public static PreparedStatement prepareLoadByRegion(java.sql.Connection c) throws SQLException { String str = "select, s.type, s.version from bindingscan s where " + " in (select r.scan from bindingscanregion r where r. chromosome=? and " + "((r.startpos <= ? and r.stoppos >= ?) or (r.startpos >= ? and r.startpos <= ?)))"; return c.prepareStatement(str); }
public static PreparedStatement prepareLoadByLikeVersionType(java.sql.Connection c) throws SQLException { String query = "select id, type, version from " + "bindingscan where version like ? and type=?"; return c.prepareStatement(query); }
public static PreparedStatement prepareInsertExptStatement(java.sql.Connection c) throws SQLException { String str = "insert into bindingscanToExpt (scan, scanexpt, scantype) values (?, ?, ?)"; return c.prepareStatement(str); }
public static PreparedStatement prepareInsertRegionStatement(java.sql.Connection c) throws SQLException { String str = "insert into bindingscanregion (scan, chromosome, startpos, stoppos) values (?, ?, ?, ?)"; return c.prepareStatement(str); }
public static PreparedStatement prepareInsertParamStatement(java.sql.Connection c) throws SQLException { String str = "insert into bindingscanparam (scan, key, value) values (?, ?, ?)"; return c.prepareStatement(str); }
public static PreparedStatement prepareInsertStatement(java.sql.Connection c) throws SQLException { String str = "insert into bindingscan (id, type, version) values " + "(bindingscan_id.nextval, ?, ?)"; return c.prepareStatement(str); }