// This should be all we need to put in a main function. // args are the commandline arguments // First object is the Runnable object to call run on. // All of them are objects whose options args is to supposed to populate. public static void run(String[] args, Object... objects) { init(args, objects); if (makeThunk) { setExecStatus("thunk", true); printOutputMap(Execution.getFile("output.map")); List<String> cmd = new ArrayList(); cmd.add("java"); if (thunkJavaOpts != null) cmd.add(thunkJavaOpts); cmd.add("-cp " + StrUtils.join(jarFiles, ":") + ":" + System.getProperty("java.class.path")); cmd.addAll( ListUtils.newList( objects[0].getClass().getName(), "++" + virtualExecDir, // Load these options // Next time when we run, just run in the same path that we used to create the thunk "-execDir", virtualExecDir, "-overwriteExecDir")); IOUtils.printLinesHard( Execution.getFile("job.map"), ListUtils.newList( "workingDir\t" + SysInfoUtils.getcwd(), // Run from current directory "command\t" + StrUtils.join(cmd, "\t"), "priority\t" + thunkPriority)); } else { if (dontCatchExceptions) { ((Runnable) objects[0]).run(); } else { try { ((Runnable) objects[0]).run(); } catch (Throwable t) { raiseException(t); } } } finish(); }
public static void init(String[] args, Object... objects) { // Parse options parser = new OptionsParser(); parser.doRegister("log", LogInfo.class); parser.doRegister("exec", Execution.class); parser.doRegisterAll(objects); // These options are specific to the execution, so we don't want to overwrite them // with a previous execution's. parser.setDefaultDirFileName("options.map"); parser.setIgnoreOptsFromFileName( "options.map", ListUtils.newList( "log.file", "exec.execDir", "exec.execPoolDir", "exec.actualPoolDir", "exec.makeThunk")); if (!parser.doParse(args)) System.exit(1); // Load classes if (jarFiles.size() > 0) { List<String> names = new ArrayList(); for (String jarFile : jarFiles) names.add(new File(jarFile).getName()); stderr.println("Loading JAR files: " + StrUtils.join(names)); for (String jarFile : jarFiles) // Load classes ClassInitializer.initializeJar(jarFile); } // Set character encoding if (charEncoding != null) CharEncUtils.setCharEncoding(charEncoding); if (printOptionsAndExit) { // Just print options and exit parser.doGetOptionPairs().print(stdout); System.exit(0); } // Create a new directory if (create) { createVirtualExecDir(); stderr.println(virtualExecDir); if (!makeThunk) LogInfo.file = getFile("log"); // Copy the Jar files for reference if (!makeThunk) { for (String jarFile : jarFiles) Utils.systemHard(String.format("cp %s %s", jarFile, virtualExecDir)); } } else { LogInfo.file = ""; } if (!makeThunk) { LogInfo.init(); if (startMainTrack) track("main()", true); } // Output options if (!makeThunk && virtualExecDir != null) logs("Execution directory: " + virtualExecDir); if (!makeThunk) getInfo().printEasy(getFile("info.map")); printOptions(); if (create && addToView.size() > 0) IOUtils.printLinesHard(Execution.getFile("addToView"), addToView); // Start monitoring if (!makeThunk && monitor) { monitorThread = new MonitorThread(); monitorThread.start(); } if (!makeThunk) Record.init(Execution.getFile("record")); }