コード例 #1
   * Return the list of found directories
   * @param u
   * @param regex
   * @param container
   * @return
  public static List<Directory> searchDirectories(
      User u, String regex, Directory container, boolean recursive, SortType sort) {
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    ArrayList<Directory> directories = new ArrayList<Directory>();

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));
    query.put("name", new BasicDBObject("$regex", regex));
    if (recursive) query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", "^" + container.getInnerPath()));
    else query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", "^" + container.getInnerPath() + "$"));

    FindIterable<Document> results = collection.find(query);

    // Sort
    // No sort from mongodb

    for (Document d : results) {
      directories.add(new Directory(d));

    // Sort (not handled by mongodb)
    switch (sort) {
      case NAME_ASC:
            new Comparator<Directory>() {
              public int compare(Directory d1, Directory d2) {
                return String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(d1.name, d2.name);
      case NAME_DSC:
            new Comparator<Directory>() {
              public int compare(Directory d1, Directory d2) {
                return String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(d2.name, d1.name);
    return directories;
コード例 #2
   * Update a directory name
   * @param u The owner
   * @param UID The UID
  public static void updateDirectoryDate(User u, String UID) {
    if (UID == null) return; // Nothing to update

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    Date now = new Date();

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));
    query.put("_id", new ObjectId(UID));

    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("edit", now));

    collection.updateOne(query, update);
コード例 #3
   * Get the directories contained in a sub-directory
   * @param u The owner of the directory
   * @param dir The container directory
   * @return The directories contained
  public static Directory[] getDirectoriesContained(User u, Directory dir) {

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    ArrayList<Directory> directories = new ArrayList<Directory>();

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();

    if (dir.name == null) query.put("path", "/");
    else query.put("path", dir.path + dir.name + "/");
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    for (Document d : collection.find(query)) {
      directories.add(new Directory(d));

    return directories.toArray(new Directory[0]);
コード例 #4
   * Get a directory by its ID for the current user
   * @param u The owner of the directory
   * @param id The directory ID
   * @return The directory, or null if none could be found
  public static Directory getDirectory(User u, String id) {

    if (id == null) {
      return new Directory(); // Root directory
    } else {
      MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");

      BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
      query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));
      query.put("_id", new ObjectId(id));

      Document d = collection.find(query).first();

      if (d == null) return null;
      else return new Directory(d);
コード例 #5
   * Create a directory
   * @param u The owner
   * @param path The path
   * @param name The name
   * @return The newly created directory
  public static Directory createDirectory(User u, Directory parent, String name) {

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    Document newDir = new Document();
    Date now = new Date();

    newDir.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));
    newDir.put("name", name);
    newDir.put("path", parent.name != null ? parent.path + parent.name + "/" : "/");
    newDir.put("creation", now);
    newDir.put("edit", now);
    newDir.put("parent", parent.UID != null ? new ObjectId(parent.UID) : null);

    updateDirectoryDate(u, parent);

    return new Directory(newDir);
コード例 #6
   * Delete a directory
   * @param u The owner
   * @param path The path
   * @param name The name
   * @return The newly created directory
  public static Directory deleteDirectory(User u, Directory d) {

    if (d.name == null) // Root can't be deleted
    return d;

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));
    query.put("name", d.name);
    query.put("path", d.path);

    if (collection.deleteOne(query).wasAcknowledged()) {
      updateDirectoryDate(u, d.parentUID);
      return getDirectoryParent(u, d);
    } else {
      return null;
コード例 #7
   * Get a directory by its path for the current user
   * @param u The owner of the directory
   * @param path The path
   * @param name The name
   * @return The directory, or null if none could be found
  public static Directory getDirectory(User u, List<String> path, String name) {

    if (name == null) {
      return new Directory(); // Root directory
    } else {
      MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");

      BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
      query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));
      query.put("name", name);

      if (path.isEmpty()) {
        query.put("path", "/");
      } else {
        String pathRegex = "^/" + String.join("/", path) + "/$";
        query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));

      Document d = collection.find(query).first();

      if (d == null) return null;
      else return new Directory(d);
コード例 #8
   * Move a directory
   * @param u
   * @param d
   * @param newContainer
   * @return
  public static Directory moveDirectory(User u, Directory d, Directory newContainer) {

    if (d.UID == null) return d;

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    MongoCollection<Document> collectionFiles = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("files.files");
    Date now = new Date();

    // Change path
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("_id", new ObjectId(d.UID));
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    String oldPath = d.path;
    String newPath = newContainer.name == null ? "/" : newContainer.path + newContainer.name + "/";

    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("path", newPath).append("edit", now));

    collection.updateOne(query, update);

    // Update paths
    query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    if (d.getPathList().size() > 0) {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + String.join("/", d.getPathList()) + "/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));
    } else {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));

    // Update directories
    for (Document doc : collection.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject dirQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      dirQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collection.updateOne(dirQuery, update);

    // Update files
    for (Document doc : collectionFiles.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject fileQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      fileQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collectionFiles.updateOne(fileQuery, update);

    updateDirectoryDate(u, newContainer);

    // Update local version
    d.path = newPath;

    return d;
コード例 #9
   * Rename a directory
   * @param u The owner
   * @param d The directory
   * @param newName The new name
   * @return The renamed directory
  public static Directory renameDirectory(User u, Directory d, String newName) {

    if (d.name == null) // Root can't be renamed
    return d;

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    MongoCollection<Document> collectionFiles = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("files.files");
    Date now = new Date();
    String newPath = d.path + newName;
    String oldPath = d.path + d.name;

    // Change name
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("_id", new ObjectId(d.UID));
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("name", newName).append("edit", now));

    collection.updateOne(query, update);

    // Update paths
    query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    if (d.getPathList().size() > 0) {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + String.join("/", d.getPathList()) + "/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));
    } else {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));

    // Update directories
    for (Document doc : collection.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject dirQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      dirQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collection.updateOne(dirQuery, update);

    // Update files
    for (Document doc : collectionFiles.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject fileQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      fileQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collectionFiles.updateOne(fileQuery, update);

    // Return the modified element
    d.name = newName;
    return d;