private synchronized void addFreetalkContext(WoTIdentity oid) throws Exception { SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true); params.putOverwrite("Message", "AddContext"); params.putOverwrite("Identity", oid.getID()); params.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT); sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "ContextAdded"); }
public void onGeneratedURI(FreenetURI uri, BaseClientPutter state, ObjectContainer container) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Generated URI for " + darknetOpennetString + " ARK: " + uri); long l = uri.getSuggestedEdition(); if (l < crypto.myARKNumber) { Logger.error( this, "Inserted " + darknetOpennetString + " ARK edition # lower than attempted: " + l + " expected " + crypto.myARKNumber); } else if (l > crypto.myARKNumber) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, darknetOpennetString + " ARK number moving from " + crypto.myARKNumber + " to " + l); crypto.myARKNumber = l; if (crypto.isOpennet) node.writeOpennetFile(); else node.writeNodeFile(); // We'll broadcast the new ARK edition to our connected peers via a differential node // reference SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); fs.putSingle("ark.number", Long.toString(crypto.myARKNumber)); node.peers.locallyBroadcastDiffNodeRef(fs, !crypto.isOpennet, crypto.isOpennet); } }
/** Create a DirPutFile from a SimpleFieldSet. */ public static DirPutFile create( SimpleFieldSet subset, String identifier, boolean global, BucketFactory bf) throws MessageInvalidException { String name = subset.get("Name"); if (name == null) throw new MessageInvalidException( ProtocolErrorMessage.MISSING_FIELD, "Missing field Name", identifier, global); String contentTypeOverride = subset.get("Metadata.ContentType"); if (contentTypeOverride != null && (!contentTypeOverride.equals("")) && !DefaultMIMETypes.isPlausibleMIMEType(contentTypeOverride)) { throw new MessageInvalidException( ProtocolErrorMessage.BAD_MIME_TYPE, "Bad MIME type in Metadata.ContentType", identifier, global); } String type = subset.get("UploadFrom"); if ((type == null) || type.equalsIgnoreCase("direct")) { return DirectDirPutFile.create(name, contentTypeOverride, subset, identifier, global, bf); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("disk")) { return DiskDirPutFile.create(name, contentTypeOverride, subset, identifier, global); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("redirect")) { return RedirectDirPutFile.create(name, contentTypeOverride, subset, identifier, global); } else { throw new MessageInvalidException( ProtocolErrorMessage.INVALID_FIELD, "Unsupported or unknown UploadFrom: " + type, identifier, global); } }
private static FreenetURI insertData(File dataFile) throws IOException { long startInsertTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getByName(""); Socket sock = new Socket(localhost, 9481); OutputStream sockOS = sock.getOutputStream(); InputStream sockIS = sock.getInputStream(); System.out.println("Connected to node."); LineReadingInputStream lis = new LineReadingInputStream(sockIS); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(sockOS, "UTF-8"); osw.write( "ClientHello\nExpectedVersion=0.7\nName=BootstrapPullTest-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "\nEnd\n"); osw.flush(); String name = lis.readLine(65536, 128, true); SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(lis, 65536, 128, true, true, false, true); if (!name.equals("NodeHello")) { System.err.println("No NodeHello from insertor node!"); System.exit(EXIT_INSERTER_PROBLEM); } System.out.println("Connected to " + sock); osw.write( "ClientPut\nIdentifier=test-insert\nURI=CHK@\nVerbosity=1023\nUploadFrom=direct\nMaxRetries=-1\nDataLength=" + TEST_SIZE + "\nData\n"); osw.flush(); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(dataFile); FileUtil.copy(is, sockOS, TEST_SIZE); System.out.println("Sent data"); while (true) { name = lis.readLine(65536, 128, true); fs = new SimpleFieldSet(lis, 65536, 128, true, true, false, true); System.out.println("Got FCP message: \n" + name); System.out.print(fs.toOrderedString()); if (name.equals("ProtocolError")) { System.err.println("Protocol error when inserting data."); System.exit(EXIT_INSERTER_PROBLEM); } if (name.equals("PutFailed")) { System.err.println("Insert failed"); System.exit(EXIT_INSERT_FAILED); } if (name.equals("PutSuccessful")) { long endInsertTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); FreenetURI uri = new FreenetURI(fs.get("URI")); System.out.println( "RESULT: Insert took " + (endInsertTime - startInsertTime) + "ms (" + TimeUtil.formatTime(endInsertTime - startInsertTime) + ") to " + uri + " ."); sockOS.close(); sockIS.close(); sock.close(); return uri; } } }
