   * return a set of rules based on this CharGer file. All Rules are different from each other. If
   * the LHS of the file contains a lemma with multiple choices, like "lemma1/lemma2/lemma3...",
   * then one rule is created per lemma option otherwise, naturally, one rule is created
  public List<RuleWithConfidenceAndDescription<Info, BasicNode>> makeRules(File file)
      throws EntailmentCompilationException {
    // first add all the rules into a set, to eliminate duplicates. Then put 'em in  a list
    Set<RuleWithConfidenceAndDescription<Info, BasicNode>> setOfRulesWithCD =
        new LinkedHashSet<RuleWithConfidenceAndDescription<Info, BasicNode>>();
    String description = RuleCompilerUtils.getDescription(file);

    String origText;
    try {
      origText = FileUtils.loadFileToString(file);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new EntailmentCompilationException("error reading " + file, e);
    try {
      List<String> expandedTexts =
          CgxMultipleChoiceExpander.expandMultipleChoiceParameters(origText, null);

      for (String text : expandedTexts) {
            new RuleWithConfidenceAndDescription<Info, BasicNode>(
                cgxRuleCompiler.makeRule(text), Constants.RULE_CONFIDENCE, description));

      EntailmentRuleBuildingUtils.addReversedRules(setOfRulesWithCD, expandedTexts.get(0));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EntailmentCompilationException("Error in file " + file, e);

    List<RuleWithConfidenceAndDescription<Info, BasicNode>> rulesWithCD =
        new Vector<RuleWithConfidenceAndDescription<Info, BasicNode>>(setOfRulesWithCD);
    return rulesWithCD;
  * @return the map, re-loaded from the file.
  * @throws IOException
 public synchronized ValueSetMap<String, String> getMap() {
   long currentTimeInSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
   if (currentTimeInSeconds - lastLoadTimeInSeconds > minimumSecondsBetweenLoads) {
     try {
       this.map =
               FileUtils.loadFileOrUrlToList(this.file), this.separator);
       lastLoadTimeInSeconds = currentTimeInSeconds;
     } catch (IOException e) {
       // If there was an IO exception while reading the file, then we cannot re-read the file,
       // 	so we just use the existing file.
   return this.map;