コード例 #1
    public NodeData(
        Controller parent,
        Link profileLink,
        String demandStr,
        Double knob,
        Double dpdt,
        Scenario scenario) {

      this.knob = knob;
      this.myNode = profileLink.getBegin_node();
      meas = profileLink;
      feeds = new ArrayList<Link>();
      not_feeds = new ArrayList<Link>();

      //  incoming link sets
      for (int i = 0; i < myNode.getnIn(); i++) {
        Link link = myNode.getInput_link()[i];
        if (link.isFreeway() || link.isHov()) feeds.add(link);
        else not_feeds.add(link);

      // outgoing link sets
      not_meas = new ArrayList<Link>();
      for (int j = 0; j < myNode.getnOut(); j++) {
        Link link = myNode.getOutput_link()[j];
        if (meas != link) not_meas.add(link);

      if (meas == null) return;

      // find the demand profile for the offramp
      measured_flow_profile_veh =
          new BeatsTimeProfileDouble(demandStr, ",", dpdt, 0d, scenario.get.simdtinseconds());

      //            alpha_tilde = new Double[myNode.nIn];

      // create the actuator
      edu.berkeley.path.beats.jaxb.Actuator jaxbA = new edu.berkeley.path.beats.jaxb.Actuator();
      edu.berkeley.path.beats.jaxb.ScenarioElement se =
          new edu.berkeley.path.beats.jaxb.ScenarioElement();
      edu.berkeley.path.beats.jaxb.ActuatorType at =
          new edu.berkeley.path.beats.jaxb.ActuatorType();
      cms = new ActuatorCMS(scenario, jaxbA, new BeatsActuatorImplementation(jaxbA, scenario));
      cms.populate(null, null);
コード例 #2
    public void update(Clock clock) {

      int i, j;
      int e = 0;

      if (measured_flow_profile_veh.sample(false, clock))
        current_flow_veh = measured_flow_profile_veh.getCurrentSample() * knob;

      if (BeatsMath.equals(current_flow_veh, 0d)) {
        beta = 0d;

      // Sf: total demand from "feeds"
      Double Sf = 0d;
      for (Link link : feeds) Sf += BeatsMath.sum(link.get_out_demand_in_veh(e));

      // compute demand to non-measured, total $+phi, and from feed links phi
      ArrayList<Double> beta_array = new ArrayList<Double>();

      // compute sr normalization factor for feeding links
      //            for(i=0;i<myNode.getInput_link().length;i++) {
      //                if (!feeds.contains( myNode.input_link[i]))
      //                    continue;
      //                alpha_tilde[i] = 0d;
      //                for (j = 0; j < myNode.nOut; j++)
      //                    if(not_meas.contains( myNode.output_link[j]))
      //                        alpha_tilde[i] += myNode.getSplitRatio(i, j);
      //            }

      // freeflow case
      beta_array.add(current_flow_veh / Sf);

      // rest
      for (j = 0; j < myNode.nOut; j++) {
        Link outlink = myNode.output_link[j];

        // case for the measured
        if (not_meas.contains(outlink)) {

          double dem_non_feed = 0d; // demand on j from non-feeding links
          double dem_feed = 0d; // demand on j from feeding links

          for (i = 0; i < myNode.nIn; i++) {
            Link inlink = myNode.input_link[i];
            //                        Double alpha_ij = myNode.getSplitRatio(i,j);
            Double Si = BeatsMath.sum(inlink.get_out_demand_in_veh(e));
            if (feeds.contains(inlink)) dem_feed += Si; // alpha_ij * Si / alpha_tilde[i];
            else // otherwise add to total
            dem_non_feed += 0d; // alpha_ij * Si;

          Double R = outlink.get_available_space_supply_in_veh(e);

          double num = current_flow_veh * (dem_non_feed + dem_feed);
          double den = Sf * R + dem_feed * current_flow_veh;

          beta_array.add(den > 0 ? num / den : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);

      beta = Math.min(BeatsMath.max(beta_array), 1d);