public double getRPM() { if (Timer.getFPGATimestamp() > RPMUpdatePeriod + encoderMarkTime) { double encoderCPS = (enc.get() - encoderMarkCounts) / (Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - encoderMarkTime); encoderRPM = (encoderCPS * 60) / 16; encoderMarkCounts = enc.get(); encoderMarkTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); } return encoderRPM; }
/** * Sets the speed higher or lower (by 0.05) depending on V Bus. * * @param speed - The speed of the shooter from the V Bus. */ public void setSpeedReliablyVBus(double speed) { double currentSpeed = speed; double startTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); setSpeed(currentSpeed); while (Math.abs(getCurrentMotorSpeedInRPM() - speed * SHOOTER_ENCODER_MAXSPEED) < 150.0) { if (getCurrentMotorSpeedInRPM() - speed * SHOOTER_ENCODER_MAXSPEED > 0.0) { currentSpeed -= 0.05; } else { currentSpeed += 0.05; } setSpeed(currentSpeed); if (Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - startTime > 2000.0) { return; } } }
public class I2CGyro { private I2C gyro = new I2C(I2C.Port.kOnboard, 0x68); private double degrees = 0; private double timerStart = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); public I2CGyro() { gyro.write(0x6B, 0x03); // Power gyro.write(0x1A, 0x18); // Basic Config gyro.write(0x1B, 0x00); // Gyro Config } public void Init() { timerStart = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); degrees = 0.0; } public double getDegrees() { double timerDelta = Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - timerStart; byte[] angle = new byte[1];, 1, angle); double rotation = (angle[0] * timerDelta) * 2; degrees += rotation; return -degrees; } }
public TargetFinder() { System.out.println("TargetFinder() begin " + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); cam = AxisCamera.getInstance(); cam.writeResolution(AxisCamera.ResolutionT.k320x240); cam.writeBrightness(camBrightness); cam.writeColorLevel(camColor); cam.writeWhiteBalance(camWhiteBalance); cam.writeExposureControl(camExposure); cam.writeMaxFPS(15); cam.writeExposurePriority(AxisCamera.ExposurePriorityT.none); cam.writeCompression(50); // System.out.println("TargetFinder() * " + cam.toString() + "[" + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); boxCriteria = new CriteriaCollection(); inertiaCriteria = new CriteriaCollection(); boxCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, 30, bboxWidthMin, false); boxCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_HEIGHT, 40, bboxHeightMin, false); inertiaCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_NORM_MOMENT_OF_INERTIA_XX, 0, inertiaXMin, true); inertiaCriteria.addCriteria( NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_NORM_MOMENT_OF_INERTIA_YY, 0, inertiaYMin, true); Timer.delay(7); }
// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute() protected boolean isFinished() { if (timeFinal <= Timer.getFPGATimestamp()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
@Override public void update(Object param) { int reading; try { reading = mGyroInterface.getReading(); } catch (GyroInterface.GyroException e) { System.out.println("Gyro read failed: " + e.getMessage()); return; } GyroInterface.StatusFlag status = GyroInterface.extractStatus(reading); List<GyroInterface.ErrorFlag> errors = GyroInterface.extractErrors(reading); if (GyroInterface.StatusFlag.VALID_DATA != status || !errors.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "Gyro read failed. Status: " + status + ". Errors: " + Util.joinStrings(", ", errors)); return; } if (mRemainingStartupCycles > 0) { mRemainingStartupCycles--; return; } if (mVolatileShouldReZero) { mVolatileShouldReZero = false; mVolatileHasData = false; mIsZerod = false; } double unbiasedAngleRate = GyroInterface.extractAngleRate(reading); mZeroRateSamples[mZeroRateSampleIndex] = unbiasedAngleRate; mZeroRateSampleIndex++; if (mZeroRateSampleIndex >= K_ZEROING_SAMPLES) { mZeroRateSampleIndex = 0; mHasEnoughZeroingSamples = true; } if (!mIsZerod) { if (!mHasEnoughZeroingSamples) { return; } mZeroBias = 0; for (Double sample : mZeroRateSamples) { mZeroBias += sample / K_ZEROING_SAMPLES; } mAngle = 0; mVolatileAngle = 0; GyroThread.this.reset(); mIsZerod = true; return; } double now = edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); double timeElapsed = mLastTime == 0 ? 1.0 / K_READING_RATE : now - mLastTime; mLastTime = now; mVolatileRate = unbiasedAngleRate - mZeroBias; mAngle += mVolatileRate * timeElapsed; mVolatileAngle = mAngle; mVolatileHasData = true; }
protected void updateYawHistory(float curr_yaw) { if (next_yaw_history_index >= YAW_HISTORY_LENGTH) { next_yaw_history_index = 0; } yaw_history[next_yaw_history_index] = curr_yaw; last_update_time = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); next_yaw_history_index++; }
