コード例 #1
 /** Get an ArchiveHandler by key */
 ArchiveStoreContext getCached(FreenetURI key) {
   if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Get cached AH for " + key);
   ArchiveStoreContext handler = archiveHandlers.get(key);
   if (handler == null) return null;
   archiveHandlers.push(key, handler);
   return handler;
コード例 #2
  * Get a cached, previously extracted, file from an archive.
  * @param key The key used to fetch the archive.
  * @param filename The name of the file within the archive.
  * @return A Bucket containing the data requested, or null.
  * @throws ArchiveFailureException
 public Bucket getCached(FreenetURI key, String filename) throws ArchiveFailureException {
   if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Fetch cached: " + key + ' ' + filename);
   ArchiveKey k = new ArchiveKey(key, filename);
   ArchiveStoreItem asi = null;
   synchronized (this) {
     asi = storedData.get(k);
     if (asi == null) return null;
     // Promote to top of LRU
     storedData.push(k, asi);
   if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found data");
   return asi.getReaderBucket();
コード例 #3
  * Add a store element.
  * @param callbackName If set, the name of the file for which we must call the callback if this
  *     file happens to match.
  * @param gotElement Flag indicating whether we've already found the file for the callback. If so
  *     we must not call it again.
  * @param callback Callback to be called if we do find it. We must getReaderBucket() before adding
  *     the data to the LRU, otherwise it may be deleted before it reaches the client.
  * @throws ArchiveFailureException If a failure occurred resulting in the data not being readable.
  *     Only happens if callback != null.
 private ArchiveStoreItem addStoreElement(
     ArchiveStoreContext ctx,
     FreenetURI key,
     String name,
     Bucket temp,
     MutableBoolean gotElement,
     String callbackName,
     ArchiveExtractCallback callback,
     ClientContext context)
     throws ArchiveFailureException {
   RealArchiveStoreItem element = new RealArchiveStoreItem(ctx, key, name, temp);
   if (logMINOR)
         "Adding store element: "
             + element
             + " ( "
             + key
             + ' '
             + name
             + " size "
             + element.spaceUsed()
             + " )");
   ArchiveStoreItem oldItem;
   // Let it throw, if it does something is drastically wrong
   Bucket matchBucket = null;
   if ((!gotElement.value) && name.equals(callbackName)) {
     matchBucket = element.getReaderBucket();
   synchronized (this) {
     oldItem = storedData.get(element.key);
     storedData.push(element.key, element);
     cachedData += element.spaceUsed();
     if (oldItem != null) {
       cachedData -= oldItem.spaceUsed();
       if (logMINOR)
         Logger.minor(this, "Dropping old store element from archive cache: " + oldItem);
   if (matchBucket != null) {
     callback.gotBucket(matchBucket, context);
     gotElement.value = true;
   return element;
コード例 #4
  * Add an error element to the cache. This happens when a single file in the archive is invalid
  * (usually because it is too large).
  * @param ctx The ArchiveStoreContext which must be notified about this element's creation.
  * @param key The key from which the archive was fetched.
  * @param name The name of the file within the archive.
  * @param error The error message to be included on the eventual exception thrown, if anyone tries
  *     to extract the data for this element.
 private void addErrorElement(
     ArchiveStoreContext ctx, FreenetURI key, String name, String error, boolean tooBig) {
   ErrorArchiveStoreItem element = new ErrorArchiveStoreItem(ctx, key, name, error, tooBig);
   if (logMINOR)
     Logger.minor(this, "Adding error element: " + element + " for " + key + ' ' + name);
   ArchiveStoreItem oldItem;
   synchronized (this) {
     oldItem = storedData.get(element.key);
     storedData.push(element.key, element);
     if (oldItem != null) {
       cachedData -= oldItem.spaceUsed();
       if (logMINOR)
         Logger.minor(this, "Dropping old store element from archive cache: " + oldItem);
コード例 #5
 /** Add an ArchiveHandler by key */
 private synchronized void putCached(FreenetURI key, ArchiveStoreContext zip) {
   if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Put cached AH for " + key + " : " + zip);
   archiveHandlers.push(key, zip);
   while (archiveHandlers.size() > maxArchiveHandlers) archiveHandlers.popKey(); // dump it
コード例 #6
  public void startTemporaryBackgroundFetcher(
      USK usk,
      ClientContext context,
      final FetchContext fctx,
      boolean prefetchContent,
      boolean realTimeFlag) {
    final USK clear = usk.clearCopy();
    USKFetcher sched = null;
    ArrayList<USKFetcher> toCancel = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      //			int x = 0;
      //			for(USK key: backgroundFetchersByClearUSK.keySet()) {
      //				System.err.println("Fetcher "+x+": "+key);
      //				x++;
      //			}
      USKFetcher f = temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.get(clear);
      if (f == null) {
        f =
            new USKFetcher(
                fctx.ignoreUSKDatehints ? backgroundFetchContextIgnoreDBR : backgroundFetchContext,
                new USKFetcherWrapper(
                    usk, RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, realTimeFlag ? rcRT : rcBulk),
        sched = f;
        temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.push(clear, f);
      } else {
      if (prefetchContent) {
        long fetchTime = -1;
        // If nothing in 60 seconds, try fetching the last known slot.
        long slot = lookupLatestSlot(clear);
        long good = lookupKnownGood(clear);
        if (slot > -1 && good != slot) fetchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch.put(clear, fetchTime);
        if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch: set " + fetchTime + " for " + clear);
      temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.push(clear, f);
      while (temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.size() > NodeClientCore.getMaxBackgroundUSKFetchers()) {
        USKFetcher fetcher = temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.popValue();
        if (!fetcher.hasSubscribers()) {
          if (toCancel == null) toCancel = new ArrayList<USKFetcher>(2);
        } else {
          if (logMINOR)
                "Allowing temporary background fetcher to continue as it has subscribers... "
                    + fetcher);
    final ArrayList<USKFetcher> cancelled = toCancel;
    final USKFetcher scheduleMe = sched;
    // This is just a prefetching method. so it should not unnecessarily delay the parent, nor
    // should it take important locks.
    // So we should do the actual schedule/cancels off-thread.
    // However, the above is done on-thread because a lot of the time it will already be running.
    if (cancelled != null || sched != null) {
          new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
              if (cancelled != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < cancelled.size(); i++) {
                  USKFetcher fetcher = cancelled.get(i);
                  fetcher.cancel(null, USKManager.this.context);
              if (scheduleMe != null) scheduleMe.schedule(null, USKManager.this.context);