/** * Register the frirc context with an identity of your own * * @param own_identity */ public void addOwnIdentityContext(Map<String, String> own_identity) { SimpleFieldSet sfs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); sfs.putOverwrite("Message", "AddContext"); sfs.putOverwrite("Identity", own_identity.get("Identity")); sfs.putOverwrite("Context", "FrIRC"); talker.send(sfs, null); }
/** * Not synchronized, the involved identities might be deleted during the query - which is not * really a problem. */ private String getProperty(OwnIdentity truster, Identity target, String property) throws Exception { SimpleFieldSet sfs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); sfs.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIdentity"); sfs.putOverwrite("Truster", truster.getID()); sfs.putOverwrite("Identity", target.getID()); return sendFCPMessageBlocking(sfs, null, "Identity").params.get(property); }
public void solveIntroductionPuzzle(WoTOwnIdentity ownIdentity, String puzzleID, String solution) throws Exception { SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true); params.putOverwrite("Message", "SolveIntroductionPuzzle"); params.putOverwrite("Identity", ownIdentity.getID()); params.putOverwrite("Puzzle", puzzleID); params.putOverwrite("Solution", solution); sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "PuzzleSolved"); }
public SimpleFieldSet exportFieldSet(Config.RequestType configRequestType, boolean withDefaults) { SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map.Entry<String, Option<?>>[] entries = new Map.Entry[map.size()]; // FIXME is any locking at all necessary here? After it has finished init, it's constant... synchronized (this) { entries = map.entrySet().toArray(entries); } if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefix=" + prefix); for (Map.Entry<String, Option<?>> entry : entries) { String key = entry.getKey(); Option<?> o = entry.getValue(); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor( this, "Key=" + key + " value=" + o.getValueString() + " default=" + o.isDefault()); if (configRequestType == Config.RequestType.CURRENT_SETTINGS && (!withDefaults) && o.isDefault() && (!o.forceWrite)) { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Skipping " + key + " - " + o.isDefault()); continue; } switch (configRequestType) { case CURRENT_SETTINGS: fs.putSingle(key, o.getValueString()); break; case DEFAULT_SETTINGS: fs.putSingle(key, o.getDefault()); break; case SORT_ORDER: fs.put(key, o.getSortOrder()); break; case EXPERT_FLAG: fs.put(key, o.isExpert()); break; case FORCE_WRITE_FLAG: fs.put(key, o.isForcedWrite()); break; case SHORT_DESCRIPTION: fs.putSingle(key, o.getLocalisedShortDesc()); break; case LONG_DESCRIPTION: fs.putSingle(key, o.getLocalisedLongDesc()); break; case DATA_TYPE: fs.putSingle(key, o.getDataTypeStr()); break; default: Logger.error(this, "Unknown config request type value: " + configRequestType); break; } if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Key=" + prefix + '.' + key + " value=" + o.getValueString()); } return fs; }