public void updateAcel() { double timestamp = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); double deltaTime = timestamp - lastTimestamp; acceleration = new Vector2(xFilter.pidGet(), yFilter.pidGet()); velocity = Vector2.add( velocity, Vector2.rotate(Vector2.scale(acceleration, deltaTime), -getHeading())); position = Vector2.add(position, Vector2.scale(velocity, deltaTime)); lastTimestamp = timestamp; }
public double getDegrees() { double timerDelta = Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - timerStart; byte[] angle = new byte[1];, 1, angle); double rotation = (angle[0] * timerDelta) * 2; degrees += rotation; return -degrees; }
public void tankDrive(Joystick left, Joystick right) { if (left.getRawButton(1)) { if (turbo == false) { startTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); turbo = true; } else if (Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - startTime < 0.25) { drive.tankDrive( left.getY() / (2 - 4 * (Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - startTime)), right.getY() / (2 - 4 * (Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - startTime))); // System.out.println("start: " + startTime + " time: " + Timer.getFPGATimestamp() + " // scale: " + (2 - 4*(startTime - Timer.getFPGATimestamp()))); } else { drive.tankDrive(left, right); } } else { turbo = false; drive.tankDrive(left.getY() / 2, right.getY() / 2); } }
public void run() { SmartDashboard.putString("Status", "Started"); double lastTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); double time = lastTime; double deltaTime; while (!Thread.interrupted()) { time = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); deltaTime = time - lastTime; acceleration = new Vector2(xFilter.pidGet(), yFilter.pidGet()); velocity = Vector2.add(velocity, Vector2.scale(acceleration, deltaTime)); position = Vector2.add(position, Vector2.rotate(Vector2.scale(velocity, deltaTime), -getHeading())); lastTime = time; try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } } }
// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute() protected boolean isFinished() { /* if(Robot.globalVariables.STACKOUT==false){ return true; } else{ return false; }*/ if ((startTime + 3) <= Timer.getFPGATimestamp()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public void calibrateAcel() { double avgX = 0; double avgY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < calibrationSamples; i++) { avgX += acel.getX(); avgY += acel.getY(); Timer.delay(0.005); // calibrationSampleRate / 1000.0); } avgX /= calibrationSamples; avgY /= calibrationSamples; acelBias = new Vector2(avgX, avgY); lastTimestamp = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); // SmartDashboard.putNumber("X Bias", acelBias.x); // SmartDashboard.putNumber("Y Bias", acelBias.y); }
/** * Constructs a PID Thread. Each PID thread is an implementation of the Runnable interface. PID * Threads can be created or stopped anytime, and can also be enabled/disabled ("Paused") when not * in use. To use a PID Thread, you'll need 3 PID-specific objects - 2 PIDSubsystems and a * PIDCommand. PIDSubsystem and PIDCommand are interfaces that your subsystems and commands should * implement if they are to use PID. If you're looking for more information about how PID works, * please refer to this introductory piece: * * @param kP - the Proportional parameter * @param kI - the integral parameter * @param kD - the derivative parameter * @param tolerance - error considered 0 if error within +- this value * @param dt - thread refresh rate (5ms recommended) * @param marker - VERY IMPORTANT - each new PID thread must have its own PID marker (0 through 3 * reserved for PID Drive) */ public PIDThread(double kP, double kI, double kD, double tolerance, long dt, int marker) { this.kP = kP; this.kI = kI; this.kD = kP; this.tolerance = tolerance; this.setpoint = 0; this.currentMeasurement = 0; this.PIDinput = null; this.PIDOutput = null; this.PIDSetpoint = null; this.dt = dt; this.marker = marker; enabled = true; previous = (long) Timer.getFPGATimestamp() * Math.pow(10, -3); current = 0; dtMeasured = 0; }
public void run() { while (m_run) { if (m_raspberryPi.isEnabled()) { // Checks for Thread to run if (m_raspberryPi.isConnected()) { report = true; try { String[] data = m_raspberryPi.tokenizeData(m_raspberryPi.getRawData()); // Get and examine Data time = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); if (data.length < 2) { // Error Check report = false; } else { try { distance = Integer.parseInt(data[3]); // Get data offset = Integer.parseInt(data[0]); report = true; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { report = false; } } } catch (IOException ex) { report = false; } DataKeeper.setReport(m_connected); if (report) { // Store Data in DataKeeper DataKeeper.setDistance(distance); DataKeeper.setOffset(offset); DataKeeper.setTime(time); } } else { try { m_raspberryPi.connect(); } catch (IOException ex) { m_connected = false; DataKeeper.setReport(m_connected); } } } try { Thread.sleep(375); // Wait half second before getting Data again } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } }
/** Called when the thread the PIDThread is passed into is started (myThread.start()) */ public void run() { // TODO add sensor failure detection to abort loop and return to manual/variable voltage control while (true) { // skip PID if the thread is disabled if (enabled) { current = (long) Timer.getFPGATimestamp() * Math.pow(10, -3); dtMeasured = (long) (current - previous); if (dtMeasured == 0) { dtMeasured = 5; } // Core PID Code follows: // setpoint get the setpoint from the PIDSetpoint passed in (use this thread's marker) // currentMeasurement gets the current reading from the PIDinput (use this thread's marker) setpoint = PIDSetpoint.getPIDSetpoint(marker); currentMeasurement = PIDinput.getPIDSource(marker); // PID Calculation (includes tolerance adjustment) double error = (setpoint) - (currentMeasurement); error = toleranceAdjustment(error); integral = integral + (error * dtMeasured); double derivative = (error - previousError) / dtMeasured; output = (kP * error) + (kI * integral) + (kD * derivative); previousError = error; // set the PIDoutput to the generated output (again, use the specific marker to prevent // cross-thread data transmission, ex. left front encoder reading used in right front PID) PIDOutput.setPIDOutput(output, marker); PIDSetpoint.updateError(error, marker); previous = current; } // if PID disabled, just set output to 0 and 0 integral. // IMPORTANT - if switching to manual control, implement a "disregard all data" catch in the // setPIDOutput() method of your PIDOutput object to prevent 0 movement from actuator. else { PIDOutput.setPIDOutput(0.0, marker); integral = 0; } // thread frequency adjustment. catch statement can also be used to trigger events try { Thread.sleep(dt); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("PIDThread #" + marker + "interupted"); } } }
// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute() protected boolean isFinished() { // if auto drive has been overridden, this command completes if ( { System.out.println("Auto Turn STOPPED"); return true; } if ((Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - startTime) > COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { System.out.println("ArmShoulderMoveToAngle.isFinished(); - COMMAND_TIMEOUT"); return true; } return true; // // if(Math.abs((Robot.navigation.getHeading() - targetHeading)%360) < HEADING_TOLERANCE) // { // return true; // } // else // { // return false; // } }
public boolean processImage() { boolean debugWriteImages = true; boolean success = cam.freshImage(); if (success) { try { System.out.println("In Try loop"); ColorImage im = cam.getImage(); System.out.println("Got image"); if (debugWriteImages) { im.write("image1.jpg"); System.out.println("Wrote color image"); } BinaryImage thresholdIm = im.thresholdRGB(redLow, redHigh, greenLow, greenHigh, blueLow, blueHigh); if (debugWriteImages) { thresholdIm.write("image2.jpg"); System.err.println("Wrote Threshold Image"); } BinaryImage filteredBoxIm = thresholdIm.particleFilter(boxCriteria); ParticleAnalysisReport[] xparticles = filteredBoxIm.getOrderedParticleAnalysisReports(); System.out.println(xparticles.length + " particles at " + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); BinaryImage filteredInertiaIm = filteredBoxIm.particleFilter(inertiaCriteria); ParticleAnalysisReport[] particles = filteredInertiaIm.getOrderedParticleAnalysisReports(); System.out.println(particles.length + " particles at " + Timer.getFPGATimestamp()); // Loop through targets, find highest one. // Targets aren't found yet. highTarget = Target.NullTarget; target1 = Target.NullTarget; target2 = Target.NullTarget; target3 = Target.NullTarget; target4 = Target.NullTarget; System.out.println("Targets created"); double minY = IMAGE_HEIGHT; // Minimum y <-> higher in image. for (int i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { Target t = new Target(i, particles[i]); if (t.ratio > ratioMin && t.ratio < ratioMax) { addTarget(t); if (t.centerY <= minY) { highTarget = t; } } System.out.println( "Target " + i + ": (" + t.centerX + "," + t.centerY + ") Distance: " + getDistance(t)); } System.out.println("Best target: " + highTarget.index); System.out.println("Distance to the target: " + getDistance(highTarget)); if (debugWriteImages) { filteredBoxIm.write("image3.jpg"); filteredInertiaIm.write("image4.jpg"); System.out.println("Wrote Images"); } // Free memory from images.;;;; } catch (AxisCameraException ex) { System.out.println("Axis Camera Exception Gotten" + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (NIVisionException ex) { System.out.println("NIVision Exception Gotten - " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } return success; }
public void Init() { timerStart = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); degrees = 0.0; }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() {;; System.out.println("AutoDriveTurnToHeading.initialize()"); startTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); }
