@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<String> processDoc(String str) throws Exception { Set<String> toReturn = new HashSet<String>(); Corpus c = null; Document aDoc = null; try { c = Factory.newCorpus("sample"); aDoc = Factory.newDocument(str); c.add(aDoc); controller.setCorpus(c); controller.execute(); AnnotationSet aSet = aDoc.getAnnotations("StockSymbols"); for (Annotation annot : aSet) { String symbol = (String) annot.getFeatures().get("sym"); toReturn.add(symbol); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (aDoc != null) { Factory.deleteResource(aDoc); } if (c != null) { Factory.deleteResource(c); } } return toReturn; }
public JSONObject persian_sentiment(String text) throws Exception { oncreate(); File PersianGapp = new File("C:/Users/mohammad/Desktop/New folder/Gate/application.xgapp"); // initialise GATE - this must be done before calling any GATE APIs Gate.init(); // load the saved application CorpusController application = (CorpusController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile(PersianGapp); // Create a Corpus to use. We recycle the same Corpus object for each // iteration. The string parameter to newCorpus() is simply the // GATE-internal name to use for the corpus. It has no particular // significance. Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("BatchProcessApp Corpus"); application.setCorpus(corpus); // process the files one by one // load the document (using the specified encoding if one was given) Document doc = Factory.newDocument(text); // put the document in the corpus corpus.add(doc); // run the application application.execute(); String featureName = "Doc_sentiment"; FeatureMap features = doc.getFeatures(); // remove the document from the corpus again corpus.clear(); // doc.getFeatures(). // Release the document, as it is no longer needed Factory.deleteResource(doc); LinkedHashMap originalContent = (LinkedHashMap) features.get(featureName); String obj = (String) originalContent.get("sentiment"); // BigDecimal pos =(BigDecimal) originalContent.get("positive"); // BigDecimal neg =(BigDecimal) originalContent.get("negative"); // System.out.println(obj); // create Json for response to user JSONObject obj1 = new JSONObject(); obj1.put("sentiment", obj); /*obj1.put("positive",pos); //obj1.put("negative",neg); System.out.print("----------"); System.out.print(obj1); System.out.print("----------");*/ // application.cleanup(); return obj1; }
public static void initController() throws PersistenceException, ResourceInstantiationException, IOException { GateUtils.deleteAllPublicGateResources(); controller = (ConditionalSerialAnalyserController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile( new File("C:/Users/dedek/Desktop/DATLOWE/gate_apps/all.gapp")); controller.add(ie.getPR()); corpus = Factory.newCorpus("SpcCorp"); controller.setCorpus(corpus); }
private static gate.Corpus createCorpus(ArrayList<String> files) throws GateException { gate.Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("Transient Gate Corpus"); for (String file : files) { System.out.print("\t " + file); try { corpus.add(Factory.newDocument(new File(file).toURL())); System.out.println(" -- success"); } catch (gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException e) { System.out.println(" -- failed (" + e.getMessage() + ")"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(" -- " + e.getMessage()); } } return corpus; }
public void setConf(Configuration conf) { config = conf; if (applicationDescriptorPath == null) throw new RuntimeException("GATE application path is null"); // create one instance of the GATE application // need to avoid concurrent access to the application try { if (inited == false) { File gateHome = new File(applicationDescriptorPath.getFile()).getParentFile(); LOG.info("Setting GATE_HOME as " + gateHome); File pluginsHome = new File(gateHome, "plugins"); // the config files are in the job archive - not in the GATE // application // zip // File siteConfigFile = new File(conf // .getResource("site-gate.xml").getFile()); // File userConfig = new File(conf.getResource("user-gate.xml") // .getFile()); Gate.runInSandbox(true); Gate.setGateHome(gateHome); Gate.setPluginsHome(pluginsHome); // Gate.setSiteConfigFile(siteConfigFile); // Gate.setUserConfigFile(userConfig); // the builtInCreoleDir files // are stored in the same place as the config ones // Gate.setBuiltinCreoleDir(conf.getResource("creole.xml")); Gate.init(); inited = true; } corpus = Factory.newCorpus("DummyCorpus"); this.GATEapplication = (CorpusController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromUrl(applicationDescriptorPath); // load the annotation and feature filters from the configuration this.filters = GATEAnnotationFilters.getFilters(config); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Encountered error while initialising GATE", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Loading the configurationg file and corpus for testing. And make settings as in the GATE Gui. */ void loadSettings(String configFileName, String corpusDirName, String inputasN, String outputasN) throws GateException, IOException { LogService.minVerbosityLevel = 0; if (LogService.minVerbosityLevel > 0) System.out.println("Learning Home : " + learningHome.getAbsolutePath()); FeatureMap parameters = Factory.newFeatureMap(); URL configFileURL = new