private void addIdentities(SimpleFieldSet sfs) { // System.out.println("Adding all identities"); // clear current identities (requests refresh identities.clear(); // iterate over identities and store them (for resolving nick later on) int i = 0; try { while (!sfs.getString("Identity" + i).equals("")) { HashMap<String, String> identity = new HashMap<String, String>(); identity.put("ID", sfs.getString("RequestURI" + i).split("/")[0].replace("USK@", "")); identity.put("nick", sfs.getString("Nickname" + i)); identity.put("Value", sfs.getString("Value" + i)); identity.put("Identity", sfs.getString("Identity" + i)); // System.out.println("Added identity: " + identity.get("nick")); // check that the identity isn't already in the map boolean add = true; for (Map<String, String> existingIdentity : identities) { if (existingIdentity.get("ID").equals(identity.get("ID"))) add = false; } if (add) identities.add(identity); i++; } } catch (FSParseException e) { // triggered when we've reached the end of the identity list locked_all = false; } // FIXME: hack for broken WoT (from the perspective of freenet2/freenet1 on testnet) if (Frirc.DEBUG) { HashMap<String, String> identity = new HashMap<String, String>(); identity.put( "ID", "67gJMSsyOg0OqifgD-Aebtw8XwKVx~vjVuRbo0WXsI4,4tbrCVGd3fvNTAwUxVZFFzaqoskEp85HgBkwpe~hiD0,AQACAAE"); identity.put("nick", "freenet1"); identity.put("Value", "100"); identities.add(identity); HashMap<String, String> identity2 = new HashMap<String, String>(); identity2.put( "ID", "enQbW4kdLsYqFCLtq~a4OquE5uwKa3nHFqLih64j5KU,ROkkyPxiFajC2N7RUs4oRVw2iotEp-hOV4EID0BRC9g,AQACAAE"); identity2.put("nick", "freenet2"); identity2.put("Value", "100"); identities.add(identity2); } }
/** * Not synchronized, the involved identity might be deleted during the query - which is not really * a problem. */ public List<WoTTrust> getReceivedTrusts(Identity trustee) throws Exception { List<WoTTrust> result = new ArrayList<WoTTrust>(); SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true); request.putOverwrite("Message", "GetTrusters"); request.putOverwrite("Context", ""); request.putOverwrite("Identity", trustee.getID()); try { SimpleFieldSet answer = sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "Identities").params; for (int idx = 0; ; idx++) { String id = answer.get("Identity" + idx); if (id == null || id.equals("")) /* TODO: Figure out whether the second condition is necessary */ break; try { final WoTTrust trust = new WoTTrust( getIdentity(id), trustee, (byte) Integer.parseInt(answer.get("Value" + idx)), answer.get("Comment" + idx)); mWoTCache.putTrust(trust); result.add(trust); } catch (NoSuchIdentityException e) { } catch (InvalidParameterException e) { } } } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { throw new WoTDisconnectedException(); } return result; }
public String getRawOption(String name) { if (config instanceof PersistentConfig) { PersistentConfig pc = (PersistentConfig) config; if (pc.finishedInit) throw new IllegalStateException( "getRawOption(" + name + ") on " + this + " but persistent config has been finishedInit() already!"); SimpleFieldSet fs = pc.origConfigFileContents; if (fs == null) return null; return fs.get(prefix + SimpleFieldSet.MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR + name); } else return null; }
public SimpleFieldSet toFieldSet() { if (freed) { Logger.error(this, "Cannot serialize because already freed: " + this); return null; } SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(false); fs.putSingle("Type", "DelayedFreeBucket"); if (bucket instanceof SerializableToFieldSetBucket) { fs.put("Underlying", ((SerializableToFieldSetBucket) bucket).toFieldSet()); } else { Logger.error(this, "Cannot serialize underlying bucket: " + bucket); return null; } return fs; }
/** * Not synchronized, the involved identities might be deleted during the query or some other WoT * client might modify the trust value during the query - which is not really a problem, you * should not be modifying trust values of your own identity with multiple clients simultaneously. */ public void setTrust(OwnIdentity truster, Identity trustee, byte trust, String comment) throws Exception { WoTOwnIdentity wotTruster = (WoTOwnIdentity) truster; WoTIdentity wotTrustee = (WoTIdentity) trustee; SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true); request.putOverwrite("Message", "SetTrust"); request.putOverwrite("Truster", wotTruster.getID()); request.putOverwrite("Trustee", wotTrustee.getID()); request.putOverwrite("Value", Integer.toString(trust)); request.putOverwrite("Comment", comment); sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "TrustSet"); mWoTCache.putTrust(wotTruster, wotTrustee, trust); }