@Override protected boolean isFinished() { return startTime + time < Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); }
@Override protected void initialize() { startTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); }
// Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { timeFinal = Timer.getFPGATimestamp() + seconds; }
public void teleopPeriodic() { /*SmartDashboard.getNumber("Accel x: ", accel.getX()); SmartDashboard.getNumber("Accel Y: ", accel.getY()); SmartDashboard.getNumber("Accel Z: ", accel.getZ());*/ if (controller.isEnabled()) { if (((Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - timerStart) > timeToCancel) || controller.onTarget()) { controller.disable(); timerStart = -1; timeToCancel = -1; } } if (j1.getRawButton(2)) { enc.reset(); controller.setSetpoint(120); // destination 24 inches -> NO!! Trying to figure out this value timerStart = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); timeToCancel = 10; // timeout after 10 seconds controller.enable(); } else if (j1.getRawButton( 1)) { // this button stops the robot if the button 2 command goes crazy controller.disable(); timerStart = -1; timeToCancel = -1; } else { // if time out or distance, end controller.disable(); timerStart = -1; timeToCancel = -1; } if (!controller.isEnabled()) { rd.arcadeDrive(-j1.getY(), -j1.getX()); // normal arcade drive } if (j2.getRawAxis(2) != 0) { // set shooter values to the left trigger value shooter.set(-j2.getRawAxis(2)); shooter2.set(-j2.getRawAxis(2)); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Shooter: ", shooter.get()); } else { // stop shooter shooter.set(0); shooter2.set(0); } /*if(j2.getRawButton(8)){ //runs intake, waits, runs shooter shooter.set(-1); intake.set(.5); Timer.delay(.50); intake.set(0); Timer.delay(1.5); intake.set(-1); Timer.delay(1); shooter.set(0); intake.set(0); }*/ // Need to mess around with sensitivity of light sensor if (j2.getRawAxis(3) != 0 && !light.get()) { // run intake at speed of right trigger intake.set(-1 * j2.getRawAxis(3)); } else if (j2.getRawButton(5) && !light.get()) { // run intake into robot intake.set(-1); } else if (j2.getRawButton(6)) { // run intake out of robot intake.set(1); } else { // stop intake intake.set(0); } if (j2.getRawButton(2)) { // lift intake inup.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kForward); inup2.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kForward); } else if (j2.getRawButton(3)) { // drop intake inup.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kReverse); inup2.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kReverse); } else { // solenoids off inup.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kOff); inup2.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kOff); } // reading values SmartDashboard.putNumber("Encoder Dist: ", enc.getDistance()); // Distance is in inches SmartDashboard.putNumber("Encoder: ", enc.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Encoder Rate: ", enc.getRate()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Gyro: ", gyro.getAngle()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Encoder Raw", enc.getRaw()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Controller: ", controller.getSetpoint()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Light Sensor: ", light.get()); }
public void run() { stop = false; boolean stream_response_received = false; double last_valid_packet_time = 0.0; int partial_binary_packet_count = 0; int stream_response_receive_count = 0; int timeout_count = 0; int discarded_bytes_count = 0; int port_reset_count = 0; double last_stream_command_sent_timestamp = 0.0; int updates_in_last_second = 0; double last_second_start_time = 0; try { serial_port.setReadBufferSize(512); serial_port.setTimeout(1.0); serial_port.enableTermination('\n'); serial_port.flush(); serial_port.reset(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } IMUProtocol.StreamResponse response = new IMUProtocol.StreamResponse(); byte[] stream_command = new byte[256]; int cmd_packet_length = IMUProtocol.encodeStreamCommand(stream_command, update_type, update_rate_hz); try { serial_port.reset(); serial_port.write(stream_command, cmd_packet_length); serial_port.flush(); port_reset_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6_PortResets", (double)port_reset_count); last_stream_command_sent_timestamp = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } while (!stop) { try { // Wait, with delays to conserve CPU resources, until // bytes have arrived. while (!stop && (serial_port.getBytesReceived() < 1)) { Timer.delay(1.0 / update_rate_hz); } int packets_received = 0; byte[] received_data =; int bytes_read = received_data.length; if (bytes_read > 0) { byte_count += bytes_read; int i = 0; // Scan the buffer looking for valid packets while (i < bytes_read) { // Attempt