コード例 #1
  public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base) {
    super.setup(state, base);

    Parameter def = defaultBase();
    Parameter p = base.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("0");
    Parameter d = def.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("0");

    nodeselect1 =
        (GPNodeSelector) (state.parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p, d, GPNodeSelector.class));
    nodeselect1.setup(state, p);

    p = base.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("1");
    d = def.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("1");

    if (state.parameters.exists(p, d) && state.parameters.getString(p, d).equals(V_SAME))
      // can't just copy it this time; the selectors
      // use internal caches.  So we have to clone it no matter what
      nodeselect2 = (GPNodeSelector) (nodeselect1.clone());
    else {
      nodeselect2 =
          (GPNodeSelector) (state.parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p, d, GPNodeSelector.class));
      nodeselect2.setup(state, p);

    numTries = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_NUM_TRIES), def.push(P_NUM_TRIES), 1);
    if (numTries == 0)
          "GPCrossover Pipeline has an invalid number of tries (it must be >= 1).",

    maxDepth = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_MAXDEPTH), def.push(P_MAXDEPTH), 1);
    if (maxDepth == 0)
          "GPCrossover Pipeline has an invalid maximum depth (it must be >= 1).",

    maxSize = NO_SIZE_LIMIT;
    if (state.parameters.exists(base.push(P_MAXSIZE), def.push(P_MAXSIZE))) {
      maxSize = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_MAXSIZE), def.push(P_MAXSIZE), 1);
      if (maxSize < 1) state.output.fatal("Maximum tree size, if defined, must be >= 1");

    tree1 = TREE_UNFIXED;
    if (state.parameters.exists(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0))) {
      tree1 =
          state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0), 0);
      if (tree1 == -1) state.output.fatal("Tree fixed value, if defined, must be >= 0");

    tree2 = TREE_UNFIXED;
    if (state.parameters.exists(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1))) {
      tree2 =
          state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1), 0);
      if (tree2 == -1) state.output.fatal("Tree fixed value, if defined, must be >= 0");
    tossSecondParent = state.parameters.getBoolean(base.push(P_TOSS), def.push(P_TOSS), false);
コード例 #2
  public Object clone() {
    CrossoverPipeline c = (CrossoverPipeline) (super.clone());

    // deep-cloned stuff
    c.nodeselect1 = (GPNodeSelector) (nodeselect1.clone());
    c.nodeselect2 = (GPNodeSelector) (nodeselect2.clone());
    c.parents = (GPIndividual[]) parents.clone();

    return c;
コード例 #3
  public int produce(
      final int min,
      final int max,
      final int start,
      final int subpopulation,
      final Individual[] inds,
      final EvolutionState state,
      final int thread) {

    // how many individuals should we make?
    int n = typicalIndsProduced();
    if (n < min) n = min;
    if (n > max) n = max;

    // should we bother?
    if (!state.random[thread].nextBoolean(likelihood))
      return reproduce(
          true); // DO produce children from source -- we've not done so already

    GPInitializer initializer = ((GPInitializer) state.initializer);

    for (int q = start; q < n + start; /* no increment */ ) // keep on going until we're filled up
      // grab two individuals from our sources
      if (sources[0] == sources[1]) // grab from the same source
      sources[0].produce(2, 2, 0, subpopulation, parents, state, thread);
      else // grab from different sources
        sources[0].produce(1, 1, 0, subpopulation, parents, state, thread);
        sources[1].produce(1, 1, 1, subpopulation, parents, state, thread);

      // at this point, parents[] contains our two selected individuals

      // are our tree values valid?
      if (tree1 != TREE_UNFIXED && (tree1 < 0 || tree1 >= parents[0].trees.length))
        // uh oh
            "GP Crossover Pipeline attempted to fix tree.0 to a value which was out of bounds of the array of the individual's trees.  Check the pipeline's fixed tree values -- they may be negative or greater than the number of trees in an individual");
      if (tree2 != TREE_UNFIXED && (tree2 < 0 || tree2 >= parents[1].trees.length))
        // uh oh
            "GP Crossover Pipeline attempted to fix tree.1 to a value which was out of bounds of the array of the individual's trees.  Check the pipeline's fixed tree values -- they may be negative or greater than the number of trees in an individual");

