/** * Generates a drop-down combobox for a true/false option suitable for adding to an existing form. * Its first element is the "select" element, so any Javascript attributes can be added to the * output. * * @param value The current value of the option. This will be selected. * @param fullName The full name of the option, used to name the drop-down. * @param disabled Whether the drop-down should be disabled. * @return An HTMLNode of a "select" with an "option" child for localized "true" and "false", with * the current value selected. */ public static HTMLNode addBooleanComboBox(boolean value, String fullName, boolean disabled) { HTMLNode result; if (disabled) { result = new HTMLNode( "select", // new String[] {"name", "disabled"}, // new String[] {fullName, "disabled"}); } else { result = new HTMLNode("select", "name", fullName); } if (value) { result.addChild( "option", new String[] {"value", "selected"}, new String[] {"true", "selected"}, l10n("true")); result.addChild("option", "value", "false", l10n("false")); } else { result.addChild("option", "value", "true", l10n("true")); result.addChild( "option", new String[] {"value", "selected"}, new String[] {"false", "selected"}, l10n("false")); } return result; }
/** * Generates a drop-down combobox for the given enumerable option suitable for adding to an * existing form. Its first element is the "select" element, so any Javascript attributes can be * added to the output. * * @param value The currently applied value of the option. * @param o The option, used to list all values. * @param fullName The full name of the option, used to name the drop-down. * @param disabled Whether the drop-down should be disabled. * @return An HTMLNode of a "select" with "option" children for each of the possible values. If * the value specified in value is one of the options, it will be selected. */ public static HTMLNode addComboBox( String value, EnumerableOptionCallback o, String fullName, boolean disabled) { HTMLNode result; if (disabled) { result = new HTMLNode( "select", // new String[] {"name", "disabled"}, // new String[] {fullName, "disabled"}); } else { result = new HTMLNode("select", "name", fullName); } for (String possibleValue : o.getPossibleValues()) { if (possibleValue.equals(value)) { result.addChild( "option", new String[] {"value", "selected"}, new String[] {possibleValue, "selected"}, possibleValue); } else { result.addChild("option", "value", possibleValue, possibleValue); } } return result; }
@Override public HTMLNode getHTMLText() { HTMLNode alertNode = new HTMLNode("div"); alertNode.addChild( "p", l10n( "header", new String[] {"from", "composed", "sent", "received"}, new String[] { sourceNodeName, DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date(composedTime)), DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date(sentTime)), DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date(receivedTime)) })); String[] lines = messageText.split("\n"); for (int i = 0, c = lines.length; i < c; i++) { alertNode.addChild("#", lines[i]); if (i != lines.length - 1) alertNode.addChild("br"); } DarknetPeerNode pn = (DarknetPeerNode) peerRef.get(); if (pn != null) alertNode .addChild("p") .addChild("a", "href", "/send_n2ntm/?peernode_hashcode=" + pn.hashCode(), l10n("reply")); return alertNode; }
public void make() { if (request.isPartSet("confirm")) { wot.deleteIdentity(mIdentity); /* TODO: Show the OwnIdentities page instead! Use the trick which Freetalk does for inlining pages */ HTMLNode box = addContentBox(l10n().getString("DeleteOwnIdentityPage.IdentityDeleted.Header")); box.addChild("#", l10n().getString("DeleteOwnIdentityPage.IdentityDeleted.Text")); } else makeConfirmation(); }
@Override public HTMLNode getHTMLText() { HTMLNode alertNode = new HTMLNode("div"); alertNode.addChild("#", l10n("needRestart")); if (node.isUsingWrapper()) { alertNode.addChild("br"); HTMLNode restartForm = alertNode .addChild( "form", new String[] {"action", "method", "enctype", "id", "accept-charset"}, new String[] {"/", "post", "multipart/form-data", "restartForm", "utf-8"}) .addChild("div"); restartForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "formPassword", formPassword}); restartForm.addChild("div"); restartForm.addChild( "input", // new String[] {"type", "name"}, // new String[] {"hidden", "restart"}); restartForm.addChild( "input", // new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, // new String[] {"submit", "restart2", l10n("restartNode")}); } return alertNode; }
private HTMLNode getSetTrustCell(Identity trustee) { HTMLNode cell = new HTMLNode("td"); // There can be multiple checkboxes with the same name in HTML, however Fred does not support // it... cell.addChild( new HTMLNode( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"checkbox", "SetTrustOf" + trustee.getID(), trustee.getID()})); return cell; }
/** Makes a form where the user can enter the requestURI of an Identity he knows. */ private void makeAddIdentityForm() { // TODO Add trust value and comment fields and make them mandatory // The user should only add an identity he trusts HTMLNode addBoxContent = addContentBox(l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.Header")); HTMLNode createForm = pr.addFormChild(addBoxContent, uri.toString(), "AddIdentity"); createForm.addChild( "span", new String[] {"title", "style"}, new String[] { l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.IdentityURI.Tooltip"), "border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;" }, l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.IdentityURI") + ": "); createForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size"}, new String[] {"text", "IdentityURI", "70"}); createForm.addChild("br"); createForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "SetTrust", "true"}); createForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "SetTrustOf", "void"}); createForm .addChild("span", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.Trust") + ": ") .addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size", "value"}, new String[] {"text", "Value", "4", ""}); createForm .addChild("span", " " + l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.Comment") + ": ") .addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size", "value"}, new String[] {"text", "Comment", "20", ""}); createForm.addChild("br"); createForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] { "submit", "AddIdentity", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.AddButton") }); }
private HTMLNode addMessageBank(HTMLNode parent, MessageBank messageBank, String folderName) { // First add this message bank HTMLNode folderDiv = parent.addChild("div", "class", "folder"); HTMLNode folderPara = folderDiv.addChild("p"); folderPara.addChild("a", "href", InboxToadlet.getFolderPath(folderName), messageBank.getName()); // Then add all the children recursively for (MessageBank child : messageBank.listSubFolders()) { addMessageBank(folderDiv, child, folderName + "." + child.getName()); } return folderDiv; }
