/** * Transforms an EDGE request into a simple SPARQL query pushed to the remote producer. Results * are returned through standard web services protocol. * * @param gNode graph variable if it exists, null otherwise * @param from "from named <g>" list * @param qEdge edge searched for * @param env query execution context (current variable values, etc.) * @return an iterator over graph entities */ @Override public Iterable<Entity> getEdges(Node gNode, List<Node> from, Edge qEdge, Environment env) { // si gNode != null et from non vide, alors "from named" // si gNode == null et from non vide alors "from" String query = getSparqlQuery(qEdge, env); Graph resGraph = Graph.create(); Graph g = Graph.create(); StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); sw.start(); InputStream is = null; try { QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(resGraph); if (query != null) { Mappings map = exec.query(query); // logger.info("Received results in " + sw.getTime()); String sparqlRes = RDFFormat.create(map).toString(); // System.out.println(XMLFormat.create(map)); if (sparqlRes != null) { Load l = Load.create(g); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(sparqlRes.getBytes()); l.load(is); // logger.info("Results (cardinality " + g.size() + ") merged in " + // sw.getTime() + " ms."); } } } catch (LoadException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (EngineException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // for (Iterator<Entity> it = g.getEdges().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // Edge e = (Edge) it.next(); // System.out.println(e); // } // return g.getEdges(); }
public ContextBuilder(String path) { g = Graph.create(); Load ld = Load.create(g); try { ld.loadWE(path); } catch (LoadException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ContextBuilder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
/** * Dans le cas des chemins * * @param gNode * @param from * @param qEdge * @param env ne pas prendre en compte l'env dans le calcul des chemins * @param exp * @param src l'ensemble des * @param start noeud courant * @param index sens du parcours * @return */ @Override public Iterable<Entity> getEdges( Node gNode, List<Node> from, Edge qEdge, Environment env, Regex exp, Node src, Node start, int index) { Graph resGraph = Graph.create(); return resGraph.getEdges(); }
@Test public void rdfsEntailQuery() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, IOException { Graph gRes = Graph.create(false); QueryProcessDQP exec = QueryProcessDQP.create(gRes); exec.addRemote(new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/kgram/sparql"), WSImplem.REST); StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); sw.start(); Mappings res = exec.query(sparqlEntailQueryPerson); System.out.println("--------"); System.out.println("Results in " + sw.getTime() + "ms"); System.out.println(res); assertEquals(17, res.size()); }
@Test public void localEntailments() throws EngineException { Graph localGraph = Graph.create(true); Load ld = Load.create(localGraph); ld.load(humanData.getAbsolutePath()); ld.load(humanOnt.getAbsolutePath()); QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(localGraph); StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); sw.start(); Mappings res = exec.query(sparqlEntailQueryPerson); System.out.println("--------"); System.out.println("Results in " + sw.getTime() + "ms"); System.out.println(res); assertEquals(17, res.size()); }