コード例 #1
  public IndTestFisherZPercentIndependent(List<DataSet> dataSets, double alpha) {
    this.dataSets = dataSets;
    this.variables = dataSets.get(0).getVariables();

    data = new ArrayList<TetradMatrix>();

    for (DataSet dataSet : dataSets) {
      dataSet = DataUtils.center(dataSet);
      TetradMatrix _data = dataSet.getDoubleData();

    ncov = new ArrayList<TetradMatrix>();
    for (TetradMatrix d : this.data) ncov.add(d.transpose().times(d).scalarMult(1.0 / d.rows()));

    rows = new int[dataSets.get(0).getNumRows()];
    for (int i = 0; i < getRows().length; i++) getRows()[i] = i;

    variablesMap = new HashMap<Node, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); i++) {
      variablesMap.put(variables.get(i), i);

    this.recursivePartialCorrelation = new ArrayList<RecursivePartialCorrelation>();
    for (TetradMatrix covMatrix : ncov) {
      recursivePartialCorrelation.add(new RecursivePartialCorrelation(getVariables(), covMatrix));
コード例 #2
   * @return Returns the error covariance matrix of the model. i.e. [a][b] is the covariance of E_a
   *     and E_b, with [a][a] of course being the variance of E_a. THESE ARE NOT PARAMETERS OF THE
   *     MODEL; THEY ARE CALCULATED. Note that elements of this matrix may be Double.NaN; this
   *     indicates that these elements cannot be calculated.
  private TetradMatrix errCovar(Map<Node, Double> errorVariances) {
    List<Node> variableNodes = getVariableNodes();
    List<Node> errorNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();

    for (Node node : variableNodes) {

    TetradMatrix errorCovar = new TetradMatrix(errorVariances.size(), errorVariances.size());

    for (int index = 0; index < errorNodes.size(); index++) {
      Node error = errorNodes.get(index);
      double variance = getErrorVariance(error);
      errorCovar.set(index, index, variance);

    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < errorNodes.size(); index1++) {
      for (int index2 = 0; index2 < errorNodes.size(); index2++) {
        Node error1 = errorNodes.get(index1);
        Node error2 = errorNodes.get(index2);
        Edge edge = semGraph.getEdge(error1, error2);

        if (edge != null && Edges.isBidirectedEdge(edge)) {
          double covariance = getErrorCovariance(error1, error2);
          errorCovar.set(index1, index2, covariance);

    return errorCovar;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GesConcurrent.java プロジェクト: renjiey/tetrad
   * Calculates the sample likelihood and BIC score for i given its parents in a simple SEM model.
  private double localSemScore(int i, int[] parents) {
    try {
      ICovarianceMatrix cov = getCovMatrix();
      double varianceY = cov.getValue(i, i);
      double residualVariance = varianceY;
      int n = sampleSize();
      int p = parents.length;
      int k = (p * (p + 1)) / 2 + p;
      //            int k = (p + 1) * (p + 1);
      //            int k = p + 1;
      TetradMatrix covxx = cov.getSelection(parents, parents);
      TetradMatrix covxxInv = covxx.inverse();
      TetradVector covxy = cov.getSelection(parents, new int[] {i}).getColumn(0);
      TetradVector b = covxxInv.times(covxy);
      residualVariance -= covxy.dotProduct(b);

      if (residualVariance <= 0 && verbose) {
            "Nonpositive residual varianceY: resVar / varianceY = "
                + (residualVariance / varianceY));
        return Double.NaN;

      double c = getPenaltyDiscount();

      //            return -n * log(residualVariance) - 2 * k; //AIC
      return -n * Math.log(residualVariance) - c * k * Math.log(n);
      //            return -n * log(residualVariance) - c * k * (log(n) - log(2 * PI));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
      //            throwMinimalLinearDependentSet(parents, cov);
コード例 #4
  private TetradMatrix subMatrix(Node x, Node y, List<Node> z) {
    int dim = z.size() + 2;
    int[] indices = new int[dim];
    indices[0] = variables.indexOf(x);
    indices[1] = variables.indexOf(y);
    for (int k = 0; k < z.size(); k++) {
      indices[k + 2] = variables.indexOf(z.get(k));

    TetradMatrix submatrix = new TetradMatrix(dim, dim);