File(configFileName).toURI().toURL(); parameters.put("configFileURL", configFileURL); learningApi = (LearningAPIMain) Factory.createResource("gate.learning.LearningAPIMain", parameters); // Load the corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("DataSet"); ExtensionFileFilter fileFilter = new ExtensionFileFilter(); fileFilter.addExtension("xml"); File[] xmlFiles = new File(corpusDirName).listFiles(fileFilter); Arrays.sort( xmlFiles, new Comparator<File>() { public int compare(File a, File b) { return a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()); } }); for (File f : xmlFiles) { if (!f.isDirectory()) { Document doc = Factory.newDocument(f.toURI().toURL(), "UTF-8"); doc.setName(f.getName()); corpus.add(doc); } } // URL tempURL = new File(corpusDirName).toURI().toURL(); // corpus.populate(tempURL, fileFilter, "UTF-8", false); // Set the inputAS learningApi.setInputASName(inputasN); learningApi.setOutputASName(outputasN); controller = (gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController) Factory.createResource("gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController"); controller.setCorpus(corpus); controller.add(learningApi); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Logger.getLogger(DocumentFeaturesDiff.class).setLevel(Level.ALL); GateUtils.initGateKeepLog(); GateUtils.registerCzsemPlugin(); ProcessingResource eval = new PRSetup.SinglePRSetup(LearningEvaluator.class) .putFeature("keyASName", ":-)") // .putFeature("responseASName", "lemma_flex") .putFeature("responseASName", "flex") .putFeature("keyAnnotationsAreInDocumentFeatures", true) .putFeatureList("annotationTypes", "Lookup") .putFeatureList("featureNames", "meshID") .createPR(); SerialAnalyserController controller = (SerialAnalyserController) Factory.createResource(SerialAnalyserController.class.getCanonicalName()); controller.add(eval); Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus(null); corpus.populate( new File("C:\\Users\\dedek\\Desktop\\bmc\\experiment\\analyzed").toURI().toURL(), // new File("C:\\Users\\dedek\\Desktop\\bmca_devel").toURI().toURL(), null, "utf8", false); System.err.println("populated"); controller.setCorpus(corpus); controller.execute(); }
/** * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /* Parse command line arguments */ Getopt g = new Getopt("gateExtractor", args, "i:r:te"); g.setOpterr(false); String inputPath = ""; String outputPath = ""; boolean train = false; boolean eval = false; boolean run = false; int c; String arg; while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'i': arg = g.getOptarg(); if (arg == null || arg.isEmpty()) { usage("Please provide an input path"); } inputPath = arg; break; case 'r': run = true; arg = g.getOptarg(); if (arg == null || arg.isEmpty()) { usage("Please provide an output path"); } outputPath = arg; break; case 't': train = true; break; case 'e': eval = true; break; case '?': default: usage(null); } } if (args.length == 0 || (!run && !train && !eval)) { usage("Nothing to do."); } if (inputPath == null || inputPath.isEmpty()) { usage("Please provide an input path"); } if (run && (outputPath == null || outputPath.isEmpty())) { usage("Please provide an output directory!"); } if (train && eval) { usage("Only one mode allowed at a time"); } if (train && run) { usage("Only one mode allowed at a time"); } if (eval && run) { usage("Only one mode allowed at a time"); } /* Initialize GATE */ String location = new File(Main.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath()) .getParent(); String resourcesFolder = location + "/resources"; Gate.setGateHome(new File(resourcesFolder)); /* Create ml-config.xml with threads */ createConfig(resourcesFolder + File.separator); Gate.init(); /* Load Corpus */ log.info("Loading Corpus ... "); Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("Training Corpus"); File directory = new File(inputPath); URL url = directory.toURI().toURL(); corpus.populate(url, null, null, true); log.info("Done loading Corpus!"); Pipeline pipeline = null; /* Do Tagging */ pipeline = new Tagger(); pipeline.run(corpus, resourcesFolder); /* Train */ if (train) { pipeline = new Trainer(); pipeline.run(corpus, resourcesFolder); } /* Apply learned rules */ if (run) { pipeline = new Extractor(); pipeline.run(corpus, resourcesFolder); ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20); for (int i = 0; i < corpus.size(); i++) { executorService.execute(new OutputGenerator(outputPath, corpus.get(i))); } executorService.shutdown(); executorService.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); } /* Evaluate results */ if (eval) { pipeline = new Evaluator(); pipeline.run(corpus, resourcesFolder); } /* Clean up */ Factory.deleteResource(corpus); outputFile_mlConfigThreads.delete(); }
