public void testInvalidData() throws CSVFormatException, AddPatientFileException, FileNotFoundException { DAOFactory prodDAO = DAOFactory.getProductionInstance(); AuthDAO authDAO = prodDAO.getAuthDAO(); InputStream testFile = new FileInputStream(fileDirectory + "HCPPatientUploadInvalidData.csv"); AddPatientFileAction apfa = new AddPatientFileAction(testFile, null, 0); assertEquals(1, apfa.getPatients().size()); assertTrue(apfa.getErrors().hasErrors()); }
/** * The super class validates the patient id * * @param factory The DAOFactory used to create the DAOs for this action. * @param loggedInMID The MID of the user who is authorizing this action. * @param pidString The MID of the patient being edited. * @throws ITrustException */ public EditPatientAction(DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID, String pidString) throws ITrustException { super(factory, pidString); this.patientDAO = factory.getPatientDAO(); this.personnelDAO = factory.getPersonnelDAO(); this.authDAO = factory.getAuthDAO(); this.loggedInMID = loggedInMID; emailutil = new EmailUtil(factory); }
public void testInvalidHeader() throws CSVFormatException, AddPatientFileException, FileNotFoundException { DAOFactory prodDAO = DAOFactory.getProductionInstance(); AuthDAO authDAO = prodDAO.getAuthDAO(); InputStream testFile = new FileInputStream(fileDirectory + "HCPPatientUploadInvalidField.csv"); try { new AddPatientFileAction(testFile, null, 0); } catch (AddPatientFileException e) { return; } assertTrue(false); }
/** * Accepts the DAO factory and the CSV stream from the view and parses it. * * @param factory The DAO factory * @param loggedInMID The MID of the HCP * @param CSVStream The CSV stream uploaded by the user * @throws CSVFormatException * @throws AddPatientFileExceptionTest */ public AddPatientFileAction(InputStream CSVStream, DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID) throws CSVFormatException, AddPatientFileException { if (factory != null) { this.patientDAO = factory.getPatientDAO(); this.loggedInMID = loggedInMID; this.authDAO = factory.getAuthDAO(); } CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(CSVStream); CSVHeader = parser.getHeader(); CSVData = parser.getData(); errors = parser.getErrors(); buildMappings(CSVHeader); try { createPatients(); } catch (DBException e) { throw new AddPatientFileException("Database error while adding new patients!"); } }
/** * Sets up the defaults for the class * * @param factory factory for creating the defaults. * @param loggedInMID person currently logged in * @author Andy Meneely */ public AddERespAction(DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID) { this.personnelDAO = factory.getPersonnelDAO(); this.authDAO = factory.getAuthDAO(); this.transDAO = factory.getTransactionDAO(); this.loggedInMID = loggedInMID; }