    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        int i1 = indices[i];
        int i2 = indices[j];
        submatrix.set(i, j, covMatrix.getDouble(i1, i2));
    return submatrix;
コード例 #5
  public boolean isIndependent(Node x, Node y, List<Node> z) {
    int[] all = new int[z.size() + 2];
    all[0] = variablesMap.get(x);
    all[1] = variablesMap.get(y);
    for (int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++) {
      all[i + 2] = variablesMap.get(z.get(i));

    int sampleSize = data.get(0).rows();
    List<Double> pValues = new ArrayList<Double>();

    for (int m = 0; m < ncov.size(); m++) {
      TetradMatrix _ncov = ncov.get(m).getSelection(all, all);
      TetradMatrix inv = _ncov.inverse();
      double r = -inv.get(0, 1) / sqrt(inv.get(0, 0) * inv.get(1, 1));

      double fisherZ =
          sqrt(sampleSize - z.size() - 3.0) * 0.5 * (Math.log(1.0 + r) - Math.log(1.0 - r));
      double pValue;

      if (Double.isInfinite(fisherZ)) {
        pValue = 0;
      } else {
        pValue = 2.0 * (1.0 - RandomUtil.getInstance().normalCdf(0, 1, abs(fisherZ)));


    double _cutoff = alpha;

    if (fdr) {
      _cutoff = StatUtils.fdrCutoff(alpha, pValues, false);

    int index = (int) round((1.0 - percent) * pValues.size());
    this.pValue = pValues.get(index);

    //        if (this.pValue == 0) {
    //            System.out.println("Zero pvalue "+ SearchLogUtils.independenceFactMsg(x, y, z,
    // getPValue()));
    //        }

    boolean independent = this.pValue > _cutoff;

    if (verbose) {
      if (independent) {
            .log("independencies", SearchLogUtils.independenceFactMsg(x, y, z, getPValue()));
        //            System.out.println(SearchLogUtils.independenceFactMsg(x, y, z, getPValue()));
      } else {
            .log("dependencies", SearchLogUtils.dependenceFactMsg(x, y, z, getPValue()));

    return independent;
コード例 #6
   * @return The edge coefficient matrix of the model, a la SemIm. Note that this will normally need
   *     to be transposed, since [a][b] is the edge coefficient for a-->b, not b-->a. Sorry.
  public TetradMatrix edgeCoef() {
    List<Node> variableNodes = getVariableNodes();

    TetradMatrix edgeCoef = new TetradMatrix(variableNodes.size(), variableNodes.size());

    for (Edge edge : edgeParameters.keySet()) {
      if (Edges.isBidirectedEdge(edge)) {

      Node a = edge.getNode1();
      Node b = edge.getNode2();

      int aindex = variableNodes.indexOf(a);
      int bindex = variableNodes.indexOf(b);

      double coef = edgeParameters.get(edge);

      edgeCoef.set(aindex, bindex, coef);

    return edgeCoef;
コード例 #7
   * Takes a Cholesky decomposition from the Cholesky.cholesky method and a set of data simulated
   * using the information in that matrix. Written by Don Crimbchin. Modified June 8, Matt
   * Easterday: added a random # seed so that data can be recalculated with the same result in
   * Causality lab
   * @param cholesky the result from cholesky above.
   * @param randomUtil a random number generator, if null the method will make a new generator for
   *     each random number needed
   * @return an array the same length as the width or length (cholesky should have the same width
   *     and length) containing a randomly generate data set.
  private double[] exogenousData(TetradMatrix cholesky, RandomUtil randomUtil) {

    // Step 1. Generate normal samples.
    double exoData[] = new double[cholesky.rows()];

    for (int i = 0; i < exoData.length; i++) {
      exoData[i] = randomUtil.nextNormal(0, 1);

    // Step 2. Multiply by cholesky to get correct covariance.
    double point[] = new double[exoData.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < exoData.length; i++) {
      double sum = 0.0;

      for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
        sum += cholesky.get(i, j) * exoData[j];

      point[i] = sum;

    return point;
コード例 #8
ファイル: BdeuScoreImages.java プロジェクト: mglymour/tetrad
  // Prints a smallest subset of parents that causes a singular matrix exception.
  private void printMinimalLinearlyDependentSet(int[] parents, ICovarianceMatrix cov) {
    List<Node> _parents = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int p : parents) _parents.add(variables.get(p));