private RetObj ProcessRecords() throws Exception { // Create a Corpus to use. We recycle the same Corpus object for each // iteration. Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("BatchProcessApp Corpus"); this.application.setCorpus(corpus); // object for returned data List<String> processedlines = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> processedText = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int record_num = 0; record_num < this.recs.size(); ++record_num) { /*if( record_num % Math.ceil(((double) this.recs.size())/10.0) == 0) System.out.println("Thread " + this.threadID + ": "+ ((int) ((double)record_num)/((double) this.recs.size())*100.0 ) +"% complete."); */ // first, split title from body and get embedded age in title.. String title_age = "-1"; String sep = "..THIS IS MY SEPARATION STRING.."; String title = ""; String body = this.recs.get(record_num); Boolean trimmed = false; int age_end = body.indexOf(",> "); if (age_end >= 0 && age_end < body.length()) { int age_start = body.lastIndexOf("-", age_end); if (age_start >= 0 && age_start < age_end) { title_age = body.substring(age_start + 1, age_end).trim(); if (!isInteger(title_age)) title_age = "-1"; else { title = body.substring(0, age_start); body = body.substring(age_end + 2, body.length()); body = title + sep + body; trimmed = true; } } if (!trimmed) { title = body.substring(0, age_end); body = body.substring(age_end + 2, body.length()); body = title + sep + body; trimmed = true; } } // -------------------- org.jsoup.nodes.Document htmldoc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(body.replaceAll("COMMA_GOES_HERE", ",")); Elements links = htmldoc.select("a[href]"); Elements media = htmldoc.select("[src]"); Elements imports = htmldoc.select("link[href]"); processedText.add(htmldoc.text().replace(sep, " ")); Document doc = Factory.newDocument(htmldoc.text()); // put the document in the corpus corpus.add(doc); // run the application this.application.execute(); // remove the document from the corpus again corpus.clear(); // extract annotations String line = ""; AnnotationSet Annots = doc.getAnnotations(""); Integer FirstPersonCount = 0, ThirdPersonCount = 0; AnnotationSet FirstPerson = Annots.get("FirstPerson"); if (FirstPerson != null) FirstPersonCount = FirstPerson.size(); AnnotationSet ThirdPerson = Annots.get("ThirdPerson"); if (ThirdPerson != null) ThirdPersonCount = ThirdPerson.size(); line += FirstPersonCount.toString() + "," + ThirdPersonCount.toString() + ","; AnnotationSet Names = Annots.get("Name"); if (Names == null || Names.size() < 1) line += ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Names.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("name"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString(); if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet Age = Annots.get("Age"); if (Age == null || Age.size() < 1) line += title_age + ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Age.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); line += title_age + ";"; while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("age"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString(); if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet Cost = Annots.get("Cost"); if (Cost == null || Cost.size() < 1) line += ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Cost.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("value"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString(); else line += "none"; line += "/"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("target_value"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString(); else line += "none"; line += "/"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("target_type"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString(); else line += "none"; if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet height = Annots.get("height"); if (height == null || height.size() < 1) line += ",,"; else { String ft = ""; String inch = ""; Iterator<Annotation> Iter = height.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("feet"); if (Feat != null) ft += Feat.toString(); else ft += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("inches"); if (Feat != null) inch += Feat.toString(); else inch += "none"; if (Iter.hasNext()) { ft += ";"; inch += ";"; } } line += ft + "," + inch + ","; } AnnotationSet weight = Annots.get("weight"); if (weight == null || weight.size() < 1) line += ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = weight.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("pounds"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString(); if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet measurement = Annots.get("measurement"); if (measurement == null || measurement.size() < 1) line += ",,,,"; else { String cup = ""; String chest = ""; String waist = ""; String hip = ""; Iterator<Annotation> Iter = measurement.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("cup"); if (Feat != null) cup += Feat.toString(); else cup += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("chest"); if (Feat != null) chest += Feat.toString(); else chest += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("waist"); if (Feat != null) waist += Feat.toString(); else waist += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("hip"); if (Feat != null) hip += Feat.toString(); else hip += "none"; if (Iter.hasNext()) { cup += ";"; chest += ";"; waist += ";"; hip += ";"; } } line += cup + "," + chest + "," + waist + "," + hip + ","; } AnnotationSet Ethnicity = Annots.get("Ethnicity"); if (Ethnicity == null || Ethnicity.size() < 1) line += ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Ethnicity.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("ethnicity"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " "); if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet SkinColor = Annots.get("SkinColor"); if (SkinColor == null || SkinColor.size() < 1) line += ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = SkinColor.