      int t1 = 0;
      int t2 = 0;
      if (tree1 == TREE_UNFIXED || tree2 == TREE_UNFIXED) {
        // pick random trees  -- their GPTreeConstraints must be the same
          if (tree1 == TREE_UNFIXED)
            if (parents[0].trees.length > 1)
              t1 = state.random[thread].nextInt(parents[0].trees.length);
            else t1 = 0;
          else t1 = tree1;

          if (tree2 == TREE_UNFIXED)
            if (parents[1].trees.length > 1)
              t2 = state.random[thread].nextInt(parents[1].trees.length);
            else t2 = 0;
          else t2 = tree2;
        } while (parents[0].trees[t1].constraints(initializer)
            != parents[1].trees[t2].constraints(initializer));
      } else {
        t1 = tree1;
        t2 = tree2;
        // make sure the constraints are okay
        if (parents[0].trees[t1].constraints(initializer)
            != parents[1].trees[t2].constraints(initializer)) // uh oh
              "GP Crossover Pipeline's two tree choices are both specified by the user -- but their GPTreeConstraints are not the same");

      // validity results...
      boolean res1 = false;
      boolean res2 = false;

      // prepare the nodeselectors

      // pick some nodes

      GPNode p1 = null;
      GPNode p2 = null;

      for (int x = 0; x < numTries; x++) {
        // pick a node in individual 1
        p1 = nodeselect1.pickNode(state, subpopulation, thread, parents[0], parents[0].trees[t1]);

        // pick a node in individual 2
        p2 = nodeselect2.pickNode(state, subpopulation, thread, parents[1], parents[1].trees[t2]);

        // check for depth and swap-compatibility limits
        res1 = verifyPoints(initializer, p2, p1); // p2 can fill p1's spot -- order is important!
        if (n - (q - start) < 2 || tossSecondParent) res2 = true;
          res2 = verifyPoints(initializer, p1, p2); // p1 can fill p2's spot -- order is important!

        // did we get something that had both nodes verified?
        // we reject if EITHER of them is invalid.  This is what lil-gp does.
        // Koza only has numTries set to 1, so it's compatible as well.
        if (res1 && res2) break;

      // at this point, res1 AND res2 are valid, OR either res1
      // OR res2 is valid and we ran out of tries, OR neither is
      // valid and we ran out of tries.  So now we will transfer
      // to a tree which has res1 or res2 valid, otherwise it'll
      // just get replicated.  This is compatible with both Koza
      // and lil-gp.

      // at this point I could check to see if my sources were breeding
      // pipelines -- but I'm too lazy to write that code (it's a little
      // complicated) to just swap one individual over or both over,
      // -- it might still entail some copying.  Perhaps in the future.
      // It would make things faster perhaps, not requiring all that
      // cloning.

      // Create some new individuals based on the old ones -- since
      // GPTree doesn't deep-clone, this should be just fine.  Perhaps we
      // should change this to proto off of the main species prototype, but
      // we have to then copy so much stuff over; it's not worth it.

      GPIndividual j1 = (GPIndividual) (parents[0].lightClone());
      GPIndividual j2 = null;
      if (n - (q - start) >= 2 && !tossSecondParent) j2 = (GPIndividual) (parents[1].lightClone());

      // Fill in various tree information that didn't get filled in there
      j1.trees = new GPTree[parents[0].trees.length];
      if (n - (q - start) >= 2 && !tossSecondParent) j2.trees = new GPTree[parents[1].trees.length];

      // at this point, p1 or p2, or both, may be null.
      // If not, swap one in.  Else just copy the parent.

      for (int x = 0; x < j1.trees.length; x++) {
        if (x == t1 && res1) // we've got a tree with a kicking cross position!
          j1.trees[x] = (GPTree) (parents[0].trees[x].lightClone());
          j1.trees[x].owner = j1;
          j1.trees[x].child = parents[0].trees[x].child.cloneReplacing(p2, p1);
          j1.trees[x].child.parent = j1.trees[x];
          j1.trees[x].child.argposition = 0;
          j1.evaluated = false;
        } // it's changed
        else {
          j1.trees[x] = (GPTree) (parents[0].trees[x].lightClone());
          j1.trees[x].owner = j1;
          j1.trees[x].child = (GPNode) (parents[0].trees[x].child.clone());
          j1.trees[x].child.parent = j1.trees[x];
          j1.trees[x].child.argposition = 0;

