/** splits document 'doc' into sentences, adding 'sentence' annotations */ static void addSentences(Document doc) { SpecialZoner.findSpecialZones(doc); Vector<Annotation> textSegments = doc.annotationsOfType("TEXT"); if (textSegments == null) { System.out.println("No <TEXT> in document"); return; } for (Annotation ann : textSegments) { Span textSpan = ann.span(); // check document case Ace.monocase = Ace.allLowerCase(doc); // split into sentences SentenceSplitter.split(doc, textSpan); } Vector<Annotation> sentences = doc.annotationsOfType("sentence"); if (sentences != null) { int sentNo = 0; for (Annotation sentence : sentences) { sentNo++; sentence.put("ID", "SENT-" + sentNo); } } doc.removeAnnotationsOfType("dateline"); doc.removeAnnotationsOfType("textBreak"); doc.shrink("sentence"); }
/** * hides (adds the 'hidden' feature) to all annotations of type <I>type</I> beginning at the * starting position of span <I>span</I>. */ public static void hideAnnotations(Document doc, String type, Span span) { for (int posn = span.start(); posn < span.end(); posn++) { Vector annotations = doc.annotationsAt(posn, type); if (annotations != null) { for (int i = 0; i < annotations.size(); i++) { Annotation ann = (Annotation) annotations.elementAt(i); ann.put("hidden", "true"); // Console.println ("Hiding " + ann); } } } }
static void writeDoc1(Document doc, PrintStream out) throws IOException { Vector<Annotation> entities = doc.annotationsOfType("entity"); if (entities == null) { System.err.println("No Entity: " + doc); return; } Iterator<Annotation> entityIt = entities.iterator(); int i = 0; while (entityIt.hasNext()) { Annotation entity = entityIt.next(); Vector mentions = (Vector) entity.get("mentions"); Iterator mentionIt = mentions.iterator(); String nameType = (String) entity.get("nameType"); while (mentionIt.hasNext()) { Annotation mention1 = (Annotation) mentionIt.next(); Annotation mention2 = new Annotation("refobj", mention1.span(), new FeatureSet()); mention2.put("objid", Integer.toString(i)); if (nameType != null) { mention2.put("netype", nameType); } doc.addAnnotation(mention2); } i++; } // remove other annotations. String[] annotypes = doc.getAnnotationTypes(); for (i = 0; i < annotypes.length; i++) { String t = annotypes[i]; if (!(t.equals("tagger") || t.equals("refobj") || t.equals("ENAMEX"))) { doc.removeAnnotationsOfType(t); } } writeDocRaw(doc, out); return; }