    DepthChoiceGenerator gen = new DepthChoiceGenerator(_parents.size(), _parents.size());
    int[] choice;

    while ((choice = gen.next()) != null) {
      int[] sel = new int[choice.length];
      List<Node> _sel = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int m = 0; m < choice.length; m++) {
        sel[m] = parents[m];

      TetradMatrix m = cov.getSelection(sel, sel);

      try {
      } catch (Exception e2) {
        out.println("### Linear dependence among variables: " + _sel);
コード例 #9
   * @param sampleSize The sample size of the desired data set.
   * @param latentDataSaved True if latent variables should be included in the data set.
   * @return This returns a standardized data set simulated from the model, using the reduced form
   *     method.
  public DataSet simulateDataReducedForm(int sampleSize, boolean latentDataSaved) {
    int numVars = getVariableNodes().size();

    // Calculate inv(I - edgeCoef)
    TetradMatrix edgeCoef = edgeCoef().copy().transpose();

    //        TetradMatrix iMinusB = TetradAlgebra.identity(edgeCoef.rows());
    //        iMinusB.assign(edgeCoef, Functions.minus);

    TetradMatrix iMinusB = TetradAlgebra.identity(edgeCoef.rows()).minus(edgeCoef);

    TetradMatrix inv = iMinusB.inverse();

    // Pick error values e, for each calculate inv * e.
    TetradMatrix sim = new TetradMatrix(sampleSize, numVars);

    // Generate error data with the right variances and covariances, then override this
    // with error data for varaibles that have special distributions defined. Not ideal,
    // but not sure what else to do at the moment. It's better than not taking covariances
    // into account!
    TetradMatrix cholesky = MatrixUtils.choleskyC(errCovar(errorVariances()));

    for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) {
      TetradVector e = new TetradVector(exogenousData(cholesky, RandomUtil.getInstance()));
      TetradVector ePrime = inv.times(e);
      sim.assignRow(i, ePrime); // sim.viewRow(i).assign(ePrime);

    DataSet fullDataSet = ColtDataSet.makeContinuousData(getVariableNodes(), sim);

    if (latentDataSaved) {
      return fullDataSet;
    } else {
      return DataUtils.restrictToMeasured(fullDataSet);
コード例 #10
   * This method computes the information matrix or Hessian matrix of second order partial
   * derivatives of the fitting function (4B_2 on page 135 of Bollen) with respect to the free
   * freeParameters of the estimated SEM. It then computes the inverse of the the information matrix
   * and calculates the standard errors of the freeParameters as the square roots of the diagonal
   * elements of that matrix.
   * @param estSem the estimated SEM.
  public void computeStdErrors(ISemIm estSem) {
    //        if (!unmeasuredLatents(estSem.getSemPm()).isEmpty()) {
    //            int n = estSem.getFreeParameters().size();
    //            stdErrs = new double[n];
    //            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    //                stdErrs[i] = Double.NaN;
    //            }
    //            return;
    //        }

    //        this.semIm = estSem;
    double[] paramsOriginal = estSem.getFreeParamValues();
    double delta;
    FittingFunction fcn = new SemFittingFunction(estSem);
    boolean ridder = false; // Ridder is more accurate but a lot slower.

    int n = fcn.getNumParameters();

    // Store the free freeParameters of the SemIm so that they can be reset to these
    // values.  The differentiation methods change them.
    double[] params = new double[n];
    System.arraycopy(paramsOriginal, 0, params, 0, n);

    // If the Ridder method (secondPartialDerivativeRidr) is used to search for
    // the best delta it is initially set to 0.1.  Otherwise the delta is set to
    // 0.005.  That value has worked well for those fitting functions tested to
    // date.
    if (ridder) {
      delta = 0.1;
    } else {
      delta = 0.005;

    // The Hessian matrix of second order partial derivatives is called the
    // information matrix.
    TetradMatrix hess = new TetradMatrix(n, n);

    List<Parameter> freeParameters = estSem.getFreeParameters();
    boolean containsCovararianceParameter = false;

    for (Parameter p : freeParameters) {
      if (p.getType() == ParamType.COVAR) {
        containsCovararianceParameter = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for (int j = i; j < n; j++) {
        Parameter pi = freeParameters.get(i);
        Parameter pj = freeParameters.get(j);

        if (!containsCovararianceParameter) {

          // Restrict off-diagonal to just collider edge freeParameters.
          if (i != j && (pi.getType() != ParamType.COEF || pj.getType() != ParamType.COEF)) {

          if (pi.getNodeB() != pj.getNodeB()) {

        double v;

        if (ridder) {
          v = secondPartialDerivativeRidr(fcn, i, j, params, delta);
        } else {
          v = secondPartialDerivative(fcn, i, j, params, delta);

        if (Math.abs(v) < 1e-7) {
          v = 0;

