コード例 #1
  public void testEnglish() throws Exception {
    long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
    Assume.assumeTrue("Insufficient max memory: " + maxMemory, maxMemory > 3700000000l);

    // Run the test pipeline. Note the full stop at the end of a sentence is preceded by a
    // whitespace. This is necessary for it to be detected as a separate token!
    JCas jcas = runTest("en", null, "SAP where John Doe works is in Germany .");

    // Define the reference data that we expect to get back from the test
    String[] namedEntity = {
      "[ 10, 18]NamedEntity(PERSON) (John Doe)", "[ 31, 38]NamedEntity(GPE) (Germany)"

    // Compare the annotations created in the pipeline to the reference data
    AssertAnnotations.assertNamedEntity(namedEntity, select(jcas, NamedEntity.class));