/** * Sends a blocking FCP message to the WoT plugin, checks whether the reply is really the expected * reply message and throws an exception if not. Also checks whether the reply is an error message * and throws an exception if it is. Therefore, the purpose of this function is that the callee * can assume that no errors occurred if no exception is thrown. * * @param params The params of the FCP message. * @param expectedReplyMessage The excepted content of the "Message" field of the SimpleFieldSet * of the reply message. * @return The unmodified HashResult object which was returned by the PluginTalker. * @throws WoTDisconnectedException If the connection to WoT was lost. * @throws Exception If the WoT plugin replied with an error message or not with the expected * message. */ private PluginTalkerBlocking.Result sendFCPMessageBlocking( SimpleFieldSet params, Bucket data, String expectedReplyMessage) throws Exception { if (mTalker == null) throw new WoTDisconnectedException(); PluginTalkerBlocking.Result result; try { result = mTalker.sendBlocking(params, data); } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { throw new WoTDisconnectedException(); } if (result.params.get("Message").equals("Error")) { final String description = result.params.get("Description"); if (description.indexOf("UnknownIdentityException") >= 0) throw new NoSuchIdentityException(description); throw new Exception( "FCP message " + result.params.get("OriginalMessage") + " failed: " + description); } if (result.params.get("Message").equals(expectedReplyMessage) == false) throw new Exception( "FCP message " + params.get("Message") + " received unexpected reply: " + result.params.get("Message")); return result; }
/** * Method called upon receiving an FCP message, determines message type and calls correct method */ @Override public void onReply(String plugin, String channel, SimpleFieldSet sfs, Bucket arg3) { try { // System.out.println("Message received = " + sfs.get("Message")); if (sfs.getString("Message").equals("OwnIdentities")) { addOwnIdentities(sfs); } else if (sfs.getString("Message").equals("Identities")) { addIdentities(sfs); } else { // System.out.println("Message received = " + sfs.get("OriginalMessage")); // System.out.println("Message received = " + sfs.get("Description")); } } catch (FSParseException e) { // no message field, shouldn't happen e.printStackTrace(); } }
public MyRequestThrottle( int rtt, String string, SimpleFieldSet fs, int size, boolean realTime) { roundTripTime = new BootstrappingDecayingRunningAverage( rtt, 10, MINUTES.toMillis(5), 10, fs == null ? null : fs.subset("RoundTripTime")); this.size = size; this.realTime = realTime; }
/** * Get a set of introduction puzzle IDs which the given own identity might solve. * * <p>The puzzle's data is not returned because when generating HTML for displaying the puzzles we * must reference them with a IMG-tag and we cannot embed the data of the puzzles in the IMG-tag * because embedding image-data has only recently been added to browsers and many do not support * it yet. * * @param ownIdentity The identity which wants to solve the puzzles. * @param amount The amount of puzzles to request. * @return A list of the IDs of the puzzles. The amount might be less than the requested amount * and even zero if WoT has not downloaded puzzles yet. * @throws Exception */ public List<String> getIntroductionPuzzles(WoTOwnIdentity ownIdentity, int amount) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> puzzleIDs = new ArrayList<String>(amount + 1); SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true); params.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIntroductionPuzzles"); params.putOverwrite("Identity", ownIdentity.getID()); params.putOverwrite("Type", "Captcha"); // TODO: Don't hardcode the String params.put("Amount", amount); try { SimpleFieldSet result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IntroductionPuzzles").params; for (int idx = 0; ; idx++) { String id = result.get("Puzzle" + idx); if (id == null || id.equals("")) /* TODO: Figure out whether the second condition is necessary */ break; puzzleIDs.add(id); } } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { Logger.error(this, "Getting puzzles failed", e); } return puzzleIDs; }