      if (n - (q - start) >= 2 && !tossSecondParent)
        for (int x = 0; x < j2.trees.length; x++) {
          if (x == t2 && res2) // we've got a tree with a kicking cross position!
            j2.trees[x] = (GPTree) (parents[1].trees[x].lightClone());
            j2.trees[x].owner = j2;
            j2.trees[x].child = parents[1].trees[x].child.cloneReplacing(p1, p2);
            j2.trees[x].child.parent = j2.trees[x];
            j2.trees[x].child.argposition = 0;
            j2.evaluated = false;
          } // it's changed
          else {
            j2.trees[x] = (GPTree) (parents[1].trees[x].lightClone());
            j2.trees[x].owner = j2;
            j2.trees[x].child = (GPNode) (parents[1].trees[x].child.clone());
            j2.trees[x].child.parent = j2.trees[x];
            j2.trees[x].child.argposition = 0;

      // add the individuals to the population
      inds[q] = j1;
      if (q < n + start && !tossSecondParent) {
        inds[q] = j2;
    return n;
コード例 #4
  public void setup(final EvolutionState state, final Parameter base) {
    super.setup(state, base);

    Parameter def = defaultBase();
    Parameter p = base.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("0");
    Parameter d = def.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("0");

    nodeselect1 =
        (GPNodeSelector) (state.parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p, d, GPNodeSelector.class));
    nodeselect1.setup(state, p);

    p = base.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("1");
    d = def.push(P_NODESELECTOR).push("1");

    if (state.parameters.exists(p, d) && state.parameters.getString(p, d).equals(V_SAME))
      // can't just copy it this time; the selectors
      // use internal caches.  So we have to clone it no matter what
      nodeselect2 = (GPNodeSelector) (nodeselect1.clone());
    else {
      nodeselect2 =
          (GPNodeSelector) (state.parameters.getInstanceForParameter(p, d, GPNodeSelector.class));
      nodeselect2.setup(state, p);

    numTries = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_NUM_TRIES), def.push(P_NUM_TRIES), 1);
    if (numTries == 0)
          "GPCrossover Pipeline has an invalid number of tries (it must be >= 1).",

    maxDepth = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_MAXDEPTH), def.push(P_MAXDEPTH), 1);
    if (maxDepth == 0)
          "GPCrossover Pipeline has an invalid maximum depth (it must be >= 1).",

    maxSize = NO_SIZE_LIMIT;
    if (state.parameters.exists(base.push(P_MAXSIZE), def.push(P_MAXSIZE))) {
      maxSize = state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_MAXSIZE), def.push(P_MAXSIZE), 1);
      if (maxSize < 1) state.output.fatal("Maximum tree size, if defined, must be >= 1");

    tree1 = TREE_UNFIXED;
    if (state.parameters.exists(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0))) {
      tree1 =
          state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 0), 0);
      if (tree1 == -1) state.output.fatal("Tree fixed value, if defined, must be >= 0");

    tree2 = TREE_UNFIXED;
    if (state.parameters.exists(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1))) {
      tree2 =
          state.parameters.getInt(base.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1), def.push(P_TREE).push("" + 1), 0);
      if (tree2 == -1) state.output.fatal("Tree fixed value, if defined, must be >= 0");
    tossSecondParent = state.parameters.getBoolean(base.push(P_TOSS), def.push(P_TOSS), false);

    GPInitializer initializer = ((GPInitializer) state.initializer);
    fs = initializer.treeConstraints[0].functionset;

    templateTree = (GPNode) (((GPNode[]) fs.nodesByName.get("+"))[0]).lightClone();
    GPNode left = (GPNode) (((GPNode[]) fs.nodesByName.get("*"))[0]).lightClone();
    GPNode right = (GPNode) (((GPNode[]) fs.nodesByName.get("*"))[0]).lightClone();
    // RegERC ercNode1 = (RegERC)((((GPNode[])fs.nodesByName.get("ERC"))[0]).lightClone());
    // generate TR node that will be replated by random tree
    // GPNode TRNode = new GPNode();
    // ercNode.constraints = 6;
    // ercNode.children = new GPNode[0];

    templateTree.children = new GPNode[2];
    templateTree.children[0] = left;
    templateTree.children[1] = right;

    left.children = new GPNode[2];
    left.children[0] = null;
    left.children[1] = null;

    right.children = new GPNode[2];
    right.children[0] = null;
    right.children[1] = null;