public void make() throws RedirectException { if (mOwnIdentity == null) { throw new RedirectException(logIn); } makeBreadcrumbs(); boolean subscribe = mRequest.isPartSet("Subscribe"); boolean unsubscribe = mRequest.isPartSet("Unsubscribe"); if ((subscribe ^ unsubscribe) && mRequest.getMethod().equals("POST")) { String boardName = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("BoardName", Board.MAX_BOARDNAME_TEXT_LENGTH); try { MessageManager messageManager = mFreetalk.getMessageManager(); if (subscribe) { SubscribedBoard board = messageManager.subscribeToBoard(mOwnIdentity, boardName); HTMLNode successBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.SubscriptionSucceededBox.Header")); l10n() .addL10nSubstitution( successBox.addChild("div"), "SelectBoardsPage.SubscriptionSucceededBox.Text", new String[] {"link", "boardname"}, new HTMLNode[] { HTMLNode.link(BoardPage.getURI(board)), HTMLNode.text(board.getName()) }); } else if (unsubscribe) { messageManager.unsubscribeFromBoard(mOwnIdentity, boardName); HTMLNode successBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.UnsubscriptionSucceededBox.Header")); l10n() .addL10nSubstitution( successBox.addChild("div"), "SelectBoardsPage.UnsubscriptionSucceededBox.Text", new String[] {"boardname"}, new HTMLNode[] {HTMLNode.text(boardName)}); } } catch (Exception e) { HTMLNode alertBox = addAlertBox( subscribe ? l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.SubscribeFailed") : l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.UnsubscribeFailed")); alertBox.addChild("div", e.getMessage()); Logger.error(this, subscribe ? "subscribe failed" : "unsubscribe failed", e); } } makeBoardsList(); }
@Override HTTPResponse makeWebPageGet(URI uri, HTTPRequest req, ToadletContext ctx, PageNode page) { HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; HTMLNode container = contentNode.addChild("div", "class", "container"); // Add the list of folders HTMLNode folderList = container.addChild("div", "class", "folderlist"); String identity = loginManager.getSession(ctx).getUserID(); FreemailAccount account = accountManager.getAccount(identity); MessageBank topLevelMessageBank = account.getMessageBank(); addMessageBank(folderList, topLevelMessageBank, "inbox"); // Add the message String folderName = req.getParam("folder", "inbox"); MessageBank messageBank = MessageBankTools.getMessageBank(account, folderName); int messageUid; try { messageUid = Integer.parseInt(req.getParam("uid")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error(this, "Got invalid uid: " + req.getParam("uid")); messageUid = 0; } MailMessage msg = MessageBankTools.getMessage(messageBank, messageUid); if (msg == null) { /* FIXME: L10n */ HTMLNode infobox = addErrorbox(container, "Message doesn't exist"); infobox.addChild("p", "The message you requested doesn't exist"); return new GenericHTMLResponse(ctx, 200, "OK", pageNode.generate()); } HTMLNode messageNode = container.addChild("div", "class", "message"); addMessageButtons(ctx, messageNode, folderName, messageUid); addMessageHeaders(messageNode, msg); addMessageContents(messageNode, msg); // Mark message as read if (!msg.flags.get("\\seen")) { msg.flags.set("\\seen", true); msg.storeFlags(); } return new GenericHTMLResponse(ctx, 200, "OK", pageNode.generate()); }
private void addMessageContents(HTMLNode messageNode, MailMessage message) { HTMLNode messageContents = messageNode.addChild("div", "class", "message-content").addChild("p"); try { BufferedReader body = message.getBodyReader(); try { String line = body.readLine(); boolean added = false; while (line != null) { if (added) messageContents.addChild("br"); messageContents.addChild("#", line); added = true; line = body.readLine(); } } finally { body.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: Better error message messageContents.removeChildren(); HTMLNode errorBox = addErrorbox(messageContents, "Couldn't read message"); errorBox.addChild("p", "Couldn't read the message: " + e); return; } }
private void makeConfirmation() { HTMLNode box = addContentBox(l10n().getString("DeleteOwnIdentityPage.DeleteIdentityBox.Header")); box.addChild( new HTMLNode( "p", l10n() .getString( "DeleteOwnIdentityPage.DeleteIdentityBox.Text1", "nickname", mIdentity.getNickname()))); box.addChild( new HTMLNode("p", l10n().getString("DeleteOwnIdentityPage.DeleteIdentityBox.Text2"))); HTMLNode confirmForm = pr.addFormChild(box, uri, "DeleteIdentity"); confirmForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "page", "DeleteIdentity"}); confirmForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "id", mIdentity.getID()}); confirmForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] { "submit", "confirm", l10n().getString("DeleteOwnIdentityPage.DeleteIdentityBox.ConfirmButton") }); }
/** * Returns an {@link HTMLNode} representation of a {@link TermPageEntry} for display in a browser * * @param entry * @param newestVersion if set, the result is shown in full brightness, if unset the result is * greyed out */ private HTMLNode termPageEntryNode(TermPageEntry entry, boolean newestVersion) { FreenetURI uri = entry.page; String showtitle = entry.title; String showurl = uri.toShortString(); if (showtitle == null || showtitle.trim().length() == 0) { showtitle = showurl; } String realurl = "/" + uri.toString(); HTMLNode pageNode = new HTMLNode("div", new String[] {"class", "style"}, new String[] {"result-entry", ""}); pageNode.addChild( "a", new String[] {"href", "class", "title"}, new String[] { realurl, (newestVersion ? "result-title-new" : "result-title-old"), (entry.rel > 0) ? "Relevance : " + (entry.rel * 100) + "%" : "Relevance unknown" }, showtitle); // create usk url if (uri.isSSKForUSK()) { String realuskurl = "/" + uri.uskForSSK().toString(); pageNode.addChild( "a", new String[] {"href", "class", "title"}, new String[] { realuskurl, (newestVersion ? "result-uskbutton-new" : "result-uskbutton-old"), realuskurl }, "[ USK ]"); } pageNode.addChild("br"); pageNode.addChild( "a", new String[] {"href", "class", "title"}, new String[] { realurl, (newestVersion ? "result-url-new" : "result-url-old"), uri.toString() }, showurl); return pageNode; }
private HTMLNode getReceivedTrustCell(OwnIdentity truster, Identity trustee) throws DuplicateTrustException { String trustValue = ""; String trustComment = ""; Trust trust; try { trust = mWebOfTrust.getTrust(truster, trustee); trustValue = String.valueOf(trust.getValue()); trustComment = trust.getComment(); } catch (NotTrustedException e) { } HTMLNode cell = new HTMLNode("td"); if (trustValue.length() > 0) { cell.addAttribute( "style", "background-color:" + KnownIdentitiesPage.getTrustColor(Integer.parseInt(trustValue)) + ";"); } // Trust value input field cell.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size", "maxlength", "value"}, new String[] {"text", "Value" + trustee.getID(), "4", "4", trustValue}); // Trust comment input field cell.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size", "maxlength", "value"}, new String[] { "text", "Comment" + trustee.getID(), "50", Integer.toString(Trust.MAX_TRUST_COMMENT_LENGTH), trustComment }); return cell; }