public synchronized WoTOwnIdentity createOwnIdentity( String newNickname, boolean publishesTrustList, boolean publishesIntroductionPuzzles, boolean autoSubscribeToNewBoards, boolean displayImages, FreenetURI newRequestURI, FreenetURI newInsertURI) throws Exception { Logger.normal(this, "Creating new own identity via FCP, nickname: " + newNickname); SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true); params.putOverwrite("Message", "CreateIdentity"); params.putOverwrite("Nickname", newNickname); params.putOverwrite("PublishTrustList", publishesTrustList ? "true" : "false"); params.putOverwrite( "PublishIntroductionPuzzles", publishesTrustList && publishesIntroductionPuzzles ? "true" : "false"); params.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT); params.putOverwrite("RequestURI", newRequestURI.toString()); params.putOverwrite("InsertURI", newInsertURI.toString()); PluginTalkerBlocking.Result result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IdentityCreated"); /* We take the URIs which were returned by the WoT plugin instead of the requested ones because this allows the identity to work * even if the WoT plugin ignores our requested URIs: If we just stored the URIs we requested, we would store an identity with * wrong URIs which would result in the identity not being useable. */ WoTOwnIdentity identity = new WoTOwnIdentity( result.params.get("ID"), new FreenetURI(result.params.get("RequestURI")), new FreenetURI(result.params.get("InsertURI")), newNickname, autoSubscribeToNewBoards, displayImages); identity.initializeTransient(mFreetalk); Logger.normal(this, "Created WoTOwnidentity via FCP, now storing... " + identity); synchronized (mFreetalk.getTaskManager()) { synchronized (db.lock()) { try { identity.storeWithoutCommit(); onNewOwnIdentityAdded(identity); identity.checkedCommit(this); Logger.normal(this, "Stored new WoTOwnIdentity " + identity); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e); } } } return identity; }
public void update() { logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(Logger.MINOR, this); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "update()"); if (!checkIPUpdated()) return; // We'll broadcast the new physical.udp entry to our connected peers via a differential node // reference // We'll err on the side of caution and not update our peer to an empty physical.udp entry using // a differential node reference SimpleFieldSet nfs = crypto.exportPublicFieldSet(false, false, true); String[] entries = nfs.getAll("physical.udp"); if (entries != null) { SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); fs.putOverwrite("physical.udp", entries); if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, darknetOpennetString + " ref's physical.udp is '" + fs.toString() + "'"); node.peers.locallyBroadcastDiffNodeRef(fs, !crypto.isOpennet, crypto.isOpennet); } else { if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, darknetOpennetString + " ref's physical.udp is null"); } // Proceed with inserting the ARK if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Inserting " + darknetOpennetString + " ARK because peers list changed"); if (inserter != null) { // Already inserting. // Re-insert after finished. synchronized (this) { shouldInsert = true; } return; } // Otherwise need to start an insert if (node.noConnectedPeers()) { // Can't start an insert yet synchronized (this) { shouldInsert = true; } return; } startInserter(); }
/** * Process the WoT fcp message containing our identities and add them to the local store * * @param sfs */ private void addOwnIdentities(SimpleFieldSet sfs) { int i = 0; try { while (!sfs.getString("Identity" + i).equals("")) { HashMap<String, String> identity = new HashMap<String, String>(); identity.put("ID", sfs.getString("RequestURI" + i).split("/")[0].replace("USK@", "")); identity.put("insertID", sfs.getString("InsertURI" + i).split("/")[0].replace("USK@", "")); identity.put("nick", sfs.getString("Nickname" + i)); identity.put("Identity", sfs.getString("Identity" + i)); ownIdentities.add(identity); if (Frirc.DEBUG) System.out.println( "Identity added from WoT: " + identity.get("nick") + " (" + identity.get("ID") + ")"); ++i; } } catch (FSParseException e) { // triggered when we've reached the end of the identity list locked_own = new Boolean(false); } }