        //                if (Double.isNaN(v)) {
        //                    v = 0;
        //                }

        hess.set(i, j, v);
        hess.set(j, i, v);

    for (int i = 0; i < hess.rows(); i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < hess.columns(); j++) {
        if (hess.get(i, j) != 0) {
          continue ROWS;

      //            System.out.println("Zero row for " + freeParameters.get(i));

    // The diagonal elements of the inverse of the information matrix are the
    // squares of the standard errors of the freeParameters.  Their order is the
    // same as in the array of free parameter values stored in paramsOriginal.
    try {

      TetradMatrix hessInv = hess.inverse();
      //            TetradMatrix hessInv = hess.ginverse();

      //            System.out.println("Inverse: " + hessInv);

      //            for (int i = 0; i < freeParameters.size(); i++) {
      //                System.out.println(i + " = " + freeParameters.get(i));
      //            }

      stdErrs = new double[n];

      // Hence the standard errors of the freeParameters are the square roots of the
      // diagonal elements of the inverse of the information matrix.
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        double v = Math.sqrt((2.0 / (estSem.getSampleSize() - 1)) * hessInv.get(i, i));

        if (v == 0) {
          System.out.println("v = " + v + " hessInv(i, i) = " + hessInv.get(i, i));

        if (v == 0) {
          stdErrs[i] = Double.NaN;
        } else {
          stdErrs[i] = v;
    } catch (Exception e) {

      stdErrs = new double[n];

      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        stdErrs[i] = Double.NaN;

