public IntegerEditMenu(YmlConfiguration menuConfig, MenuItemFactory factory, EditMenu parent) { super(menuConfig); this.menuConfig = menuConfig; this.factory = factory; this.parent = parent; ConfigurationSection incSection = menuConfig.getConfigurationSection("integer-menu.increment"); if (incSection != null) { for (String inc : incSection.getKeys(false)) { int incValue = Integer.parseInt(inc, 10); increments.put( inc, ItemStackUtil.createItemStack( incSection.getString(inc, "IRON_INGOT"), incValue < 0 ? tr("\u00a7c{0,number,#}", incValue) : tr("\u00a7a+{0,number,#}", incValue), null)); } } }
/** * An editor for integers. * * <pre> * Config: Integer Editor * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * 0 | | | | | | | | G | | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * 1 | R | R | R | | I | | G | G | G | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * 2 | | | | | | | | G | | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * 3 |-1k|100|-10|-1 | 0 |+1 |+10|100|+1k| * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * 4 | | | | | | | ^ | | | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * 5 |SAV| | | | | | | | | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * </pre> */ @Override public Inventory createEditMenu(String configName, String path, int page) { YmlConfiguration config = FileUtil.getYmlConfiguration(configName); if (!config.isInt(path)) { return null; } int value = config.getInt(path, 0); Inventory menu = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 6 * 9, getTitle()); menu.setMaxStackSize(MenuItemFactory.MAX_INT_VALUE); ItemStack frame = createItem(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE, (short) 15, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { menu.setItem(i, frame); } int nvalue = Math.abs(value); int col = 7; do { int tenValue = nvalue % 10; String specificIcon = menuConfig.getString("integer-menu.number-items." + tenValue, null); ItemStack numberItem = specificIcon != null ? ItemStackUtil.createItemStack(specificIcon) : ItemStackUtil.createItemStack(DEFAULT_NUMBER_ICON); ItemStackUtil.Builder builder = ItemStackUtil.builder(numberItem); if (specificIcon == null) { builder.amount(tenValue); } builder.displayName( value < 0 ? tr("\u00a7c{0,number,#}", value) : tr("\u00a7a{0,number,#}", value)); menu.setItem(getIndex(1, col),; nvalue = (nvalue - tenValue) / 10; col--; } while (nvalue != 0 && col > 0); if (value < 0) { menu.setItem( getIndex(1, col), createItem(Material.CARPET, (short) 14, factory.INT + value, null)); } ItemStack valueItem = factory.createIntegerItem(value, path, config, false); List<String> lore = valueItem.getItemMeta().getLore(); menu.setItem(getIndex(3, 4), valueItem); col = 0; for (ItemStack inc : increments.values()) { if (col == 4) { // Skip center col++; } int incValue = getDisplayNameAsInt(inc); ItemStack icon = ItemStackUtil.builder(inc) .lore(tr("&aLeft:&7 Increment with {0}", inc.getItemMeta().getDisplayName())) .lore(tr("&cRight-Click:&7 Set to {0}", incValue)) .lore(lore) .build(); menu.setItem(getIndex(3, col), icon); col++; } menu.setItem( getIndex(5, 0), createItem( Material.WOOD_DOOR, "\u00a79" + tr("Return"), Arrays.asList(configName, path, tr("\u00a77Page {0}", page)))); return menu; }