public int getGivenTrustsCount(Identity trustee, int selection) throws Exception { SimpleFieldSet request = new SimpleFieldSet(true); request.putOverwrite("Message", "GetTrusteesCount"); request.putOverwrite("Identity", trustee.getID()); request.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT); if (selection > 0) request.putOverwrite("Selection", "+"); else if (selection == 0) request.putOverwrite("Selection", "0"); else request.putOverwrite("Selection", "-"); try { SimpleFieldSet answer = sendFCPMessageBlocking(request, null, "TrusteesCount").params; return Integer.parseInt(answer.get("Value")); } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { throw new WoTDisconnectedException(); } }
/** * Fetches the identities with positive score from WoT and stores them in the database. * * @throws Exception */ private void fetchIdentities() throws Exception { // parseIdentities() acquires and frees the WoTIdentityManager-lock for each identity to allow // other threads to access the identity manager while the // parsing is in progress. Therefore, we do not take the lock for the whole execution of this // function. synchronized (this) { if (mIdentityFetchInProgress) return; long now = CurrentTimeUTC.getInMillis(); if ((now - mLastIdentityFetchTime) < MINIMAL_IDENTITY_FETCH_DELAY) return; mIdentityFetchInProgress = true; } try { Logger.normal(this, "Requesting identities with positive score from WoT ..."); SimpleFieldSet p1 = new SimpleFieldSet(true); p1.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIdentitiesByScore"); p1.putOverwrite("Selection", "+"); p1.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT); parseIdentities(sendFCPMessageBlocking(p1, null, "Identities").params, false); synchronized (this) { // We must update the fetch-time after the parsing and only if the parsing succeeded: // If we updated before the parsing and parsing failed or took ages (the thread sometimes // takes 2 hours to execute, don't ask me why) // then the garbage collector would delete identities. mLastIdentityFetchTime = CurrentTimeUTC.getInMillis(); } } finally { synchronized (this) { mIdentityFetchInProgress = false; } } // We usually call garbageCollectIdentities() after calling this function, it updates the cache // already... // if(mShortestUniqueNicknameCacheNeedsUpdate) // updateShortestUniqueNicknameCache(); }
public ProbeRequest(SimpleFieldSet fs) throws MessageInvalidException { /* If not defined in the field set Identifier will be null. As adding a null value to the field set does * not actually add something under the key, it will also be omitted in the response messages. */ this.identifier = fs.get(IDENTIFIER); try { this.type = Type.valueOf(fs.get(TYPE)); // If HTL is not specified default to MAX_HTL. this.htl = fs.get(HTL) == null ? Probe.MAX_HTL : fs.getByte(HTL); if (this.htl < 0) { throw new MessageInvalidException( ProtocolErrorMessage.INVALID_MESSAGE, "hopsToLive cannot be negative.", null, false); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new MessageInvalidException( ProtocolErrorMessage.INVALID_MESSAGE, "Unrecognized parse probe type \"" + fs.get(TYPE) + "\": " + e, null, false); } catch (FSParseException e) { // Getting a String from a SimpleFieldSet does not throw - it can at worst return null. throw new MessageInvalidException( ProtocolErrorMessage.INVALID_MESSAGE, "Unable to parse hopsToLive \"" + fs.get(HTL) + "\": " + e, null, false); } }