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("color"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " "); if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet EyeColor = Annots.get("EyeColor"); if (EyeColor == null || EyeColor.size() < 1) line += ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = EyeColor.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("color"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " "); if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet HairColor = Annots.get("HairColor"); if (HairColor == null || HairColor.size() < 1) line += ","; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = HairColor.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("color"); if (Feat != null) line += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " "); if (Iter.hasNext()) line += ";"; } line += ","; } AnnotationSet Restriction = Annots.get("Restriction"); if (Restriction == null || Restriction.size() < 1) line += ",,,"; else { String type = ""; String ethnicity = ""; String age = ""; Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Restriction.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("type"); if (Feat != null) type += Feat.toString(); else type += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("ethnicity"); if (Feat != null) ethnicity += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " "); else ethnicity += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("age"); if (Feat != null) age += Feat.toString(); else age += "none"; if (Iter.hasNext()) { type += ";"; ethnicity += ";"; age += ";"; } } line += type + "," + ethnicity + "," + age + ","; } AnnotationSet Phone = Annots.get("PhoneNumber"); if (Phone == null || Phone.size() < 1) line += ",,,"; else { String value = ""; String state = ""; String city = ""; Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Phone.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("value"); if (Feat != null) value += Feat.toString(); else value += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("state"); if (Feat != null) state += Feat.toString(); else state += "none"; Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("area"); if (Feat != null) city += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " "); else city += "none"; if (Iter.hasNext()) { value += ";"; state += ";"; city += ";"; } } line += value + "," + state + "," + city + ","; } String Emails = ""; AnnotationSet Email = Annots.get("Email"); if (Email == null || Email.size() < 1) Emails = ""; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Email.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("email"); if (Feat != null) Emails += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " ") + ";"; } } if (links != null) { for (Element l : links) { String href = l.attr("abs:href"); if (href == null) continue; if (href.length() > 7 && href.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase().equals("mailto:")) { Emails += href.substring(7, href.length()).replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " ") + ";"; } } } if (Emails.length() > 0 && Emails.substring(Emails.length() - 1, Emails.length()).equals(";")) Emails = Emails.substring(0, Emails.length() - 1); line += Emails + ","; String Urls = ""; AnnotationSet Url = Annots.get("Url"); if (Url == null || Url.size() < 1) Urls = ""; else { Iterator<Annotation> Iter = Url.inDocumentOrder().iterator(); while (Iter.hasNext()) { Annotation Ann = Iter.next(); Object Feat = Ann.getFeatures().get("url"); if (Feat != null) Urls += Feat.toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " ") + ";"; } } if (links != null) { for (Element l : links) { String href = l.attr("abs:href"); if (href == null) continue; if (href.length() <= 7 || !href.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase().equals("mailto:")) { Urls += href.replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " ") + ";"; } } } if (imports != null) { for (Element l : imports) { String href = l.attr("abs:href"); if (href == null) continue; Urls += href.replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " ") + ";"; } } if (Urls.length() > 0 && Urls.substring(Urls.length() - 1, Urls.length()).equals(";")) Urls = Urls.substring(0, Urls.length() - 1); line += Urls + ","; String Medias = ""; if (media != null) { for (Element l : media) { String src = l.attr("abs:src"); if (src == null) continue; Medias += src.replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll(";", " ") + ";"; } } if (Medias.length() > 0 && Medias.substring(Medias.length() - 1, Medias.length()).equals(";")) Medias = Medias.substring(0, Medias.length() - 1); line += Medias; processedlines.add(line); // Release the document, as it is no longer needed Factory.deleteResource(doc); } Factory.deleteResource(corpus); RetObj out = new RetObj(processedlines, processedText); return out; }
