@Override public void init(IEditorSite pSite, IEditorInput pInput) throws PartInitException { setSite(pSite); setInput(pInput); // get selected object to show in editor Object tSelection = null; if (pInput instanceof EditorInput) { tSelection = ((EditorInput) pInput).getObj(); } Logging.log( this, "init relay client for " + tSelection + " (class=" + tSelection.getClass() + ")"); mRelayClient = (RelayClient) pInput.getAdapter(RelayClient.class); if (mRelayClient == null) { throw new PartInitException(pInput + " does not provide a valid input for " + this); } // add as observer for corresponding stream client application mRelayClient.addObserver(this); // update title of editor setPartName(mRelayClient.toString()); }
@Override public void createPartControl(Composite pParent) { Logging.log(this, "Creating relay client GUI for " + mRelayClient.toString()); EditorRowComposite tGrp = new EditorRowComposite(pParent, SWT.SHADOW_NONE); mLbBytes = tGrp.createRow("Data size:", " -1 bytes"); mLbPackets = tGrp.createRow("Data count:", "-1 packets"); mLbFoGSource = tGrp.createRow("FoG source:", "N/A"); mLbIpDestination = tGrp.createRow("IP destination:", "N/A"); mDisplay.timerExec(1000, mRepaintTimer); }
@Override public void dispose() { Logging.log(this, "Destroyed relay client"); if (mRelayClient != null) { // delete as observer for corresponding stream client application mRelayClient.deleteObserver(this); // terminate application mRelayClient.exit(); } super.dispose(); }
public ConnectionEndPointUDPAudioProxy( Logger pLogger, String pDestName, int pDestPort, int pRcvPort) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { super(false, pLogger, null); long tStartTime; tStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mRcvSocket = new DatagramSocket(pRcvPort); Logging.log( this, "Created CEP audio proxy with name \"" + pDestName + "\" for port: " + pRcvPort + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tStartTime) + " msec"); }
public RelayClientEditor() { Logging.log(this, "Created relay client"); mDisplay = Display.getCurrent(); mShell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(); }