private synchronized boolean connectToWoT() { if (mTalker != null) { /* Old connection exists */ SimpleFieldSet sfs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); sfs.putOverwrite("Message", "Ping"); try { mTalker.sendBlocking(sfs, null); /* Verify that the old connection is still alive */ return true; } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { mTalker = null; /* Do not return, try to reconnect in next try{} block */ } } try { mTalker = new PluginTalkerBlocking(mFreetalk.getPluginRespirator()); mFreetalk.handleWotConnected(); return true; } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { mFreetalk.handleWotDisconnected(); return false; } }
private synchronized void sendFCPAllIdentities(Map<String, String> identity) { PluginTalker talker; try { talker = pr.getPluginTalker(this, Frirc.WoT_NAMESPACE, ""); SimpleFieldSet sfs = new SimpleFieldSet(true); sfs.putOverwrite("Message", "GetTrustees"); sfs.putOverwrite( "Identity", identity.get("ID") .split(",")[ 0]); // a personal identity (associated through source) (only pass the ID, not the // full SSK) sfs.putOverwrite( "Context", "FrIRC"); // empty means selecting all identities no matter the context talker.send(sfs, null); // send message to WoT plugin if (Frirc.DEBUG) System.out.println("requested identities for identity " + identity.get("ID").split(",")[0]); } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Persist the throttle data to a SimpleFieldSet. */ SimpleFieldSet persistToFieldSet() { SimpleFieldSet fs = new SimpleFieldSet(false); fs.put("ThrottleWindow", throttleWindowBulk.exportFieldSet(false)); fs.put("ThrottleWindowRT", throttleWindowRT.exportFieldSet(false)); fs.put("ThrottleWindowCHK", throttleWindowCHK.exportFieldSet(false)); fs.put("ThrottleWindowSSK", throttleWindowCHK.exportFieldSet(false)); fs.put("CHKRequestThrottle", chkRequestThrottleBulk.exportFieldSet()); fs.put("SSKRequestThrottle", sskRequestThrottleBulk.exportFieldSet()); fs.put("CHKInsertThrottle", chkInsertThrottleBulk.exportFieldSet()); fs.put("SSKInsertThrottle", sskInsertThrottleBulk.exportFieldSet()); fs.put("CHKRequestThrottleRT", chkRequestThrottleRT.exportFieldSet()); fs.put("SSKRequestThrottleRT", sskRequestThrottleRT.exportFieldSet()); fs.put("CHKInsertThrottleRT", chkInsertThrottleRT.exportFieldSet()); fs.put("SSKInsertThrottleRT", sskInsertThrottleRT.exportFieldSet()); return fs; }
public synchronized WoTOwnIdentity createOwnIdentity( String newNickname, boolean publishesTrustList, boolean publishesIntroductionPuzzles, boolean autoSubscribeToNewBoards, boolean displayImages) throws Exception { Logger.normal(this, "Creating new own identity via FCP, nickname: " + newNickname); SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true); params.putOverwrite("Message", "CreateIdentity"); params.putOverwrite("Nickname", newNickname); params.putOverwrite("PublishTrustList", publishesTrustList ? "true" : "false"); params.putOverwrite( "PublishIntroductionPuzzles", publishesIntroductionPuzzles ? "true" : "false"); params.putOverwrite("Context", Freetalk.WOT_CONTEXT); PluginTalkerBlocking.Result result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IdentityCreated"); WoTOwnIdentity identity = new WoTOwnIdentity( result.params.get("ID"), new FreenetURI(result.params.get("RequestURI")), new FreenetURI(result.params.get("InsertURI")), newNickname, autoSubscribeToNewBoards, displayImages); identity.initializeTransient(mFreetalk); Logger.normal(this, "Created WoTOwnidentity via FCP, now storing... " + identity); synchronized (mFreetalk.getTaskManager()) { // Required by onNewOwnidentityAdded synchronized (db.lock()) { try { identity.initializeTransient(mFreetalk); identity.storeWithoutCommit(); onNewOwnIdentityAdded(identity); identity.checkedCommit(this); Logger.normal(this, "Stored new WoTOwnIdentity " + identity); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(db, this, e); } } } return identity; }
/** Set options from a SimpleFieldSet. Once we process an option, we must remove it. */ public void setOptions(SimpleFieldSet sfs) { for (Entry<String, Option<?>> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Option<?> o = entry.getValue(); String val = sfs.get(key); if (val != null) { try { o.setValue(val); } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) { String msg = "Invalid config value: " + prefix + SimpleFieldSet.MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR + key + " = " + val + " : error: " + e; Logger.error(this, msg, e); System.err.println(msg); // might be about logging? } catch (NodeNeedRestartException e) { // Impossible String msg = "Impossible: " + prefix + SimpleFieldSet.MULTI_LEVEL_CHAR + key + " = " + val + " : error: " + e; Logger.error(this, msg, e); } } } }
