コード例 #1
 private double[] mutate(CMAParamSet params, double[] x, double[][] range, int count) {
   int dim = range.length;
   if (!Mathematics.isInRange(params.meanX, range)) { // TODO Im not sure why this can happen...
     System.err.println("Error in MutateESRankMuCMA.mutate !");
     Mathematics.projectToRange(params.meanX, range);
   //		System.out.println("--- In mutate!");
   if (params != null && (params.firstAdaptionDone)) {
     double[] sampl = new double[dim]; // generate scaled random vector (D * z)
     for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
       sampl[i] = Math.sqrt(params.eigenvalues[i]) * RNG.gaussianDouble(1.);
       if (Double.isNaN(sampl[i])) sampl[i] = 0;
     //			System.out.println("Sampling around " + BeanInspector.toString(meanX));
     /* add mutation (sigma * B * (D*z)) */
     addMutationStep(params, x, sampl);
     int cnt = 0;
     while (!Mathematics.isInRange(x, range)) {
       //			     % You may handle constraints here. You may either resample
       //			    % arz(:,k) and/or multiply it with a factor between -1 and 1
       //			    % (the latter will decrease the overall step size) and
       //			    % recalculate arx accordingly. Do not change arx or arz in any
       //			    % other way.
       // multiply sampl by a no in [-1,1] and try again
       double r; // actually we use [-1,-0.5] or [0.5, 1]
       if (cnt > 10 * x.length) {
         // well... lets give it up. Probably the meanX is close to the bounds in several
         // dimensions
         // which is unlikely to be solved by random sampling.
         //					if (!Mathematics.isInRange(params.meanX, range)) {
         //						System.err.println("Error in MutateESRankMuCMA.mutate !"); break;
         //					}
         r = 0;
       } else {
         r = RNG.randomDouble(-0.5, 0.5);
         if (Math.abs(r) < 0.5) r += Math.signum(r) * 0.5; // r is in [-1,-0.5] or [0.5,1]
       //				System.out.println("Reducing step by " + r + " for " +
       // BeanInspector.toString(params.meanX));
       Mathematics.svMult(r, sampl, sampl);
       addMutationStep(params, x, sampl);
   } else {
     if (params == null) {
           "Error in MutateESRankMuCMA: parameter set was null! Skipping mutation...");
     } // no valid meanX yet, so just do a gaussian jump with sigma
     for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
       x[i] += RNG.gaussianDouble(getSigma(params, i));
   if (!Mathematics.isInRange(params.meanX, range)) {
     System.err.println("Error B in MutateESRankMuCMA.mutate !");
   if (TRACE_1) System.out.println("mutated indy: " + BeanInspector.toString(x));
   return x;
コード例 #2
  * To be called from Matlab giving the result of the question.
  * @param y
 public void setAnswer(double[] y) {
   //		logMPAndSysOut("Synch requesting B setAnswer " + getState());
   synchronized (requesting) {
     //			logMPAndSysOut("In Synch requesting B setAnswer " + getState());
     if (!requesting) {
       String msg = "Error: not in requesting state when answer arrived!!";
     //			System.err.println("answer is " + BeanInspector.toString(y));
     if (y == null) {
       System.err.println("Error: Matlab function returned null array - this is bad.");
       System.err.println("X-value was " + BeanInspector.toString(getQuestion()));
     answer = y;
     requesting = false; // answer is finished, break request loop
     logMP("-- setAnswer: " + BeanInspector.toString(y) + ", req state is " + requesting + "\n");
   //		logMPAndSysOut("Synch requesting B done " + getState());
コード例 #3
 public String getState() {
   return "ID: "
       + runID
       + ", qu: "
       + BeanInspector.toString(question)
       + " quit,fin,req "
       + quit
       + ","
       + fin
       + ","
       + requesting;
コード例 #4
   * Perform the main adaption of sigma and C using evolution paths. The evolution path is deduced
   * from the center of the selected population compared to the old mean value. See Hansen&Kern 04
   * for further information.
   * @param oldGen
   * @param selectedP
  public void adaptAfterSelection(Population oldGen, Population selectedP) {
    Population selectedSorted =
        selectedP.getSortedBestFirst(new AbstractEAIndividualComparator(-1));

    int mu, lambda;
    mu = selectedP.size();
    lambda = oldGen.size();
    int generation = oldGen.getGeneration();
    if (mu >= lambda) {
      // try to override by oldGen additional data:
      if (oldGen.hasData(EvolutionStrategies.esMuParam))
        mu = (Integer) oldGen.getData(EvolutionStrategies.esMuParam);
      if (oldGen.hasData(EvolutionStrategies.esLambdaParam))
        lambda = (Integer) oldGen.getData(EvolutionStrategies.esLambdaParam);
    if (mu >= lambda) {
      mu = Math.max(1, lambda / 2);
          "Warning: invalid mu/lambda ratio! Setting mu to lambda/2 = "
              + mu
              + ", lambda = "
              + lambda);
    CMAParamSet params;
    if (oldGen.getGeneration()
        <= 1) { // init new param set. At gen < 1 we shouldnt be called, but better do it once too
                // often
      if (oldGen.hasData(cmaParamsKey))
        params =
                (CMAParamSet) oldGen.getData(cmaParamsKey),
      else params = CMAParamSet.initCMAParams(mu, lambda, oldGen, getInitSigma(oldGen));
    } else {
      if (!oldGen.hasData(cmaParamsKey)) {
        if (oldGen.getGeneration() > 1)
          EVAERROR.errorMsgOnce("Error: population lost cma parameters. Incompatible optimizer?");
        params = CMAParamSet.initCMAParams(mu, lambda, oldGen, getInitSigma(oldGen));
      } else params = (CMAParamSet) oldGen.getData(cmaParamsKey);

