private boolean calculateVolumes() { int x, y; double z, z2; double dVolumePos = 0; double dVolumeNeg = 0; double dVolume = 0; double dDif; final double dArea = m_LowerGrid.getWindowCellSize() * m_LowerGrid.getWindowCellSize(); for (y = 0; (y < m_iNY) && setProgress(y, m_iNY); y++) { for (x = 0; x < m_iNX; x++) { z = m_LowerGrid.getCellValueAsDouble(x, y); z2 = m_UpperGrid.getCellValueAsDouble(x, y); if (!m_LowerGrid.isNoDataValue(z) && !m_UpperGrid.isNoDataValue(z2)) { dDif = (z2 - z); dVolume += Math.abs(dDif); if (dDif > 0) { dVolumePos += dDif; } else { dVolumeNeg += -dDif; } } } } if (m_Task.isCanceled()) { return false; } else { dVolume *= dArea; dVolumePos *= dArea; dVolumeNeg *= dArea; final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.##"); final HTMLDoc doc = new HTMLDoc();"Volumes")); doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText("Volumes"), 2); doc.startUnorderedList(); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Volume_+") + df.format(dVolumePos)); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Volume_-") + df.format(dVolumeNeg)); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Total_volume") + df.format(dVolume)); doc.close(); addOutputText(VOL, Sextante.getText("Volume"), doc.getHTMLCode()); return true; } }
/** * Returns the help associated with a given geoalgorithm as a html-formatted string * * @param alg the geoalgorithm * @param sFilename the filename where help for the passed algorithm is stored * @return a html-formatted string with help for the given algorithm */ public static String getHelpAsHTMLCode(final GeoAlgorithm alg, final String sFilename) { HelpElement element; final ArrayList list = open(sFilename); HashMap elements; final String sPath = "file:///" + sFilename.substring(0, sFilename.lastIndexOf(File.separator)) + File.separator; if (list != null) { elements = createMap(list); } else { elements = new HashMap(); } final HTMLDoc doc = new HTMLDoc();; doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText(alg.getName()), 1); doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText("Description"), 2); element = (HelpElement) elements.get("DESCRIPTION"); if (element != null) { doc.addParagraph(element.getTextAsFormattedHTML()); for (int j = 0; j < element.getImages().size(); j++) { final ImageAndDescription iad = (ImageAndDescription) element.getImages().get(j); doc.addImageAndDescription(sPath + iad.getFilename(), iad.getDescription()); } } doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText("Parameters"), 2); final ParametersSet params = alg.getParameters(); doc.startUnorderedList(); for (int i = 0; i < params.getNumberOfParameters(); i++) { final Parameter param = params.getParameter(i); String sParam = param.getParameterDescription(); sParam = "<b>" + sParam + "[" + getParameterTypeName(param) + "]: </b>"; element = (HelpElement) elements.get(param.getParameterName()); if (element != null) { sParam = sParam + element.getTextAsFormattedHTML(); } doc.addListElement(sParam); if (element != null) { for (int j = 0; j < element.getImages().size(); j++) { final ImageAndDescription iad = (ImageAndDescription) element.getImages().get(j); doc.addImageAndDescription(sPath + iad.getFilename(), iad.getDescription()); } } } doc.closeUnorderedList(); doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText("Outputs"), 2); element = (HelpElement) elements.get("OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION"); if (element != null) { doc.addParagraph(element.getTextAsFormattedHTML()); for (int j = 0; j < element.getImages().size(); j++) { final ImageAndDescription iad = (ImageAndDescription) element.getImages().get(j); doc.addImageAndDescription(sPath + iad.getFilename(), iad.getDescription()); } } doc.startUnorderedList(); final