    // Restore the freeParameters of the estimated SEM to their original values.
コード例 #11
ファイル: DeltaSextadTest.java プロジェクト: jdramsey/tetrad
   * Takes a list of tetrads for the given data set and returns the chi square value for the test.
   * We assume that the tetrads are non-redundant; if not, a matrix exception will be thrown.
   * <p>Calculates the T statistic (Bollen and Ting, p. 161). This is significant if tests as
   * significant using the Chi Square distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of
   * nonredundant tetrads tested.
  //    public double calcChiSquare1(Sextad... sextads) {
  //        this.storedSextads = sextads;
  //        this.df = sextads.length;
  //        // Need a list of symbolic covariances--i.e. covariances that appear in tetrads.
  //        Set<Sigma> boldSigmaSet = new LinkedHashSet<Sigma>();
  //        List<Sigma> boldSigma = new ArrayList<Sigma>();
  //        for (Sextad sextad : sextads) {
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getI(), sextad.getL()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getI(), sextad.getM()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getI(), sextad.getN()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getJ(), sextad.getL()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getJ(), sextad.getM()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getJ(), sextad.getN()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getK(), sextad.getL()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getK(), sextad.getM()));
  //            boldSigmaSet.add(new Sigma(sextad.getK(), sextad.getN()));
  //        }
  //        for (Sigma sigma : boldSigmaSet) {
  //            boldSigma.add(sigma);
  //        }
  //        // Need a matrix of variances and covariances of sample covariances.
  //        TetradMatrix sigma_ss = TetradMatrix.instance(boldSigma.size(), boldSigma.size());
  //        for (int i = 0; i < boldSigma.size(); i++) {
  //            for (int j = 0; j < boldSigma.size(); j++) {
  //                Sigma sigmaef = boldSigma.get(i);
  //                Sigma sigmagh = boldSigma.get(j);
  //                Node e = sigmaef.getA();
  //                Node f = sigmaef.getB();
  //                Node g = sigmagh.getA();
  //                Node h = sigmagh.getB();
  //                if (cov != null && cov instanceof CorrelationMatrix) {
  ////                Assumes multinormality. Using formula 23. (Not implementing formula 22 because
  // that case
  ////                does not come up.)
  //                    double rr = 0.5 * (r(e, f) * r(g, h))
  //                            * (r(e, g) * r(e, g) + r(e, h) * r(e, h) + r(f, g) * r(f, g) + r(f,
  // h) * r(f, h))
  //                            + r(e, g) * r(f, h) + r(e, h) * r(f, g)
  //                            - r(e, f) * (r(f, g) * r(f, h) + r(e, g) * r(e, h))
  //                            - r(g, h) * (r(f, g) * r(e, g) + r(f, h) * r(e, h));
  //                    sigma_ss.set(i, j, rr);
  //                } else if (cov != null && dataSet == null) {
  //                    // Assumes multinormality--see p. 160.
  //                    double _ss = r(e, g) * r(f, h) + r(e, h) * r(f, g);   // + or -? Different
  // advise. + in the code.
  //                    sigma_ss.set(i, j, _ss);
  //                } else {
  //                    double _ss = sxyzw(e, f, g, h) - r(e, f) * r(g, h);
  //                    sigma_ss.set(i, j, _ss);
  //                }
  //            }
  //        }
  //        // Need a matrix of of population estimates of partial derivatives of tetrads
  //        // with respect to covariances in boldSigma.
  //        TetradMatrix del = TetradMatrix.instance(boldSigma.size(), sextads.length);
  //        for (int i = 0; i < boldSigma.size(); i++) {
  //            for (int j = 0; j < sextads.length; j++) {
  //                Sigma sigma = boldSigma.get(i);
  //                Sextad sextad = sextads[j];
  //                Node m1 = sextad.getI();
  //                Node m2 = sextad.getJ();
  //                Node m3 = sextad.getK();
  //                Node m4 = sextad.getL();
  //                Node m5 = sextad.getM();
  //                Node m6 = sextad.getN();
  //                double derivative = getDerivative(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, sigma.getA(),
  // sigma.getB());
  //                del.set(i, j, derivative);
  //            }
  //        }
  //        // Need a vector of population estimates of the sextads.
  //        TetradMatrix t = TetradMatrix.instance(sextads.length, 1);
  //        for (int i = 0; i < sextads.length; i++) {
  //            Sextad sextad = sextads[i];
  //            List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
  //            nodes.add(sextad.getI());
  //            nodes.add(sextad.getJ());
  //            nodes.add(sextad.getK());
  //            nodes.add(sextad.getL());
  //            nodes.add(sextad.getM());
  //            nodes.add(sextad.getN());
  //            TetradMatrix m = TetradMatrix.instance(3, 3);
  //            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 3; k1++) {
  //                for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 3; k2++) {
  //                    m.set(k1, k2, r(nodes.get(k1), nodes.get(3+k2)));
  //                }
  //            }
  //            double value = TetradAlgebra.det(m);
  //            t.set(i, 0, value);
  //            this.storedValue = value;
  //        }
  //        // Now multiply to get Sigma_tt
  //        TetradMatrix w1 = TetradAlgebra.times(del.transpose(), sigma_ss);
  //        TetradMatrix sigma_tt = TetradAlgebra.times(w1, del);
  //        // And now invert and multiply to get T.
  //        TetradMatrix v0 = TetradAlgebra.inverse(sigma_tt);
  //        TetradMatrix v1 = TetradAlgebra.times(t.transpose(), v0);
  //        TetradMatrix v2 = TetradAlgebra.times(v1, t);
  //        double chisq = N * v2.get(0, 0);
  //        this.chisq = chisq;
  //        return chisq;
  //    }
  public double calcChiSquare(Sextad... sextads) {
    this.storedSextads = sextads;

    this.df = 4; // sextads.length;

    List<Sigma> boldSigma = new ArrayList<Sigma>();

    List<Node> _nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(sextads[0].getNodes());

    for (int i = 0; i < _nodes.size(); i++) {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < _nodes.size(); j++) {
        boldSigma.add(new Sigma(_nodes.get(i), _nodes.get(j)));

    // Need a matrix of variances and covariances of sample covariances.
    TetradMatrix sigma_ss = new TetradMatrix(boldSigma.size(), boldSigma.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < boldSigma.size(); i++) {
      for (int j = i; j < boldSigma.size(); j++) {
        Sigma sigmaef = boldSigma.get(i);
        Sigma sigmagh = boldSigma.get(j);