@Override public HTMLNode getHTMLText() { UpdateThingy ut = createUpdateThingy(); HTMLNode alertNode = new HTMLNode("div"); alertNode.addChild("#", ut.firstBit); if (ut.formText != null) { alertNode .addChild("form", new String[] {"action", "method"}, new String[] {"/", "post"}) .addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "update", ut.formText}); } return alertNode; }
private void addMessageButtons(ToadletContext ctx, HTMLNode parent, String folderName, int uid) { HTMLNode buttonBox = parent.addChild("div", "class", "message-buttons"); // Add reply button HTMLNode replyForm = ctx.addFormChild(buttonBox, NewMessageToadlet.getPath(), "reply"); replyForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "folder", folderName}); replyForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "message", "" + uid}); String replyText = FreemailL10n.getString("Freemail.MessageToadlet.reply"); replyForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "reply", replyText}); }
public void handleMethodGET(URI uri, HTTPRequest request, ToadletContext ctx) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException { PageNode page = ctx.getPageMaker().getPageNode("Redirect to Decoded link", ctx); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; if (ctx.isAllowedFullAccess()) contentNode.addChild(ctx.getAlertManager().createSummary()); final String requestPath = request.getPath().substring(path().length()); // Without this it'll try to look in the current directory which will be /decode and won't work. String keyToFetch = "/" + requestPath; // This is for when a browser can't handle 301s, should very rarely (never?) be seen. ctx.getPageMaker() .getInfobox("infobox-warning", "Decode Link", contentNode, "decode-not-redirected", true) .addChild("a", "href", keyToFetch, "Click Here to be re-directed"); this.writeHTMLReply( ctx, 301, "Moved Permanently\nLocation: " + keyToFetch, pageNode.generate()); }
@Override public HTMLNode getHTMLText() { HTMLNode alertNode = new HTMLNode("div"); alertNode.addChild("a", "href", "/" + uri).addChild("#", uri.toShortString()); if (description != null && description.length() != 0) { String[] lines = description.split("\n"); alertNode.addChild("br"); alertNode.addChild("br"); alertNode.addChild("#", l10n("fileDescription")); alertNode.addChild("br"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { alertNode.addChild("#", lines[i]); if (i != lines.length - 1) alertNode.addChild("br"); } } return alertNode; }
public void handleMethodGET(URI uri, HTTPRequest req, ToadletContext ctx) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException, RedirectException { // If we don't disconnect we will have pipelining issues ctx.forceDisconnect(); String path = uri.getPath(); if (path.startsWith(StaticToadlet.ROOT_URL) && staticToadlet != null) staticToadlet.handleMethodGET(uri, req, ctx); else { String desc = NodeL10n.getBase().getString("StartupToadlet.title"); PageNode page = ctx.getPageMaker().getPageNode(desc, false, ctx); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode headNode = page.headNode; headNode.addChild( "meta", new String[] {"http-equiv", "content"}, new String[] {"refresh", "20; url="}); HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; if (!isPRNGReady) { HTMLNode prngInfoboxContent = ctx.getPageMaker() .getInfobox( "infobox-error", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("StartupToadlet.entropyErrorTitle"), contentNode, null, true); prngInfoboxContent.addChild( "#", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("StartupToadlet.entropyErrorContent")); } HTMLNode infoboxContent = ctx.getPageMaker().getInfobox("infobox-error", desc, contentNode, null, true); infoboxContent.addChild("#", NodeL10n.getBase().getString("StartupToadlet.isStartingUp")); WelcomeToadlet.maybeDisplayWrapperLogfile(ctx, contentNode); // TODO: send a Retry-After header ? writeHTMLReply(ctx, 503, desc, pageNode.generate()); } }
/** * Gets a list of links to the pages of the known identities list. Will look like this: 1 to 5... * currentPage-5 to currentPage+5 ... lastPage-5 to lastPage * * @param currentPage The currently displayed page, counting from 0. * @param identityCount Total amount of identities in the result set. This is used to compute the * page count. TODO: Optimization: When using lazy database query evaluation, the amount of * identities will not be computed until we have processed the whole database query. So the * computation of this parameter is expensive then and we should get rid of it. The link to * the last page should be "Last" instead of a numeric label then. Bugtracker entry: * https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=6245 */ private HTMLNode getKnownIdentitiesListPageLinks(final int currentPage, final int identityCount) { final int pageCount = getPageCount(identityCount); final int lastPage = pageCount - 1; HTMLNode div = new HTMLNode("div"); if (pageCount == 1) return div; int lastDisplayedLink = -1; // Display links to first 5 pages excluding the current page. for (int i = 0; i < currentPage; ) { div.addChild(getSingleKnownIdentitiesListPageLink(currentPage, i)); lastDisplayedLink = i; ++i; if (i >= 5) { // Display 5 links at most if (i < currentPage - 5) // The next loop displays links starting from currentPage-5. If our next link // wouldn't fall into that range, add dots. div.addChild("#", "..."); break; } } // Display 5 links before and after current page, excluding last page. for (int i = Math.max(currentPage - 5, lastDisplayedLink + 1); i < lastPage; ) { div.addChild(getSingleKnownIdentitiesListPageLink(currentPage, i)); lastDisplayedLink = i; ++i; if (i > currentPage + 5) { if (i != lastPage) // If the next link would not have been the lastPage, add "..." for the // missing pages in between div.addChild("#", "..."); break; } } // Display last page if (lastDisplayedLink != lastPage) div.addChild(getSingleKnownIdentitiesListPageLink(currentPage, lastPage)); return div; }
private HTMLNode createUriBox( PluginContext pCtx, String uri, int hexWidth, boolean automf, boolean deep, List<String> errors) { InfoboxNode box = pCtx.pageMaker.getInfobox("Explore a freenet key"); HTMLNode browseBox = box.outer; HTMLNode browseContent = box.content; if (hexWidth < 1 || hexWidth > 1024) { errors.add("Hex display columns out of range. (1-1024). Set to 32 (default)."); hexWidth = 32; } browseContent.addChild( "#", "Display the top level chunk as hexprint or list the content of a manifest"); HTMLNode browseForm = pCtx.pluginRespirator.addFormChild(browseContent, path(), "uriForm"); browseForm.addChild("#", "Freenetkey to explore: \u00a0 "); if (uri != null) browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size", "value"}, new String[] {"text", Globals.PARAM_URI, "70", uri}); else browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size"}, new String[] {"text", Globals.PARAM_URI, "70"}); browseForm.addChild("#", "\u00a0"); browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "debug", "Explore!"}); browseForm.addChild("br"); if (automf) browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value", "checked"}, new String[] {"checkbox", "automf", "ok", "checked"}); else browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"checkbox", "automf", "ok"}); browseForm.addChild("#", "\u00a0auto open as manifest if possible\u00a0"); if (deep) browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value", "checked"}, new String[] {"checkbox", Globals.PARAM_RECURSIVE, "ok", "checked"}); else browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"checkbox", Globals.PARAM_RECURSIVE, "ok"}); browseForm.addChild( "#", "\u00a0parse manifest recursive (include multilevel metadata/subcontainers)\u00a0\u00a0"); browseForm.addChild("#", "Hex display columns:\u00a0"); browseForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "size", "value"}, new String[] {"text", PARAM_HEXWIDTH, "3", Integer.toString(hexWidth)}); return browseBox; }
