コード例 #1
  void addSubtopicSubscribers(
      Subtopic subtopic, Message message, Set<Object> ids, boolean evalSelector) {
    // If we have a subtopic, we need to route the message only to that
    // subset of subscribers.
    if (!destination.getServerSettings().getAllowSubtopics()) {
      // Throw an error - the destination doesn't allow subtopics.
      ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
          SUBTOPICS_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] {subtopic.getValue(), destination.getId()});
      throw se;

    // Give a MessagingAdapter a chance to block the send to this subtopic.
    ServiceAdapter adapter = destination.getAdapter();
    if (adapter instanceof MessagingSecurity) {
      if (!((MessagingSecurity) adapter).allowSend(subtopic)) {
        ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
        se.setMessage(10558, new Object[] {subtopic.getValue()});
        throw se;

    TopicSubscription ts;
    if (subscribersPerSubtopic.containsKey(subtopic)) {
      ts = subscribersPerSubtopic.get(subtopic);
      addTopicSubscribers(ts, message, ids, evalSelector);

     * TODO: performance - organize these into a tree so we can find consumers via
     * a hashtable lookup rather than a linear search
    Set<Subtopic> subtopics = subscribersPerSubtopicWildcard.keySet();
    if (!subtopics.isEmpty()) {
      for (Subtopic st : subtopics) {
        if (st.matches(subtopic)) {
          ts = subscribersPerSubtopicWildcard.get(st);
          addTopicSubscribers(ts, message, ids, evalSelector);
コード例 #2
   * Add a subscriber.
   * @param clientId the client id
   * @param selector the selector
   * @param subtopicString the subtopic
   * @param endpointId the endpoint
   * @param maxFrequency maximum frequency
  public void addSubscriber(
      Object clientId,
      String selector,
      String subtopicString,
      String endpointId,
      int maxFrequency) {
    Subtopic subtopic = getSubtopic(subtopicString);
    MessageClient client = null;
    TopicSubscription topicSub;
    Map<Object, MessageClient> subs;
    Map<Subtopic, TopicSubscription> map;

    try {
      // Handle resubscribes from the same client and duplicate subscribes from different clients
      boolean subscriptionAlreadyExists = (getSubscriber(clientId) != null);
      client = getMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);

      FlexClient flexClient = FlexContext.getFlexClient();
      if (subscriptionAlreadyExists) {
        // Block duplicate subscriptions from multiple FlexClients if they
        // attempt to use the same clientId.  (when this is called from a remote
        // subscription, there won't be a flex client so skip this test).
        if (flexClient != null && !flexClient.getId().equals(client.getFlexClient().getId())) {
          ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
          se.setMessage(10559, new Object[] {clientId});
          throw se;

        // It's a resubscribe. Reset the endpoint push state for the subscription to make sure its
        // current
        // because a resubscribe could be arriving over a new endpoint or a new session.

      ServiceAdapter adapter = destination.getAdapter();

      if (subtopic == null) {
        topicSub = globalSubscribers;
      } else {
        if (!destination.getServerSettings().getAllowSubtopics()) {
          // Throw an error - the destination doesn't allow subtopics.
          ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
              SUBTOPICS_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] {subtopicString, destination.getId()});
          throw se;

        if (subtopic.containsSubtopicWildcard()
            && destination.getServerSettings().isDisallowWildcardSubtopics()) {
          // Attempt to subscribe to the subtopic, ''{0}'', on destination, ''{1}'', that does not
          // allow wilcard subtopics failed.
          ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
              WILDCARD_SUBTOPICS_NOT_ALLOWED, new Object[] {subtopicString, destination.getId()});
          throw se;

        // Give a MessagingAdapter a chance to block the subscribe.
        if ((adapter instanceof MessagingSecurity) && (subtopic != null)) {
          if (!((MessagingSecurity) adapter).allowSubscribe(subtopic)) {
            ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
            se.setMessage(10557, new Object[] {subtopicString});
            throw se;

         * If there is a wildcard, we always need to match that subscription
         * against the producer.  If it has no wildcard, we can do a quick
         * lookup to find the subscribers.
        if (subtopic.containsSubtopicWildcard()) map = subscribersPerSubtopicWildcard;
        else map = subscribersPerSubtopic;

        synchronized (this) {
          topicSub = map.get(subtopic);
          if (topicSub == null) {
            topicSub = new TopicSubscription();
            map.put(subtopic, topicSub);

      /* Subscribing with no selector */
      if (selector == null) {
        subs = topicSub.defaultSubscriptions;
        if (subs == null) {
          synchronized (this) {
            if ((subs = topicSub.defaultSubscriptions) == null)
              topicSub.defaultSubscriptions = subs = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, MessageClient>();
      /* Subscribing with a selector - store all subscriptions under the selector key */
      else {
        synchronized (this) {
          if (topicSub.selectorSubscriptions == null)
            topicSub.selectorSubscriptions =
                new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<Object, MessageClient>>();

        subs = topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.get(selector);
        if (subs == null) {
          synchronized (this) {
            if ((subs = topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.get(selector)) == null)
                  selector, subs = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, MessageClient>());

      if (subs.containsKey(clientId)) {
        /* I'd rather this be an error but in 2.0 we allowed this without error */
        if (Log.isWarn())
                  "Client: "
                      + clientId
                      + " already subscribed to: "
                      + destination.getId()
                      + " selector: "
                      + selector
                      + " subtopic: "
                      + subtopicString);
      } else {
        client.addSubscription(selector, subtopicString, maxFrequency);
        synchronized (this) {
           * Make sure other members of the cluster know that we are subscribed to
           * this info if we are in server-to-server mode
           * This has to be done in the synchronized section so that we properly
           * order subscribe and unsubscribe messages for our peers so their
           * subscription state matches the one in the local server.
          if (subs.isEmpty()
              && destination.isClustered()
              && destination.getServerSettings().getRoutingMode() == RoutingMode.SERVER_TO_SERVER)
            sendSubscriptionToPeer(true, selector, subtopicString);
          subs.put(clientId, client);
            client); // local operation, timeouts on remote host are not started until failover

        // Finally, if a new MessageClient was created, notify its created
        // listeners now that MessageClient's subscription state is setup.
        if (!subscriptionAlreadyExists) client.notifyCreatedListeners();
    } finally {