/** * Run from the command-line, with a list of URLs as argument. * * <p><B>NOTE:</B><br> * This code will run with all the documents in memory - if you want to unload each from memory * after use, add code to store the corpus in a DataStore. */ public static void main(String args[]) throws GateException, IOException { // initialise the GATE library Out.prln("Initialising GATE..."); Gate.init(); Out.prln("...GATE initialised"); // initialise ANNIE (this may take several minutes) StandAloneAnnie annie = new StandAloneAnnie(); annie.initAnnie(); // create a GATE corpus and add a document for each command-line // argument Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("StandAloneAnnie corpus"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { URL u = new URL(args[i]); FeatureMap params = Factory.newFeatureMap(); params.put("sourceUrl", u); params.put("preserveOriginalContent", new Boolean(true)); params.put("collectRepositioningInfo", new Boolean(true)); Out.prln("Creating doc for " + u); Document doc = (Document) Factory.createResource("gate.corpora.DocumentImpl", params); corpus.add(doc); } // for each of args // tell the pipeline about the corpus and run it annie.setCorpus(corpus); annie.execute(); // for each document, get an XML document with the // person and location names added Iterator iter = corpus.iterator(); int count = 0; String startTagPart_1 = "<span GateID=\""; String startTagPart_2 = "\" title=\""; String startTagPart_3 = "\" style=\"background:Red;\">"; String endTag = "</span>"; while (iter.hasNext()) { Document doc = (Document) iter.next(); AnnotationSet defaultAnnotSet = doc.getAnnotations(); Set annotTypesRequired = new HashSet(); annotTypesRequired.add("Person"); annotTypesRequired.add("Location"); Set<Annotation> peopleAndPlaces = new HashSet<Annotation>(defaultAnnotSet.get(annotTypesRequired)); FeatureMap features = doc.getFeatures(); String originalContent = (String) features.get(GateConstants.ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT_CONTENT_FEATURE_NAME); RepositioningInfo info = (RepositioningInfo) features.get(GateConstants.DOCUMENT_REPOSITIONING_INFO_FEATURE_NAME); ++count; File file = new File("StANNIE_" + count + ".HTML"); Out.prln("File name: '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); if (originalContent != null && info != null) { Out.prln("OrigContent and reposInfo existing. Generate file..."); Iterator it = peopleAndPlaces.iterator(); Annotation currAnnot; SortedAnnotationList sortedAnnotations = new SortedAnnotationList(); while (it.hasNext()) { currAnnot = (Annotation) it.next(); sortedAnnotations.addSortedExclusive(currAnnot); } // while StringBuffer editableContent = new StringBuffer(originalContent); long insertPositionEnd; long insertPositionStart; // insert anotation tags backward Out.prln("Unsorted annotations count: " + peopleAndPlaces.size()); Out.prln("Sorted annotations count: " + sortedAnnotations.size()); for (int i = sortedAnnotations.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { currAnnot = (Annotation) sortedAnnotations.get(i); insertPositionStart = currAnnot.getStartNode().getOffset().longValue(); insertPositionStart = info.getOriginalPos(insertPositionStart); insertPositionEnd = currAnnot.getEndNode().getOffset().longValue(); insertPositionEnd = info.getOriginalPos(insertPositionEnd, true); if (insertPositionEnd != -1 && insertPositionStart != -1) { editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionEnd, endTag); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, startTagPart_3); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, currAnnot.getType()); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, startTagPart_2); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, currAnnot.getId().toString()); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, startTagPart_1); } // if } // for FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); writer.write(editableContent.toString()); writer.close(); } // if - should generate else if (originalContent != null) { Out.prln("OrigContent existing. Generate file..."); Iterator it = peopleAndPlaces.iterator(); Annotation currAnnot; SortedAnnotationList sortedAnnotations = new SortedAnnotationList(); while (it.hasNext()) { currAnnot = (Annotation) it.next(); sortedAnnotations.addSortedExclusive(currAnnot); } // while StringBuffer editableContent = new StringBuffer(originalContent); long insertPositionEnd; long insertPositionStart; // insert anotation tags backward Out.prln("Unsorted annotations count: " + peopleAndPlaces.size()); Out.prln("Sorted annotations count: " + sortedAnnotations.size()); for (int i = sortedAnnotations.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { currAnnot = (Annotation) sortedAnnotations.get(i); insertPositionStart = currAnnot.getStartNode().getOffset().longValue(); insertPositionEnd = currAnnot.getEndNode().getOffset().longValue(); if (insertPositionEnd != -1 && insertPositionStart != -1) { editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionEnd, endTag); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, startTagPart_3); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, currAnnot.getType()); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, startTagPart_2); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, currAnnot.getId().toString()); editableContent.insert((int) insertPositionStart, startTagPart_1); } // if } // for FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); writer.write(editableContent.toString()); writer.close(); } else { Out.prln("Content : " + originalContent); Out.prln("Repositioning: " + info); } String xmlDocument = doc.toXml(peopleAndPlaces, false); String fileName = new String("StANNIE_toXML_" + count + ".HTML"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(fileName); writer.write(xmlDocument); writer.close(); } // for each doc } // main