        Node e = sigmaef.getA();
        Node f = sigmaef.getB();
        Node g = sigmagh.getA();
        Node h = sigmagh.getB();

        if (cov != null && cov instanceof CorrelationMatrix) {

          //                Assumes multinormality. Using formula 23. (Not implementing formula 22
          // because that case
          //                does not come up.)
          double rr =
                      * (r(e, f) * r(g, h))
                      * (r(e, g) * r(e, g)
                          + r(e, h) * r(e, h)
                          + r(f, g) * r(f, g)
                          + r(f, h) * r(f, h))
                  + r(e, g) * r(f, h)
                  + r(e, h) * r(f, g)
                  - r(e, f) * (r(f, g) * r(f, h) + r(e, g) * r(e, h))
                  - r(g, h) * (r(f, g) * r(e, g) + r(f, h) * r(e, h));

          sigma_ss.set(i, j, rr);
          sigma_ss.set(j, i, rr);
        } else if (cov != null && dataSet == null) {

          // Assumes multinormality--see p. 160.
          double _ss =
              r(e, g) * r(f, h) + r(e, h) * r(f, g); // + or -? Different advise. + in the code.
          //                    double _ss = r(e, g) * r(f, h) - r(e, h) * r(g, f);   // shouldn't
          // this be a tetrad?
          sigma_ss.set(i, j, _ss);
          sigma_ss.set(j, i, _ss);
        } else {
          double _ss = sxyzw(e, f, g, h) - r(e, f) * r(g, h);
          sigma_ss.set(i, j, _ss);
          sigma_ss.set(j, i, _ss);

    // Need a matrix of of population estimates of partial derivatives of tetrads
    // with respect to covariances in boldSigma.
    TetradMatrix del = new TetradMatrix(boldSigma.size(), sextads.length);

    for (int j = 0; j < sextads.length; j++) {
      Sextad sextad = sextads[j];

      for (int i = 0; i < boldSigma.size(); i++) {
        Sigma sigma = boldSigma.get(i);
        double derivative = getDerivative(sextad, sigma);
        del.set(i, j, derivative);

    // Need a vector of population estimates of the sextads.
    TetradMatrix t = new TetradMatrix(sextads.length, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < sextads.length; i++) {
      Sextad sextad = sextads[i];
      List<Node> nodes = sextad.getNodes();
      TetradMatrix m = new TetradMatrix(3, 3);

      for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 3; k1++) {
        for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 3; k2++) {
          m.set(k1, k2, r(nodes.get(k1), nodes.get(3 + k2)));

      double det = m.det();
      t.set(i, 0, det);
      this.storedValue = det; // ?

    //        for (int i = 0; i < sextads.length; i++) {
    //            Sextad sextad = sextads[i];
    //            List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
    //            nodes.add(sextad.getI());
    //            nodes.add(sextad.getJ());
    //            nodes.add(sextad.getK());
    //            nodes.add(sextad.getL());
    //            nodes.add(sextad.getM());
    //            nodes.add(sextad.getN());
    //            TetradMatrix m = TetradMatrix.instance(3, 3);
    //            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 3; k1++) {
    //                for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 3; k2++) {
    //                    m.set(k1, k2, r(nodes.get(k1), nodes.get(3+k2)));
    //                }
    //            }
    //            double value = TetradAlgebra.det(m);
    //            t.set(i, 0, value);
    //            this.storedValue = value;
    //        }

    TetradMatrix sigma_tt = del.transpose().times(sigma_ss).times(del);
    try {
      this.chisq = N * t.transpose().times(sigma_tt.inverse()).times(t).get(0, 0);
      return chisq;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return Double.NaN;
コード例 #12
   * Constructs a new standardized SEM IM from the freeParameters in the given SEM IM.
   * @param im Stop asking me for these things! The given SEM IM!!!
   * @param initialization CALCULATE_FROM_SEM if the initial values will be calculated from the
   *     given SEM IM; INITIALIZE_FROM_DATA if data will be simulated from the given SEM,
   *     standardized, and estimated.
  public StandardizedSemIm(SemIm im, Initialization initialization) {
    this.semPm = new SemPm(im.getSemPm());
    this.semGraph = new SemGraph(semPm.getGraph());

    if (semGraph.existsDirectedCycle()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The cyclic case is not handled.");

    if (initialization == Initialization.CALCULATE_FROM_SEM) {
      //         This code calculates the new coefficients directly from the old ones.
      edgeParameters = new HashMap<Edge, Double>();