private void makeMainPage( ToadletContext ctx, List<String> errors, String key, int hexWidth, boolean automf, boolean deep, boolean ml) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException, RedirectException, URISyntaxException { PageNode page = pluginContext.pageMaker.getPageNode(i18n("KeyExplorer.PageTitle"), ctx); HTMLNode pageNode = page.outer; HTMLNode contentNode = page.content; byte[] data = null; GetResult getresult = null; String extraParams = "&hexwidth=" + hexWidth; if (automf) { extraParams += "&automf=checked"; } if (deep) { extraParams += "&deep=checked"; } if (ml) { extraParams += "&ml=checked"; } FreenetURI furi = null; FreenetURI retryUri = null; try { if (key != null && (key.trim().length() > 0)) { furi = URISanitizer.sanitizeURI( errors, key, false, URISanitizer.Options.NOMETASTRINGS, URISanitizer.Options.SSKFORUSK); retryUri = furi; if (ml) { // multilevel is requestet Metadata tempMD = KeyExplorerUtils.simpleManifestGet(pluginContext.pluginRespirator, furi); FetchResult tempResult = KeyExplorerUtils.splitGet(pluginContext.pluginRespirator, tempMD); getresult = new GetResult(tempResult.asBucket(), true); data = tempResult.asByteArray(); } else { // normal get getresult = KeyExplorerUtils.simpleGet(pluginContext.pluginRespirator, furi); data = BucketTools.toByteArray(getresult.getData()); } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { errors.add("MalformedURL: " + key); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.error(this, "500", e); errors.add("IO Error: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (MetadataParseException e) { errors.add("Metadata Parse Error: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (FetchException e) { errors.add("Get failed (" + e.mode + "): " + e.getMessage()); } catch (KeyListenerConstructionException e) { Logger.error(this, "Hu?", e); errors.add("Internal Error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (getresult != null) getresult.free(); } HTMLNode uriBox = createUriBox( pluginContext, ((furi == null) ? null : furi.toString(false, false)), hexWidth, automf, deep, errors); if (errors.size() > 0) { contentNode.addChild(createErrorBox(errors, path(), retryUri, extraParams)); errors.clear(); } contentNode.addChild(uriBox); if (data != null) { Metadata md = null; if (getresult.isMetaData()) { try { md = Metadata.construct(data); } catch (MetadataParseException e) { errors.add("Metadata parse error: " + e.getMessage()); } if (md != null) { if (automf && md.isArchiveManifest()) { if (md.getArchiveType() == ARCHIVE_TYPE.TAR) { writeTemporaryRedirect( ctx, "", KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Site/?mftype=TARmanifest&key=" + furi + extraParams); return; } else if (md.getArchiveType() == ARCHIVE_TYPE.ZIP) { writeTemporaryRedirect( ctx, "", KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Site/?mftype=ZIPmanifest&key=" + furi + extraParams); return; } else { errors.add("Unknown Archive Type: " + md.getArchiveType().name()); } } if (automf && md.isSimpleManifest()) { writeTemporaryRedirect( ctx, "", KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Site/?mftype=simplemanifest&key=" + furi + extraParams); return; } } } String title = "Key: " + furi.toString(false, false); if (getresult.isMetaData()) title = title + "\u00a0(MetaData)"; HTMLNode dataBox2 = pluginContext.pageMaker.getInfobox("#", title, contentNode); dataBox2.addChild("%", "<pre lang=\"en\" style=\"font-family: monospace;\">\n"); dataBox2.addChild("#", hexDump(data, hexWidth)); dataBox2.addChild("%", "\n</pre>"); if (getresult.isMetaData()) { if (md != null) { HTMLNode metaBox = pluginContext.pageMaker.getInfobox("#", "Decomposed metadata", contentNode); metaBox.addChild("#", "Metadata version " + Short.toString(md.getParsedVersion())); metaBox.addChild("br"); metaBox.addChild("#", "Document type:\u00a0"); if (md.isSimpleRedirect()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "SimpleRedirect"); } else if (md.isSimpleManifest()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "SimpleManifest"); } else if (md.isArchiveInternalRedirect()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "ArchiveInternalRedirect"); } else if (md.isArchiveMetadataRedirect()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "ArchiveMetadataRedirect"); } else if (md.isArchiveManifest()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "ArchiveManifest"); } else if (md.isMultiLevelMetadata()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "MultiLevelMetadata"); } else if (md.isSymbolicShortlink()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "SymbolicShortlink"); } else { metaBox.addChild("#", "<Unknown document type>"); } metaBox.addChild("br"); final String MIMEType = md.getMIMEType(); if (MIMEType != null) { metaBox.addChild("#", "MIME Type: " + MIMEType); metaBox.addChild("br"); } if (md.haveFlags()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "Flags:\u00a0"); boolean isFirst = true; if (md.isSplitfile()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "SplitFile"); isFirst = false; } if (md.isCompressed()) { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else metaBox.addChild("#", "\u00a0"); metaBox.addChild("#", "Compressed (" + md.getCompressionCodec().name + ")"); } if (md.hasTopData()) { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else metaBox.addChild("#", "\u00a0"); metaBox.addChild("#", "HasTopData"); } if (isFirst) metaBox.addChild("#", "<No flag set>"); } metaBox.addChild("br"); if (md.isCompressed()) { metaBox.addChild("#", "Decompressed size: " + md.uncompressedDataLength() + " bytes."); } else { metaBox.addChild("#", "Uncompressed"); 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else metaBox.addChild( new HTMLNode( "a", "href", KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/?ml=checked&key=" + furi + extraParams, "explore multilevel")); metaBox.addChild("br"); } FreenetURI uri = md.getSingleTarget(); if (uri != null) { String sfrUri = uri.toString(false, false); metaBox.addChild("#", sfrUri); metaBox.addChild("#", "\u00a0"); metaBox.addChild(new HTMLNode("a", "href", "/?key=" + sfrUri, "open")); metaBox.addChild("#", "\u00a0"); metaBox.addChild( new HTMLNode( "a", "href", KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/?key=" + sfrUri + extraParams, "explore")); } else { metaBox.addChild(new HTMLNode("a", "href", "/?key=" + furi, "reopen normal")); } metaBox.addChild("br"); if ((uri == null) && md.isSplitfile()) { metaBox.addChild( new HTMLNode( "a", "href", KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Split?key=" + furi.toString(false, false), "reopen as splitfile")); metaBox.addChild("br"); metaBox.addChild( new HTMLNode( "a", "href", KeyUtilsPlugin.PLUGIN_URI + "/Download?action=splitdownload&key=" + furi.toString(false, false), "split-download")); 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/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Response handleRequest(FreenetRequest request, Response response) throws IOException { String redirectTarget = getRedirectTarget(request); if (redirectTarget != null) { return new RedirectResponse(redirectTarget); } if (isFullAccessOnly() && !request.getToadletContext().isAllowedFullAccess()) { return response .setStatusCode(401) .setStatusText("Not authorized") .setContentType("text/html"); } ToadletContext toadletContext = request.getToadletContext(); if (request.getMethod() == Method.POST) { /* require form password. */ String formPassword = request.getHttpRequest().getPartAsStringFailsafe("formPassword", 32); if (!formPassword.equals(toadletContext.getContainer().getFormPassword())) { return new RedirectResponse(invalidFormPasswordRedirectTarget); } } PageMaker pageMaker = toadletContext.getPageMaker(); PageNode pageNode = pageMaker.getPageNode(getPageTitle(request), toadletContext); for (String styleSheet : getStyleSheets()) { pageNode.addCustomStyleSheet(styleSheet); } for (Map<String, String> linkNodeParameters : getAdditionalLinkNodes(request)) { HTMLNode linkNode = pageNode.headNode.addChild("link"); for (Entry<String, String> parameter : linkNodeParameters.entrySet()) { linkNode.addAttribute(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue()); } } String shortcutIcon = getShortcutIcon(); if (shortcutIcon != null) { pageNode.addForwardLink("icon", shortcutIcon); } TemplateContext templateContext = templateContextFactory.createTemplateContext(); templateContext.mergeContext(template.getInitialContext()); try { long start = System.nanoTime(); processTemplate(request, templateContext); long finish = System.nanoTime(); logger.log( Level.FINEST, "Template was rendered in " + ((finish - start) / 1000) / 1000.0 + "ms."); } catch (RedirectException re1) { return new RedirectResponse(re1.getTarget()); } StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); template.render(templateContext, stringWriter); pageNode.content.addChild("%", stringWriter.toString()); postProcess(request, templateContext); return response .setStatusCode(200) .setStatusText("OK") .setContentType("text/html") .write(pageNode.outer.generate()); }
public void make() { String threadSubject = ""; String threadText = ""; if ((mRequest.isPartSet("CreateThread") || mRequest.isPartSet("CreatePreview")) && mRequest.getMethod().equals("POST")) { HashSet<Board> boards = new HashSet<Board>(); boards.add(mBoard); try { threadSubject = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe( "ThreadSubject", Message.MAX_MESSAGE_TITLE_TEXT_LENGTH * 2); threadText = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("ThreadText", Message.MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT_LENGTH * 2); if (threadSubject.length() > Message.MAX_MESSAGE_TITLE_TEXT_LENGTH) throw new Exception( l10n() .getString( "Common.Message.Subject.TooLong", "limit", Integer.toString(Message.MAX_MESSAGE_TITLE_TEXT_LENGTH))); if (threadText.length() > Message.MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT_LENGTH) throw new Exception( l10n() .getString( "Common.Message.Text.TooLong", "limit", Integer.toString(Message.MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT_LENGTH))); if (mRequest.isPartSet("CreatePreview")) { mContentNode.addChild( PreviewPane.createPreviewPane(mPM, l10n(), threadSubject, threadText)); makeNewThreadPage(threadSubject, threadText); } else { mFreetalk .getMessageManager() .postMessage( null, null, boards, mBoard, mOwnIdentity, threadSubject, null, threadText, null); HTMLNode successBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("NewThreadPage.ThreadCreated.Header")); successBox.addChild("p", l10n().getString("NewThreadPage.ThreadCreated.Text")); HTMLNode aChild = successBox.addChild("#"); l10n() .addL10nSubstitution( aChild, "NewThreadPage.ThreadCreated.BackToBoard", new String[] {"link", "boardname", "/link"}, new String[] { // TODO: Use BoardPage.getURI(mBoard) here? "<a href=\"" + Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/showBoard?identity=" + mOwnIdentity.getID() + "&name=" + mBoard.getName() + "\">", mBoard.getName(), "</a>" }); } } catch (Exception e) { HTMLNode alertBox = addAlertBox(l10n().getString("NewThreadPage.ThreadFailed.Header")); alertBox.addChild("div", e.getMessage()); makeNewThreadPage(threadSubject, threadText); } return; } else makeNewThreadPage(threadSubject, threadText); }
/** Generate node of page results from this generator */ private void generatePageEntryNode() { pageEntryNode = new HTMLNode("div", "id", "results"); int results = 0; // Loop to separate results into SSK groups if (groupmap != null) { // Produce grouped list of pages SortedSet<TermPageGroupEntry> groupSet = new TreeSet(RelevanceComparator.comparator); groupSet.addAll(groupmap.values()); // Loop over keys Iterator<TermPageGroupEntry> it2 = groupSet.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { TermPageGroupEntry group = it2.next(); String keybase = group.subj; SortedMap<Long, SortedSet<TermPageEntry>> siteMap = group.getEditions(); HTMLNode siteNode = pageEntryNode.addChild("div", "style", "padding-bottom: 6px;"); // Create a block for old versions of this SSK HTMLNode siteBlockOldOuter = siteNode.addChild( "div", new String[] {"id", "style"}, new String[] {"result-hiddenblock-" + keybase, (!showold ? "display:none" : "")}); // put title on block if it has more than one version in it if (siteMap.size() > 1) siteBlockOldOuter .addChild( "a", new String[] {"onClick", "name"}, new String[] {"toggleResult('" + keybase + "')", keybase}) .addChild("h3", "class", "result-grouptitle", keybase.replaceAll("\\b.*/(.*)", "$1")); // inner block for old versions to be hidden HTMLNode oldEditionContainer = siteBlockOldOuter.addChild( "div", new String[] {"class", "style"}, new String[] {"result-hideblock", "border-left: thick black;"}); // Loop over all editions in this site Iterator<Long> it3 = siteMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { long version = it3.next(); boolean newestVersion = !it3.hasNext(); if (newestVersion) // put older versions in block, newest outside block oldEditionContainer = siteNode; HTMLNode versionCell; HTMLNode versionNode; if (siteMap.get(version).size() > 1 || siteMap.size() > 1) { // table for this version versionNode = oldEditionContainer.addChild( "table", new String[] {"class"}, new String[] {"librarian-result"}); HTMLNode grouptitle = versionNode .addChild("tr") .addChild("td", new String[] {"padding", "colspan"}, new String[] {"0", "3"}); grouptitle.addChild( "h4", "class", (newestVersion ? "result-editiontitle-new" : "result-editiontitle-old"), keybase.replaceAll("\\b.