public IntroductionPuzzle getIntroductionPuzzle(String id) throws Exception { SimpleFieldSet params = new SimpleFieldSet(true); params.putOverwrite("Message", "GetIntroductionPuzzle"); params.putOverwrite("Puzzle", id); try { SimpleFieldSet result = sendFCPMessageBlocking(params, null, "IntroductionPuzzle").params; try { return new IntroductionPuzzle( id, result.get("MimeType"), Base64.decodeStandard(result.get("Data"))); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logger.error(this, "Parsing puzzle failed", e); } catch (IllegalBase64Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Parsing puzzle failed", e); } return null; } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { Logger.error(this, "Getting puzzles failed", e); return null; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseIdentities(SimpleFieldSet params, boolean bOwnIdentities) { if (bOwnIdentities) Logger.normal(this, "Parsing received own identities..."); else Logger.normal(this, "Parsing received identities..."); int idx; int ignoredCount = 0; int newCount = 0; for (idx = 0; ; idx++) { String identityID = params.get("Identity" + idx); if (identityID == null || identityID.equals("")) /* TODO: Figure out whether the second condition is necessary */ break; String requestURI = params.get("RequestURI" + idx); String insertURI = bOwnIdentities ? params.get("InsertURI" + idx) : null; String nickname = params.get("Nickname" + idx); if (nickname == null || nickname.length() == 0) { // If an identity publishes an invalid nickname in one of its first WoT inserts then WoT // will return an empty // nickname for that identity until a new XML was published with a valid nickname. We ignore // the identity until // then to prevent confusing error logs. // TODO: Maybe handle this in WoT. Would require checks in many places though. continue; } synchronized (this) { /* We lock here and not during the whole function to allow other threads to execute */ Query q = db.query(); // TODO: Encapsulate the query in a function... q.constrain(WoTIdentity.class); q.descend("mID").constrain(identityID); ObjectSet<WoTIdentity> result = q.execute(); WoTIdentity id = null; if (result.size() == 0) { try { importIdentity(bOwnIdentities, identityID, requestURI, insertURI, nickname); ++newCount; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Importing a new identity failed.", e); } } else { Logger.debug(this, "Not importing already existing identity " + requestURI); ++ignoredCount; assert (result.size() == 1); id =; id.initializeTransient(mFreetalk); if (bOwnIdentities != (id instanceof WoTOwnIdentity)) { // The type of the identity changed so we need to delete and re-import it. try { Logger.normal(this, "Identity type changed, replacing it: " + id); // We MUST NOT take the following locks because deleteIdentity does other locks // (MessageManager/TaskManager) which must happen before... // synchronized(id) // synchronized(db.lock()) deleteIdentity(id, mFreetalk.getMessageManager(), mFreetalk.getTaskManager()); importIdentity(bOwnIdentities, identityID, requestURI, insertURI, nickname); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, "Replacing a WoTIdentity with WoTOwnIdentity failed.", e); } } else { // Normal case: Update the last received time of the idefnt synchronized (id) { synchronized (db.lock()) { try { // TODO: The thread sometimes takes hours to parse the identities and I don't know // why. // So right now its better to re-query the time for each identity. id.setLastReceivedFromWoT(CurrentTimeUTC.getInMillis()); id.checkedCommit(this); } catch (Exception e) { Persistent.checkedRollback(db, this, e); } } } } } } Thread.yield(); } Logger.normal( this, "parseIdentities(bOwnIdentities==" + bOwnIdentities + " received " + idx + " identities. Ignored " + ignoredCount + "; New: " + newCount); }