コード例 #1
   * The aim of this test is to test that:
   * <p>1) The facade's method getStadiums makes a call to the CityService's method getStadiums
   * <p>2) The facade then correctly wraps StadiumModels that are returned to it from the
   * CityService's getStadiums into Data Transfer Objects of type CityData.
  public void testGetCitiesByRegionCode() {
     * We instantiate an object that we would like to be returned to StadiumFacade when the mocked
     * out CityService's method getStadiums is called. This will be a list of two StadiumModels.
    final List<CityModel> cityModels = dummyDataCityList();
    final CityModel cityModel = dummyDataCity();
    // We tell Mockito we expect CityService's method getStadiums to be called,
    // and that when it is, cityModels should be returned

            new Answer<CityData>() {
              public CityData answer(final InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                final Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
                if (args[1] instanceof CityData) {
                  final CityData rd = (CityData) args[1];
                      "TEST-CITY-NAME-EN"); // assuming now emulating the value for Locale.ENGLISH
                return null;
            org.mockito.Matchers.any(CityModel.class), org.mockito.Matchers.any(CityData.class));

     * We now make the call to StadiumFacade's getStadiums. If within this method a call is made to
     * CityService's getStadiums, Mockito will return the cityModels instance to it. Mockito will
     * also remember that the call was made.
    final List<CityData> dto = cityFacade.getCitiesByRegionCode("TEST-REGION-ISOCODE");
    // We now check that dto is a DTO version of cityModels..
    assertEquals(dto.size(), cityModels.size());
    assertEquals(dto.get(0).getName(), cityModel.getName(Locale.ENGLISH));
    assertEquals(dto.get(0).getCode(), cityModel.getCode());
コード例 #2
  public void testGetCityForCode() {
     * We instantiate an object that we would like to be returned to StadiumFacade when the mocked
     * out CityService's method getStadiums is called. This will be a list of two StadiumModels.
    final CityModel cityModel = dummyDataCity();

    // We tell Mockito we expect CityService's method getStadiumForCode to be
    // called, and that when it is, cityModel should be returned

            new Answer<CityData>() {
              public CityData answer(final InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                final Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
                if (args[1] instanceof CityData) {
                  final CityData rd = (CityData) args[1];
                      "TEST-CITY-NAME-EN"); // assuming now emulating the value for Locale.ENGLISH
                return null;
            org.mockito.Matchers.any(CityModel.class), org.mockito.Matchers.any(CityData.class));

     * We now make the call to StadiumFacade's getStadium. If within this method a call is made to
     * CityService's getStadium, Mockito will return the cityModel instance to it. Mockito will also
     * remember that the call was made.
    final CityData cityData = cityFacade.getCityForCode("TEST-CITY-CODE");
    // Check that cityData is a correct DTO representation of the cityModel ServiceModel
    assertEquals(cityData.getName(), cityModel.getName(Locale.ENGLISH));
    assertEquals(cityData.getCode(), cityModel.getCode());