      List<Node> nodes = im.getVariableNodes();
      TetradMatrix impliedCovar = im.getImplCovar(true);

      for (Parameter parameter : im.getSemPm().getParameters()) {
        if (parameter.getType() == ParamType.COEF) {
          Node a = parameter.getNodeA();
          Node b = parameter.getNodeB();
          int aindex = nodes.indexOf(a);
          int bindex = nodes.indexOf(b);
          double vara = impliedCovar.get(aindex, aindex);
          double stda = Math.sqrt(vara);
          double varb = impliedCovar.get(bindex, bindex);
          double stdb = Math.sqrt(varb);
          double oldCoef = im.getEdgeCoef(a, b);
          double newCoef = (stda / stdb) * oldCoef;
          edgeParameters.put(Edges.directedEdge(a, b), newCoef);
        } else if (parameter.getType() == ParamType.COVAR) {
          Node a = parameter.getNodeA();
          Node b = parameter.getNodeB();
          Node exoa = semGraph.getExogenous(a);
          Node exob = semGraph.getExogenous(b);
          double covar = im.getErrCovar(a, b) / Math.sqrt(im.getErrVar(a) * im.getErrVar(b));
          edgeParameters.put(Edges.bidirectedEdge(exoa, exob), covar);
    } else {

      // This code estimates the new coefficients from simulated data from the old model.
      DataSet dataSet = im.simulateData(1000, false);
      TetradMatrix _dataSet = dataSet.getDoubleData();
      _dataSet = DataUtils.standardizeData(_dataSet);
      DataSet dataSetStandardized = ColtDataSet.makeData(dataSet.getVariables(), _dataSet);

      SemEstimator estimator = new SemEstimator(dataSetStandardized, im.getSemPm());
      SemIm imStandardized = estimator.estimate();

      edgeParameters = new HashMap<Edge, Double>();

      for (Parameter parameter : imStandardized.getSemPm().getParameters()) {
        if (parameter.getType() == ParamType.COEF) {
          Node a = parameter.getNodeA();
          Node b = parameter.getNodeB();
          double coef = imStandardized.getEdgeCoef(a, b);
          edgeParameters.put(Edges.directedEdge(a, b), coef);
        } else if (parameter.getType() == ParamType.COVAR) {
          Node a = parameter.getNodeA();
          Node b = parameter.getNodeB();
          Node exoa = semGraph.getExogenous(a);
          Node exob = semGraph.getExogenous(b);
          double covar = -im.getErrCovar(a, b) / Math.sqrt(im.getErrVar(a) * im.getErrVar(b));
          edgeParameters.put(Edges.bidirectedEdge(exoa, exob), covar);

    this.measuredNodes = Collections.unmodifiableList(semPm.getMeasuredNodes());
コード例 #13
  public DataSet simulateDataCholesky(
      int sampleSize, TetradMatrix covar, List<Node> variableNodes) {
    List<Node> variables = new LinkedList<Node>();

    for (Node node : variableNodes) {

    List<Node> newVariables = new ArrayList<Node>();

    for (Node node : variables) {
      ContinuousVariable continuousVariable = new ContinuousVariable(node.getName());

    TetradMatrix impliedCovar = covar;

    DataSet fullDataSet = new ColtDataSet(sampleSize, newVariables);
    TetradMatrix cholesky = MatrixUtils.choleskyC(impliedCovar);

    // Simulate the data by repeatedly calling the Cholesky.exogenousData
    // method. Store only the data for the measured variables.
    for (int row = 0; row < sampleSize; row++) {

      // Step 1. Generate normal samples.
      double exoData[] = new double[cholesky.rows()];

      for (int i = 0; i < exoData.length; i++) {
        exoData[i] = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextNormal(0, 1);
        //            exoData[i] = randomUtil.nextUniform(-1, 1);

      // Step 2. Multiply by cholesky to get correct covariance.
      double point[] = new double[exoData.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < exoData.length; i++) {
        double sum = 0.0;

        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
          sum += cholesky.get(i, j) * exoData[j];

        point[i] = sum;

      double rowData[] = point;

      for (int col = 0; col < variables.size(); col++) {
        int index = variableNodes.indexOf(variables.get(col));
        double value = rowData[index];

        if (Double.isNaN(value) || Double.isInfinite(value)) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value out of range: " + value);

        fullDataSet.setDouble(row, col, value);

    return DataUtils.restrictToMeasured(fullDataSet);