to decode a packet int bytes_remaining = bytes_read - i; if (received_data[i] != IMUProtocol.PACKET_START_CHAR) { /* Skip over received bytes until a packet start is detected. */ i++; discarded_bytes_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Discarded Bytes", (double)discarded_bytes_count); continue; } else { if ((bytes_remaining > 2) && (received_data[i + 1] == (byte) '#')) { /* Binary packet received; next byte is packet length-2 */ byte total_expected_binary_data_bytes = received_data[i + 2]; total_expected_binary_data_bytes += 2; while (bytes_remaining < total_expected_binary_data_bytes) { /* This binary packet contains an embedded */ /* end-of-line character. Continue to receive */ /* more data until entire packet is received. */ byte[] additional_received_data =; byte_count += additional_received_data.length; bytes_remaining += additional_received_data.length; /* Resize array to hold existing and new data */ byte[] c = new byte[received_data.length + additional_received_data.length]; if (c.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(received_data, 0, c, 0, received_data.length); System.arraycopy( additional_received_data, 0, c, received_data.length, additional_received_data.length); received_data = c; } else { /* Timeout waiting for remainder of binary packet */ i++; bytes_remaining--; partial_binary_packet_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Partial Binary Packets", // (double)partial_binary_packet_count); continue; } } } } int packet_length = decodePacketHandler(received_data, i, bytes_remaining); if (packet_length > 0) { packets_received++; update_count++; last_valid_packet_time = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); updates_in_last_second++; if ((last_valid_packet_time - last_second_start_time) > 1.0) { // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 UpdatesPerSec", (double)updates_in_last_second); updates_in_last_second = 0; last_second_start_time = last_valid_packet_time; } i += packet_length; } else { packet_length = IMUProtocol.decodeStreamResponse(received_data, i, bytes_remaining, response); if (packet_length > 0) { packets_received++; setStreamResponse(response); stream_response_received = true; i += packet_length; stream_response_receive_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Stream Responses", // (double)stream_response_receive_count); } else { // current index is not the start of a valid packet; increment i++; } } } if ((packets_received == 0) && (bytes_read == 256)) { // Workaround for issue found in SerialPort implementation: // No packets received and 256 bytes received; this // condition occurs in the SerialPort. In this case, // reset the serial port. serial_port.reset(); port_reset_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6_PortResets", (double)port_reset_count); } // If a stream configuration response has not been received within three seconds // of operation, (re)send a stream configuration request if (!stream_response_received && ((Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - last_stream_command_sent_timestamp) > 3.0)) { cmd_packet_length = IMUProtocol.encodeStreamCommand(stream_command, update_type, update_rate_hz); try { last_stream_command_sent_timestamp = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); serial_port.write(stream_command, cmd_packet_length); serial_port.flush(); } catch (RuntimeException ex2) { ex2.printStackTrace(); } } else { // If no bytes remain in the buffer, and not awaiting a response, sleep a bit if (stream_response_received && (serial_port.getBytesReceived() == 0)) { Timer.delay(1.0 / update_rate_hz); } } /* If receiving data, but no valid packets have been received in the last second */ /* the navX MXP may have been reset, but no exception has been detected. */ /* In this case , trigger transmission of a new stream_command, to ensure the */ /* streaming packet type is configured correctly. */ if ((Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - last_valid_packet_time) > 1.0) { stream_response_received = false; } } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // This exception typically indicates a Timeout stream_response_received = false; timeout_count++; // SmartDashboard.putNumber("nav6 Serial Port Timeouts", (double)timeout_count); // SmartDashboard.putString("LastNavExceptionBacktrace",ex.getStackTrace().toString()); // SmartDashboard.putString("LastNavException", ex.getMessage() + "; " + ex.toString()); } } }
/** * Indicates whether the nav6 IMU is currently connected to the host computer. A connection is * considered established whenever a value update packet has been received from the nav6 IMU * within the last second. * * @return Returns true if a valid update has been received within the last second. */ public boolean isConnected() { double time_since_last_update = Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - this.last_update_time; return time_since_last_update <= 1.0; }