OutputObjectsSet oo = alg.getOutputObjects(); String sOutputType = ""; for (int i = 0; i < oo.getOutputObjectsCount(); i++) { final Output out = oo.getOutput(i); String sOutput = out.getDescription(); if (out instanceof OutputRasterLayer) { sOutputType = Sextante.getText("Raster_Layer"); } else if (out instanceof Output3DRasterLayer) { sOutputType = Sextante.getText("3D_Raster_layer"); } else if (out instanceof OutputVectorLayer) { sOutputType = Sextante.getText("Vector_Layer"); final OutputVectorLayer ovl = (OutputVectorLayer) out; switch (ovl.getShapeType()) { case OutputVectorLayer.SHAPE_TYPE_UNDEFINED: default: sOutputType = sOutputType + " - " + Sextante.getText("Any_type"); break; case OutputVectorLayer.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE: sOutputType = sOutputType + " - " + Sextante.getText("Line"); break; case OutputVectorLayer.SHAPE_TYPE_POLYGON: sOutputType = sOutputType + " - " + Sextante.getText("Polygon"); break; case OutputVectorLayer.SHAPE_TYPE_POINT: sOutputType = sOutputType + " - " + Sextante.getText("Point"); break; } } else if (out instanceof OutputTable) { sOutputType = Sextante.getText("Table"); } else if (out instanceof OutputChart) { sOutputType = Sextante.getText("graph-chart"); } else if (out instanceof OutputText) { sOutputType = Sextante.getText("Text"); } else if (out instanceof OutputNumericalValue) { sOutputType = Sextante.getText("Numerical_value"); } sOutput = "<b>" + sOutput + "[" + sOutputType + "]: </b>"; element = (HelpElement) elements.get(out.getName()); if (element != null) { sOutput = sOutput + element.getTextAsFormattedHTML(); } doc.addListElement(sOutput); if (element != null) { for (int j = 0; j < element.getImages().size(); j++) { final ImageAndDescription iad = (ImageAndDescription) element.getImages().get(j); doc.addImageAndDescription(sPath + iad.getFilename(), iad.getDescription()); } } } doc.closeUnorderedList(); doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText("Additional_information"), 2); element = (HelpElement) elements.get("ADDITIONAL_INFO"); if (element != null) { doc.addParagraph(element.getTextAsFormattedHTML()); for (int j = 0; j < element.getImages().size(); j++) { final ImageAndDescription iad = (ImageAndDescription) element.getImages().get(j); doc.addImageAndDescription(sPath + iad.getFilename(), iad.getDescription()); } } doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText("Command_line"), 2); String sText = alg.getCommandLineHelp(); sText = sText.replaceAll("\n", "<br>"); sText = sText.replace(" ", "   "); doc.addCourierText(sText); doc.addParagraph(""); element = (HelpElement) elements.get("EXTENSION_AUTHOR"); if (element != null) { doc.addParagraph( "<i>" + Sextante.getText("Algorithm_created_by") + " " + element.getText() + "</i>"); for (int j = 0; j < element.getImages().size(); j++) { final ImageAndDescription iad = (ImageAndDescription) element.getImages().get(j); doc.addImageAndDescription(sPath + iad.getFilename(), iad.getDescription()); } } element = (HelpElement) elements.get("HELP_AUTHOR"); if (element != null) { doc.addParagraph( "<i>" + Sextante.getText("Help_file_created_by") + " " + element.getText() + "</i>"); for (int j = 0; j < element.getImages().size(); j++) { final ImageAndDescription iad = (ImageAndDescription) element.getImages().get(j); doc.addImageAndDescription(sPath + iad.getFilename(), iad.getDescription()); } } doc.close(); return doc.getHTMLCode(); }
