public void autoDrive() { double speed = 0; if (distPID.isEnable()) { speed = distPID.get(); } double turn = 0; if (turnPID.isEnable()) { turn = turnPID.get(); } if (speed > 0) {, turn); } else { if (turn > 0) { // turn right tankDrive(turn, -turn); } else if (turn < 0) { tankDrive(-turn, turn); } } SmartDashboard.putDouble("left pwm", leftJag.get()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("right pwm", rightJag.get()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("speed", RobotMap.roundtoTwo(speed)); SmartDashboard.putDouble("turn", RobotMap.roundtoTwo(turn)); SmartDashboard.putDouble("turn error", turnPID.getError()); // System.out.println("driving " + speed + " " + turn); }
public void updateSmartDashboard() { if (joystick_left.getRawButton(2) && dev_ < 100) { dev_++; } else if (joystick_left.getRawButton(3) && dev_ > 0) { dev_--; } SmartDashboard.putDouble("X", joystick_left.getX()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Y", joystick_left.getY()); // SmartDashboard.putDouble("Optical Sensor", Optical_Sensor.getVoltage()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Battery Voltage", DriverStation.getInstance().getBatteryVoltage()); SmartDashboard.putInt("dev_", dev_); SmartDashboard.putDouble( "Elevator Sensor Value (.getAverageVoltage())", this.elevator.ana_chana.getAverageVoltage()); String state = "ROBOT STATE INFORMATION:"; if (this.elevator.state == 0) { state = state + "\nElevator Stopped."; } if (this.elevator.state == 1) { state = state + "\nElevator Moving."; } if (this.elevator.state == 2) { state = state + "\nElevator E-Stopped."; } // state = state+"\nShooter Power Level (Raw): // "+this.shooter.calculateShooterSpeed(); // state = state+"\nShooter Power Level (Setting): "+this.shooter.shooterSpeedState; // if (this.integ.globalState==1){ // state = state+"\nMoving Shooter Up To Shoot."; // }if (this.integ.globalState==2){ // state = state+"\nShooting!"; // }if (this.integ.globalState2LOCK){ // state = state+"\nREALLY SHOOTING!."; // } state = state + "\nNumber Of Discs: " + this.elevator.numDiscs; state = state + "\n Louis + Bobni Are Amazing (Hiding This Message Is ILLEGAL! IT WILL STOP THE ROBOT!)"; SmartDashboard.putString("State", state); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Intake", this.intake.toggle.get()); }
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { // implement manual jog // double y = oi.getNESStick().getY(); if (Math.abs(y) > 0.1) { double val = - y * PITCH_JOG; if (val > MAX_PITCH) val = MAX_PITCH; if (val < MIN_PITCH) val = MIN_PITCH;; } double x = oi.getNESStick().getX(); if (Math.abs(x) > 0.1) { double val = + x * YAW_JOG; if (val > MAX_YAW) val = MAX_YAW; if (val < MIN_YAW) val = MIN_YAW;; } // preset positions // if (oi.getNESStick().getAButton().get()) this.setPosition(pFORWARD); else if (oi.getNESStick().getBButton().get()) this.setPosition(pDOWN); else if (oi.getNESStick().getStartButton().get()) this.setPosition(pDRIVE); SmartDashboard.putDouble("camera pitch",; SmartDashboard.putDouble("camera yaw",; }
public void operatorControl() { log("Teleop Called Once!"); resetError(1); resetError(2); this.elevator.resetState(); // try{ showUserMessages("TeleOp"); this.arm.state = 0; while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { // robotdrive.setSafetyEnabled(true); //In case the program were to stop, this stops the // motors from continuing to run. if (!Util.checkButton(this, Constants.robotdrive_break_button)) { // robotdrive.tankDrive(-doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getY()), // -doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_right.getY())); robotdrive.arcadeDrive( doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getY()), doRobotdriveScaling(joystick_left.getX())); } // x, y int := 0, 1; // if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(3)){ // this.test_CIM_1.set(driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); // }else{ // this.test_CIM_1.set(0-driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); // } // // if (driverstation.getDigitalIn(4)){ // this.test_CIM_2.set(driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); // }else{ // this.test_CIM_2.set(0-driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); // } updateSmartDashboard(); this.shooter.updateStates(this); this.shooterMotor.set(this.shooter.calculateShooterSpeed()); if (this.driverstation.getDigitalIn(4)) { this.armMotor.set(this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); } else { this.armMotor.set(-this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(3)); } this.arm.update(); if (this.arm.getArmSpeed() != 0D) { this.armMotor.set(this.arm.getArmSpeed()); } if (this.integ.doElevatorUpdate()) { this.elevator.update(); this.Elevator_motor.set(this.elevator.getElevatorSpeed()); } this.intake.update(); this.Intake_motor.set(this.intake.calculateIntakeSpeed()); if (this.intake.state == 1) { this.Elevator_intake_motor.set(0.6D); } else { this.Elevator_intake_motor.set(0D); } if (this.driverstation.getDigitalIn(3)) { this.pullDownJaguar.set(this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); } else { this.pullDownJaguar.set(-this.driverstation.getAnalogIn(2)); } this.integ.update(); SmartDashboardUpdater.updateSmartDashboard(this); if (Util.checkButton(this, 9)) { this.elevator.numDiscs = 0; } if (Util.checkButton(this, 8)) { this.elevator.state = 0; this.integ.state = 0; this.intake.state = 0; this.integ.elevator_out_roller.set(0d); this.arm.state = 0; } { try { SmartDashboard.putString("DEBUG*isConnected", "" + this.server.isConnected()); SmartDashboard.putString("DEBUG*isServer", "" + this.server.isServer()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("FPS~!", this.server.getNumber("FPS", -1d)); SmartDashboard.putDouble("NewDistance~!", this.server.getNumber("NewDistance", -1d)); // SmartDashboard.putString("NetworkTable Keys", this.server.); log("W0RK1NG!"); } catch (Exception be) { error("ERROR UPDATING SmartDashboard dtt STACK TRACE: " + be.getMessage(), 1); } } Timer.delay(0.005); // and make sure we dont overload the cRIO } // }catch (Exception be){ // error("ERROR IN TELEOP! STACKTRACE: \n "+be.getMessage(), 2); // } }
public void tankDrive(double left, double right) { drive.tankDrive(left, right); SmartDashboard.putDouble("left pwm", left); SmartDashboard.putDouble("right pwm", right); }
public void sendPeriodicData() { // SmartDashboard output stuff. SmartDashboard.putDouble("Force Sensor Value", CommandBase.elev.getPressure()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Yaw position", CommandBase.dt.yawGyro.getAngle()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Target1 X",; SmartDashboard.putDouble("Cam servo",; SmartDashboard.putDouble("Shooter rate", CommandBase.shooter.getRate()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("DT left", CommandBase.dt.getLeftPos()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("DT right", CommandBase.dt.getRightPos()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Cam pos",; SmartDashboard.putDouble("Shooter power", CommandBase.shooter.getPower()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Throttle", CommandBase.oi.getDriveThrottle()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Wheel", CommandBase.oi.getDriveWheel()); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Cam delta", CommandBase.oi.getCamDelta()); }