buttonZoomIn) { previewPane.ZoomIn(); return; } if (subject == buttonZoomOut) { previewPane.ZoomOut(); return; } if (subject == buttonOpenFile) { OpenFileDialog(); return; } if (subject == buttonStart) { if (fileOpened) { paused = false; running = true; UpdateMenuBar(); linesProcessed = 0; previewPane.setRunning(running); previewPane.setLinesProcessed(linesProcessed); statusBar.Start(); SendFileCommand(); } return; } if (subject == buttonPause) { if (running) { if (paused == true) { buttonPause.setText("Pause"); paused = false; // @TODO: if the robot is not ready to unpause, this might fail and the program would // appear to hang. SendFileCommand(); } else { buttonPause.setText("Unpause"); paused = true; } } return; } if (subject == buttonDrive) { Drive(); return; } if (subject == buttonHalt) { Halt(); return; } if (subject == buttonRescan) { ListSerialPorts(); UpdateMenuBar(); return; } if (subject == buttonConfig) { UpdateConfig(); return; } if (subject == buttonJogMotors) { JogMotors(); return; } if (subject == buttonAbout) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Created by Dan Royer ([email protected]).\n\n" + "Find out more at http://www.marginallyclever.com/\n" + "Get the latest version and read the documentation online @ http://github.com/i-make-robots/DrawBot/"); return; } if (subject == buttonCheckForUpdate) { CheckForUpdate(); return; } if (subject == buttonExit) { System.exit(0); // @TODO: be more graceful? return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (subject == buttonRecent[i]) { OpenFileOnDemand(recentFiles[i]); return; } } for (i = 0; i < portsDetected.length; ++i) { if (subject == buttonPorts[i]) { OpenPort(portsDetected[i]); return; } } }