    if (lambda == 1
        && (oldGen.size() == 1)
        && (selectedP.size() == 1)
        && (oldGen.getEAIndividual(0).equals(selectedP.getEAIndividual(0)))) {
      // nothing really happened, so do not adapt and just store default params
      lastParams = (CMAParamSet) params.clone();
      oldGen.putData(cmaParamsKey, params);
      selectedP.putData(cmaParamsKey, params);

    if (TRACE_1) {
      System.out.println("WCMA adaptGenerational **********");
      //			System.out.println("newPop measures: " +
      // BeanInspector.toString(newPop.getPopulationMeasures()));
      System.out.println("mu_eff: " + CMAParamSet.getMuEff(params.weights, mu));

    double[] newMeanX = calcMeanX(params.weights, selectedSorted);
    if (TRACE_1) System.out.println("newMeanX:  " + BeanInspector.toString(newMeanX));

    int dim = params.meanX.length;
    double[] BDz = new double[dim];
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
        /* calculate xmean and BDz~N(0,C) */
      // Eq. 4 from HK04, most right term
      BDz[i] =
          Math.sqrt(CMAParamSet.getMuEff(params.weights, mu))
              * (newMeanX[i] - params.meanX[i])
              / getSigma(params, i);
    //        if (TRACE_2) System.out.println("BDz is " + BeanInspector.toString(BDz));

    double[] newPathS = params.pathS.clone();
    double[] newPathC = params.pathC.clone();

    double[] zVect = new double[dim];
    /* calculate z := D^(-1) * B^(-1) * BDz into artmp, we could have stored z instead */
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
      double sum = 0.;
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
        sum += params.mB.get(j, i) * BDz[j]; // times B transposed, (Eq 4) in HK04
      if (params.eigenvalues[i] < 0) {
            "Warning: negative eigenvalue in MutateESRankMuCMA! (possibly multiple cases)");
        zVect[i] = 0;
      } else {
        zVect[i] = sum / Math.sqrt(params.eigenvalues[i]);
        if (!checkValidDouble(zVect[i])) {
          System.err.println("Error, infinite zVect entry!");
          zVect[i] = 0; // TODO MK

    /* cumulation for sigma (ps) using B*z */
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
      double sum = 0.;
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; ++j) sum += params.mB.get(i, j) * zVect[j];
      newPathS[i] =
          (1. - params.c_sig) * params.pathS[i]
              + Math.sqrt(params.c_sig * (2. - params.c_sig)) * sum;
      if (!checkValidDouble(newPathS[i])) {
        System.err.println("Error, infinite pathS!");
    //		System.out.println("pathS diff: " + BeanInspector.toString(Mathematics.vvSub(newPathS,
    // pathS)));
    //		System.out.println("newPathS is " + BeanInspector.toString(newPathS));

    double psNorm = Mathematics.norm(newPathS);

    double hsig = 0;
    if (psNorm / Math.sqrt(1. - Math.pow(1. - params.c_sig, 2. * generation)) / expRandStepLen
        < 1.4 + 2. / (dim + 1.)) {
      hsig = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
      newPathC[i] =
          (1. - getCc()) * params.pathC[i] + hsig * Math.sqrt(getCc() * (2. - getCc())) * BDz[i];

    // TODO missing: "remove momentum in ps"

    if (TRACE_1) {
      System.out.println("newPathC: " + BeanInspector.toString(newPathC));
      System.out.println("newPathS: " + BeanInspector.toString(newPathS));

    if (TRACE_1) System.out.println("Bef: C is \n" + params.mC.toString());
    if (params.meanX == null) params.meanX = newMeanX;

    updateCov(params, newPathC, newMeanX, hsig, mu, selectedSorted);

    if (TRACE_2) System.out.println("Aft: C is " + params.mC.toString());

    /* update of sigma */
    double sigFact = Math.exp(((psNorm / expRandStepLen) - 1) * params.c_sig / params.d_sig);
    if (Double.isInfinite(sigFact))
      params.sigma *= 10.; // in larger search spaces sigma tends to explode after init.
    else params.sigma *= sigFact;

    if (!testAndCorrectNumerics(params, generation, selectedSorted)) {
      // parameter seemingly exploded...
      params =
              ((InterfaceDataTypeDouble) oldGen.getEAIndividual(0)).getDoubleRange(),

    if (TRACE_1) {
      System.out.println("sigma=" + params.sigma);
      System.out.print("psLen=" + (psNorm) + " ");
      outputParams(params, mu);

    // take over data
    params.meanX = newMeanX;
    params.pathC = newPathC;
    params.pathS = newPathS;
    params.firstAdaptionDone = true;

    lastParams = (CMAParamSet) params.clone();
    oldGen.putData(cmaParamsKey, params);
    selectedP.putData(cmaParamsKey, params);
    //		if (TRACE_2) System.out.println("sampling around " + BeanInspector.toString(meanX));
コード例 #5
 double[] getAnswer() {
   logMP("-- mediator delivering " + BeanInspector.toString(answer) + "\n");
   return answer;
コード例 #6
  * To be called from Matlab.
  * @return
 public Object getQuestion() {
   logMP("-- Question: " + BeanInspector.toString(question) + "\n");
   return question;