*/(.*)", "$1") + (version >= 0 ? "-" + version : "")); // Put link to show hidden older versions block if necessary if (newestVersion && !showold && js && siteMap.size() > 1) grouptitle.addChild( "a", new String[] {"href", "onClick"}, new String[] {"#" + keybase, "toggleResult('" + keybase + "')"}, " [" + (siteMap.size() - 1) + " older matching versions]"); HTMLNode versionrow = versionNode.addChild("tr"); versionrow.addChild("td", "width", "8px"); // draw black line down the side of the version versionrow.addChild("td", new String[] {"class"}, new String[] {"sskeditionbracket"}); versionCell = versionrow.addChild("td", "style", "padding-left:15px"); } else versionCell = oldEditionContainer; // loop over each result in this version Iterator<TermPageEntry> it4 = siteMap.get(version).iterator(); while (it4.hasNext()) { versionCell.addChild(termPageEntryNode(it4.next(), newestVersion)); results++; } } } } else { // Just produce sorted list of results for (Iterator<Entry<TermPageEntry, Boolean>> it = pageset.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry<TermPageEntry, Boolean> entry = it.next(); TermPageEntry termPageEntry = entry.getKey(); boolean newestVersion = entry.getValue(); pageEntryNode.addChild("div").addChild(termPageEntryNode(termPageEntry, newestVersion)); results++; } } pageEntryNode .addChild("p") .addChild("span", "class", "librarian-summary-found", "Found " + results + " results"); }
private void addMessageHeaders(HTMLNode messageNode, MailMessage message) { HTMLNode headerBox = messageNode.addChild("div", "class", "message-headers"); try { message.readHeaders(); } catch (IOException e) { /* FIXME: L10n */ Logger.error(this, "Caugth IOException reading headers for " + message); headerBox.addChild("p", "There was a problem reading the message headers"); return; } HTMLNode fromPara = headerBox.addChild("p"); fromPara.addChild("strong", "From:"); try { String from = MailMessage.decodeHeader(message.getFirstHeader("from")); if (from == null) { from = FreemailL10n.getString("Freemail.MessageToadlet.fromMissing"); } fromPara.addChild("#", " " + from); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { fromPara.addChild("#", " " + message.getFirstHeader("from")); } for (String header : new String[] {"To", "CC", "BCC"}) { for (String recipient : message.getHeadersByName(header)) { HTMLNode toPara = headerBox.addChild("p"); toPara.addChild("strong", header + ":"); try { toPara.addChild("#", " " + MailMessage.decodeHeader(recipient)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { toPara.addChild("#", " " + recipient); } } } HTMLNode subjectPara = headerBox.addChild("p"); subjectPara.addChild("strong", "Subject:"); String subject; try { subject = message.getSubject(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { subject = message.getFirstHeader("subject"); } if ((subject == null) || (subject.equals(""))) { subject = FreemailL10n.getString("Freemail.Web.Common.defaultSubject"); } subjectPara.addChild("#", " " + subject); HTMLNode datePara = headerBox.addChild("p"); datePara.addChild("strong", FreemailL10n.getString("Freemail.MessageToadlet.date")); datePara.addChild( "#", " " + getMessageDateAsString( message, FreemailL10n.getString("Freemail.MessageToadlet.dateMissing"))); }
private void makeBoardsList() { HTMLNode boardsBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.SelectBoardsBox.Header")); boardsBox.addChild("p", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.SelectBoardsBox.Text")); HTMLNode buttonRow = boardsBox.addChild("div", "class", "button-row"); HTMLNode buttonDiv = buttonRow.addChild("div", "class", "button-row-button"); HTMLNode newBoardForm = addFormChild(buttonDiv, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/NewBoard", "NewBoardPage"); newBoardForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()}); newBoardForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.NewBoardButton")}); buttonDiv = buttonRow.addChild("div", "class", "button-row-button"); HTMLNode deleteEmptyBoardsForm = addFormChild(buttonDiv, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/DeleteEmptyBoards", "DeleteEmptyBoards"); deleteEmptyBoardsForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()}); deleteEmptyBoardsForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] { "submit", "submit", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.SelectBoardsBox.DeleteEmptyBoardsButton") }); // Clear margins after button row. TODO: Refactoring: Move to CSS boardsBox.addChild("div", "style", "clear: both;"); HTMLNode boardsTable = boardsBox.addChild("table", "border", "0"); HTMLNode row = boardsTable.addChild("tr"); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.Language")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.Name")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.Description")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.FirstSeen")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.LatestMessage")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.Messages")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.Subscribe")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTableHeader.Unsubscribe")); DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getInstance(); MessageManager messageManager = mFreetalk.getMessageManager(); synchronized (messageManager) { for (final Board board : messageManager.boardIteratorSortedByName()) { row = boardsTable.addChild("tr", "id", board.getName()); // Language row.addChild( "td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"left"}, board.getLanguage().referenceName); // Name HTMLNode nameCell = row.addChild("th", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"left"}); // .addChild(new HTMLNode("a", "href", Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/SubscribeToBoard?identity=" + // mOwnIdentity.getID() + "&name=" + board.getName(), // board.getName())); // Description row.addChild( "td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"left"}, board.getDescription(mOwnIdentity)); // First seen row.addChild( "td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}, dateFormat.format(board.getFirstSeenDate())); // Latest message HTMLNode latestMessageCell = row.addChild("td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}); // Message count HTMLNode messageCountCell = row.addChild("td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}); HTMLNode subscribeCell = row.addChild("td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}); HTMLNode unsubscribeCell = row.addChild("td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}); try { SubscribedBoard subscribedBoard = messageManager.getSubscription(mOwnIdentity, board.getName()); // We are subscribed to that board so we can display some more information. nameCell.addChild(new HTMLNode("a", "href", BoardPage.getURI(board), board.getName())); try { latestMessageCell.addChild( "#", dateFormat.format(subscribedBoard.getLatestMessage().getMessageDate())); } catch (NoSuchMessageException e) { latestMessageCell.addChild("#", "-"); } messageCountCell.addChild("#", Integer.toString(subscribedBoard.messageCount())); HTMLNode unsubscribeForm = addFormChild( unsubscribeCell, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/SelectBoards" + "#" + board.getName(), "Unsubscribe"); unsubscribeForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()}); unsubscribeForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "BoardName", board.getName()}); unsubscribeForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] { "submit", "Unsubscribe", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTable.UnsubscribeButton") }); } catch (NoSuchBoardException e) { // We are not subscribed to that board so we cannot fill all cells with information. nameCell.addChild( new HTMLNode("a", "href", NotFetchedMessagesPage.getURI(board), board.getName())); latestMessageCell.addChild("#", "-"); messageCountCell.addChild( "#", l10n().getString("Common.EstimationPrefix") + " " + messageManager.getDownloadableMessageCount(board)); HTMLNode subscribeForm = addFormChild( subscribeCell, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/SelectBoards" + "#" + board.getName(), "Subscribe"); subscribeForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "OwnIdentityID", mOwnIdentity.getID()}); subscribeForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "BoardName", board.getName()}); subscribeForm.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] { "submit", "Subscribe", l10n().getString("SelectBoardsPage.BoardTable.SubscribeButton") }); } } } }
/** Makes the list of Identities known by the tree owner. */ private void makeKnownIdentitiesList() { String nickFilter = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("nickfilter", 100).trim(); String sortBy = mRequest.isPartSet("sortby") ? mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("sortby", 100).trim() : "Nickname"; String sortType = mRequest.isPartSet("sorttype") ? mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("sorttype", 100).trim() : "Ascending"; int page = mRequest.isPartSet("page") ? Integer.parseInt( mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe( "page", Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE).length())) : 0; page = page - 1; // What we get passed is the user-friendly page number counting from 1, not 0. page = Math.max(0, page); // In case no page part was set, it would be -1 HTMLNode knownIdentitiesBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.Header")); knownIdentitiesBox = pr.addFormChild(knownIdentitiesBox, uri.toString(), "Filters").addChild("p"); knownIdentitiesBox.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "page", Integer.toString(page + 1)}); InfoboxNode filtersBoxNode = getContentBox(l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.Header")); { // Filters box knownIdentitiesBox.addChild(filtersBoxNode.outer); HTMLNode filtersBox = filtersBoxNode.content; filtersBox.addChild( "#", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.ShowOnlyNicksContaining") + " : "); filtersBox.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "size", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"text", "15", "nickfilter", nickFilter}); filtersBox.addChild( "#", " " + l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy") + " : "); HTMLNode option = filtersBox.addChild( "select", new String[] {"name", "id"}, new String[] {"sortby", "sortby"}); TreeMap<String, String> options = new TreeMap<String, String>(); options.put( SortBy.Edition.toString(), l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy.Edition")); options.put( SortBy.Nickname.toString(), l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy.Nickname")); options.put( SortBy.Score.toString(), l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy.Score")); options.put( SortBy.LocalTrust.toString(), l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy.LocalTrust")); for (String e : options.keySet()) { HTMLNode newOption = option.addChild("option", "value", e, options.get(e)); if (e.equals(sortBy)) { newOption.addAttribute("selected", "selected"); } } option = filtersBox.addChild( "select", new String[] {"name", "id"}, new String[] {"sorttype", "sorttype"}); options = new TreeMap<String, String>(); options.put( "Ascending", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy.Ascending")); options.put( "Descending", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy.Descending")); for (String e : options.keySet()) { HTMLNode newOption = option.addChild("option", "value", e, options.get(e)); if (e.equals(sortType)) { newOption.addAttribute("selected", "selected"); } } filtersBox.addChild( "input", new String[] {"type", "value"}, new String[] { "submit", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.FiltersAndSorting.SortIdentitiesBy.SubmitButton") }); } // Display the list of known identities HTMLNode identitiesTable = knownIdentitiesBox.addChild("table", "border", "0"); identitiesTable.addChild(getKnownIdentitiesListTableHeader()); WebOfTrust.SortOrder sortInstruction = WebOfTrust.SortOrder.valueOf("By" + sortBy + sortType); synchronized (mWebOfTrust) { long currentTime = CurrentTimeUTC.getInMillis(); int indexOfFirstIdentity = page * IDENTITIES_PER_PAGE; // Re-query it instead of using mLoggedInOwnIdentity because mLoggedInOwnIdentity is a // clone() and thus will not work with database queries on the WebOfTrust. // TODO: Performance: This can be removed once the TODO at // WebPageImpl.getLoggedInOwnIdentityFromHTTPSession() of not cloning the // OwnIdentity has been been resolved. final OwnIdentity ownId; try { ownId = mWebOfTrust.getOwnIdentityByID(mLoggedInOwnIdentity.getID()); } catch (UnknownIdentityException e) { new ErrorPage(mToadlet, mRequest, mContext, e).addToPage(this); return; } ObjectSet<Identity> allIdentities = mWebOfTrust.getAllIdentitiesFilteredAndSorted(ownId, nickFilter, sortInstruction); Iterator<Identity> identities; try { identities = allIdentities.listIterator(indexOfFirstIdentity); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // The user supplied a higher page index than there are pages. This can happen when the // user changes the search filters while not being on the first page. // We fall back to displaying the last page. // Notice: We intentionally do not prevent listIterator() from throwing by checking // the index for validity before calling listIterator(). This is because we would need // to call allIdentities.size() to check the index. This would force the database to // compute the full result set even though we only need the results up to the current // page if we are not on the last page. page = getPageCount(allIdentities.size()) - 1; indexOfFirstIdentity = page * IDENTITIES_PER_PAGE; // TODO: Performance: Don't re-query this from the database once the issue which caused // this workaround is fixed: https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=6646 allIdentities = mWebOfTrust.getAllIdentitiesFilteredAndSorted(ownId, nickFilter, sortInstruction); identities = allIdentities.listIterator(indexOfFirstIdentity); } for (int displayed = 0; displayed < IDENTITIES_PER_PAGE && identities.hasNext(); ++displayed) { final Identity id = identities.next(); if (id == ownId) continue; HTMLNode row = identitiesTable.addChild("tr"); // NickName HTMLNode nameLink = row.addChild( "td", new String[] {"title", "style"}, new String[] {id.getRequestURI().toString(), "cursor: help;"}) .addChild("a", "href", IdentityPage.getURI(mWebInterface, id.getID()).toString()); String nickName = id.getNickname(); if (nickName != null) { nameLink.addChild("#", nickName + "@" + id.getID().substring(0, 5) + "..."); } else nameLink .addChild("span", "class", "alert-error") .addChild( "#", l10n() .getString( "KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.Table.NicknameNotDownloadedYet")); // Added date row.addChild( "td", CommonWebUtils.formatTimeDelta(currentTime - id.getAddedDate().getTime(), l10n())); // Last fetched date Date lastFetched = id.getLastFetchedDate(); if (!lastFetched.equals(new Date(0))) row.addChild( "td", CommonWebUtils.formatTimeDelta(currentTime - lastFetched.getTime(), l10n())); else row.addChild("td", l10n().getString("Common.Never")); // Publish TrustList row.addChild( "td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}, id.doesPublishTrustList() ? l10n().getString("Common.Yes") : l10n().getString("Common.No")); // Score try { final Score score = mWebOfTrust.getScore(ownId, id); final int scoreValue = score.getScore(); final int rank = score.getRank(); row.addChild( "td", new String[] {"align", "style"}, new String[] { "center", "background-color:" + KnownIdentitiesPage.getTrustColor(scoreValue) + ";" }, Integer.toString(scoreValue) + " (" + (rank != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? rank : l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.Table.InfiniteRank")) + ")"); } catch (NotInTrustTreeException e) { // This only happen with identities added manually by the user row.addChild("td", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.Table.NoScore")); } // Own Trust row.addChild(getReceivedTrustCell(ownId, id)); // Checkbox row.addChild(getSetTrustCell(id)); // Nb Trusters // TODO: Do a direct link to the received-trusts part of the linked page HTMLNode trustersCell = row.addChild("td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}); trustersCell.addChild( new HTMLNode( "a", "href", IdentityPage.getURI(mWebInterface, id.getID()).toString(), Long.toString(mWebOfTrust.getReceivedTrusts(id).size()))); // Nb Trustees // TODO: Do a direct link to the given-trusts part of the linked page HTMLNode trusteesCell = row.addChild("td", new String[] {"align"}, new String[] {"center"}); trusteesCell.addChild( new HTMLNode( "a", "href", IdentityPage.getURI(mWebInterface, id.getID()).toString(), Long.toString(mWebOfTrust.getGivenTrusts(id).size()))); // TODO: Show in advanced mode only once someone finally fixes the "Switch to advanced mode" // link on FProxy to work on ALL pages. row.addChild("td", "align", "center", Long.toString(id.getEdition())); row.addChild("td", "align", "center", Long.toString(id.getLatestEditionHint())); } identitiesTable.addChild(getKnownIdentitiesListTableHeader()); knownIdentitiesBox.addChild(getKnownIdentitiesListPageLinks(page, allIdentities.size())); } }
@Override public void make(final boolean mayWrite) { if (mLoggedInOwnIdentity.isRestoreInProgress()) { makeRestoreInProgressWarning(); return; } final boolean addIdentity = mRequest.isPartSet("AddIdentity"); if (mayWrite && addIdentity) { try { mWebOfTrust.addIdentity(mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("IdentityURI", 1024)); HTMLNode successBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.Success.Header")); successBox.addChild("#", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.Success.Text")); } catch (Exception e) { addErrorBox(l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.Failed"), e); } } if (mayWrite && mRequest.isPartSet("SetTrust")) { for (String part : mRequest.getParts()) { if (!part.startsWith("SetTrustOf")) continue; final String trusteeID; final String value; final String comment; try { if (addIdentity) { // Add a single identity and set its trust value trusteeID = IdentityID.constructAndValidateFromURI( new FreenetURI(mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("IdentityURI", 1024))) .toString(); value = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("Value", 4).trim(); comment = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("Comment", Trust.MAX_TRUST_COMMENT_LENGTH + 1); } else { // Change multiple trust values via the known-identities-list trusteeID = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe(part, 128); value = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("Value" + trusteeID, 4).trim(); comment = mRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe( "Comment" + trusteeID, Trust.MAX_TRUST_COMMENT_LENGTH + 1); } if (value.equals("")) mWebOfTrust.removeTrust(mLoggedInOwnIdentity.getID(), trusteeID); else { mWebOfTrust.setTrust( mLoggedInOwnIdentity.getID(), trusteeID, Byte.parseByte(value), comment); } if (addIdentity && (value.equals("") || Byte.parseByte(value) < 0)) { addErrorBox( l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.NoTrustWarning.Header"), l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.AddIdentity.NoTrustWarning.Text")); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { addErrorBox( l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.SetTrust.Failed"), l10n().getString("Trust.InvalidValue")); } catch (InvalidParameterException e) { addErrorBox(l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.SetTrust.Failed"), e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { addErrorBox(l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.SetTrust.Failed"), e); } } } makeKnownIdentitiesList(); makeAddIdentityForm(); // Put this after makeKnownIdentitiesList() so clicking through pages of // the known identities list doesn't involve scrolling. }
private HTMLNode getKnownIdentitiesListTableHeader() { HTMLNode row = new HTMLNode("tr"); row.addChild( "th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.Nickname")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.Added")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.Fetched")); row.addChild( "th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.PublishesTrustlist")); row.addChild( "th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.ScoreAndRank")); row.addChild( "th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.TrustAndComment")); row.addChild("th") .addChild( new HTMLNode( "input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] { "submit", "SetTrust", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.Table.UpdateTrustButton") })); row.addChild( "th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.Trusters")); row.addChild( "th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.Trustees")); row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.Edition")); row.addChild( "th", l10n().getString("KnownIdentitiesPage.KnownIdentities.TableHeader.EditionHint")); return row; }