private void acceptHogsOrBugs(SimpleHogBug[] input, ArrayList<SimpleHogBug> result) { if (input == null) return; for (SimpleHogBug item : input) { if (item == null) continue; double benefit = 100.0 / item.getExpectedValueWithout() - 100.0 / item.getExpectedValue(); // TODO other filter conditions? // Limit max number of items? String appName = item.getAppName(); if (appName == null) appName = a.getString(R.string.unknown); // don't show (skip) special/system apps // (DISABLED FOR DEBUGGING. TODO: ENABLE IT AFTER DEBUGGING, and check whether this has any // problem) // if (SpecialAppCases.isSpecialApp(appName)) if (appName.equals(Constants.CARAT_PACKAGE_NAME) || appName.equals(Constants.CARAT_OLD)) continue; if (SamplingLibrary.isHidden(a.getApplicationContext(), appName)) continue; if (addFakeItem && appName.equals(FAKE_ITEM)) result.add(item); // Filter out if benefit is too small if (SamplingLibrary.isRunning(a.getApplicationContext(), appName) && benefit > 60) { result.add(item); } } }
@Override public int compare(SimpleHogBug lhs, SimpleHogBug rhs) { double benefitL = 100.0 / lhs.getExpectedValueWithout() - 100.0 / lhs.getExpectedValue(); double benefitR = 100.0 / rhs.getExpectedValueWithout() - 100.0 / rhs.getExpectedValue(); if (benefitL > benefitR) return -1; else if (benefitL < benefitR) return 1; return 0; }
public void setHogsBugs(SimpleHogBug bugOrHog, String appName, boolean isBug) { this.xVals = bugOrHog.getxVals(); this.yVals = bugOrHog.getyVals(); this.xValsWithout = bugOrHog.getxValsWithout(); this.yValsWithout = bugOrHog.getyValsWithout(); this.type = isBug ? Type.BUG : Type.HOG; this.appName = appName; }
public HogBugSuggestionsAdapter(CaratApplication a, SimpleHogBug[] hogs, SimpleHogBug[] bugs) { this.a = a; ArrayList<SimpleHogBug> temp = new ArrayList<SimpleHogBug>(); acceptHogsOrBugs(hogs, temp); acceptHogsOrBugs(bugs, temp); // TODO: Disabled for stability until we know what to do on pre-ICS phones for this. addFeatureActions(temp); if (addFakeItem) { SimpleHogBug fake = new SimpleHogBug(FAKE_ITEM, Constants.Type.BUG); fake.setExpectedValue(0.0); fake.setExpectedValueWithout(0.0); temp.add(fake); } Collections.sort(temp, new HogsBugsComparator()); indexes = temp.toArray(new SimpleHogBug[temp.size()]); mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(a.getApplicationContext()); }
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null) { convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.suggestion, null); holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.icon = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.txtName = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.txtType = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.txtBenefit = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.moreInfo = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } if (indexes == null || position < 0 || position >= indexes.length) return convertView; SimpleHogBug item = indexes[position]; if (item == null) return convertView; final String raw = item.getAppName(); Drawable icon = CaratApplication.iconForApp(a.getApplicationContext(), raw); if (raw.equals(FAKE_ITEM)) { holder.txtName.setText(a.getString(R.string.osupgrade)); holder.txtType.setText(a.getString(R.string.information)); holder.txtBenefit.setText(a.getString(R.string.unknown)); } else { String label = CaratApplication.labelForApp(a.getApplicationContext(), raw); if (label == null) label = a.getString(R.string.unknown); holder.icon.setImageDrawable(icon); Constants.Type type = item.getType(); if (type == Constants.Type.BUG) holder.txtName.setText(a.getString(R.string.restart) + " " + label); else if (type == Constants.Type.HOG) holder.txtName.setText(a.getString(R.string.kill) + " " + label); else { // Other action holder.txtName.setText(label); } if (type == Constants.Type.OTHER) holder.txtType.setText(item.getAppPriority()); else holder.txtType.setText(CaratApplication.translatedPriority(item.getAppPriority())); /*if (raw.equals(a.getString(R.string.disablebluetooth))){ double benefitOther=SamplingLibrary.bluetoothBenefit(a.getApplicationContext()); hours = (int) (benefitOther); min= (int) ((benefitOther- hours)*60); } else if(raw.equals(a.getString(R.string.disablewifi))){ double benefitOther=SamplingLibrary.wifiBenefit(a.getApplicationContext()); hours = (int) (benefitOther); min= (int) ((benefitOther- hours)*60); } else if(raw.equals(a.getString(R.string.dimscreen))){ double benefitOther=SamplingLibrary.screenBrightnessBenefit(a.getApplicationContext()); hours = (int) (benefitOther); min = (int) ((benefitOther- hours)*60); }*/ // Do not show a benefit for things that have none. if (item.getExpectedValue() == 0 && item.getExpectedValueWithout() == 0) { holder.txtBenefit.setText(""); TextView bl = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; bl.setText(""); } else holder.txtBenefit.setText(item.getBenefitText()); // holder.moreInfo... } // } return convertView; }