private void createResults() throws GeoAlgorithmExecutionException { int i, j; int iPt; int iID = 1; double dMin; double dDist; DemandPoint dpt; Coordinate pt = null; LineString line; final Coordinate coords[] = new Coordinate[2]; final Object values[] = new Object[8]; String sOfferName = null; final String[] sNames = { Sextante.getText("ID"), Sextante.getText("Demand_point"), Sextante.getText("X_demand"), Sextante.getText("Y_demand"), Sextante.getText("Resource"), Sextante.getText("X_resource"), Sextante.getText("Y_resource"), Sextante.getText("Distance") }; final Class[] types = { Integer.class, String.class, Double.class, Double.class, String.class, Double.class, Double.class, Double.class }; final SimpleStats stats = new SimpleStats(); final IVectorLayer spiderWebLayer = getNewVectorLayer( SPIDER, Sextante.getText("Conexions"), IVectorLayer.SHAPE_TYPE_LINE, types, sNames); final IVectorLayer newPoints = getNewVectorLayer( NEWLOCATIONS, Sextante.getText("Result"), IVectorLayer.SHAPE_TYPE_POINT, new Class[] {Integer.class}, new String[] {"ID"}); final GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(); for (i = 0; i < m_Demand.size(); i++) { dpt = (DemandPoint) m_Demand.get(i); dMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (j = 0; j < m_iOffer; j++) { if (m_dDist[i][j] < dMin) { dMin = m_dDist[i][j]; pt = (Coordinate) m_Offer.get(j); sOfferName = Sextante.getText("Preexistent") + Integer.toString(j); } } for (j = 0; j < m_iBestSolution.length; j++) { iPt = m_iBestSolution[j]; if (m_dDist[i][iPt + m_iOffer] < dMin) { dMin = m_dDist[i][iPt + m_iOffer]; pt = (Coordinate) m_Candidates.get(iPt); sOfferName = Sextante.getText("Candidate") + Integer.toString(iPt); } } stats.addValue(dMin); coords[0] = pt; coords[1] = new Coordinate(dpt.x, dpt.y); line = gf.createLineString(coords); values[0] = new Integer(iID++); values[1] = Integer.toString(i); values[2] = new Double(dpt.x); values[3] = new Double(dpt.y); values[4] = sOfferName; values[5] = new Double(pt.x); values[6] = new Double(pt.y); dDist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pt.x - dpt.x, 2) + Math.pow(pt.y - dpt.y, 2)); values[7] = new Double(dDist); spiderWebLayer.addFeature(line, values); } for (j = 0; j < m_iBestSolution.length; j++) { iPt = m_iBestSolution[j]; final Coordinate solutionPt = (Coordinate) m_Candidates.get(iPt); newPoints.addFeature(gf.createPoint(solutionPt), new Object[] {new Integer(j + 1)}); } final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##.###"); final HTMLDoc doc = new HTMLDoc();"Result")); doc.addHeader(Sextante.getText("Statistics_of_global_solution"), 2); doc.startUnorderedList(); doc.addListElement( Sextante.getText("Objective_function") + ": " + df.format(Math.abs(m_dObjective))); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Mean_distance") + ": " + df.format(stats.getMean())); doc.addListElement( Sextante.getText("Mean_squared_distance") + ": " + df.format(stats.getRMS())); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Min_distance") + ": " + df.format(stats.getMin())); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Maximum_distance") + ": " + df.format(stats.getMax())); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Variance") + ": " + df.format(stats.getVariance())); doc.addListElement(Sextante.getText("Sum_of_distances") + ": " + df.format(stats.getSum())); doc.addListElement( Sextante.getText("Coefficient_of_variation") + ": " + df.format(stats.getCoeffOfVar())); doc.closeUnorderedList(); doc.close(); addOutputText(RESULT, Sextante.getText("Statistics"), doc.getHTMLCode()); addOutputNumericalValue(OBJ_FUNCTION_VALUE, m_dObjective); addOutputNumericalValue(MEAN_DIST, stats.getMean()); addOutputNumericalValue(MEAN_SQUARED_DISTANCE, stats.getRMS()); addOutputNumericalValue(MIN_DISTANCE, stats.getMin()); addOutputNumericalValue(MAX_DISTANCE, stats.getMax()); addOutputNumericalValue(VARIANCE, stats.getVariance()); addOutputNumericalValue(SUM_OF_DISTANCES, stats.getSum()); addOutputNumericalValue(COEFF_OF_VARIATION, stats.getMean()); }