/** * Outputs a left curly brace. * * @param newlineBefore <code>true</code> if a newline should be printed before the brace. * @param newlineAfter <code>true</code> if a newline should be printed after the brace. * @param indent if <code>true</code> the brace will be indented relative to the current * indentation level. * @return the column offset where the brace was printed. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occured. */ public int printLeftBrace(boolean newlineBefore, boolean newlineAfter, boolean indent) throws IOException { if (newlineBefore) { printNewline(); } if (indent && (this.leftBraceIndent > 0)) { print(generateIndentString(this.leftBraceIndent), JavaTokenTypes.WS); } int offset = print(LCURLY, JavaTokenTypes.LCURLY); if (newlineAfter) { printNewline(); } indent(); return offset; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void print(AST node, NodeWriter out) throws IOException { printCommentsBefore(node, out); // print space between else and if: // if { ... } else if { ... } switch (out.last) { case JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_else: out.print(SPACE, JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_if); break; } boolean spaceBefore = AbstractPrinter.settings.getBoolean( ConventionKeys.SPACE_BEFORE_STATEMENT_PAREN, ConventionDefaults.SPACE_BEFORE_STATEMENT_PAREN); int offset = 1; if (spaceBefore) { offset = out.print(IF_SPACE, JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_if); } else { offset = out.print(IF, JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_if); } trackPosition((JavaNode) node, out.line, offset, out); AST lparen = node.getFirstChild(); boolean insertBraces = AbstractPrinter.settings.getBoolean( ConventionKeys.BRACE_INSERT_IF_ELSE, ConventionDefaults.BRACE_INSERT_IF_ELSE); JavaNode rparen = printExpressionList(lparen, insertBraces, out); AST body = rparen.getNextSibling(); boolean leftBraceNewline = AbstractPrinter.settings.getBoolean( ConventionKeys.BRACE_NEWLINE_LEFT, ConventionDefaults.BRACE_NEWLINE_LEFT); boolean rightBraceNewline = AbstractPrinter.settings.getBoolean( ConventionKeys.BRACE_NEWLINE_RIGHT, ConventionDefaults.BRACE_NEWLINE_RIGHT); boolean hasBraces = body.getType() == JavaTokenTypes.SLIST; out.last = JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_if; JavaNode next = (JavaNode) body.getNextSibling(); if (hasBraces) { PrinterFactory.create(body, out).print(body, out); } else // no braces, single statement { if (insertBraces) // insert braces manually { if (out.pendingComment == null) { out.printLeftBrace( leftBraceNewline && !out.newline, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_YES, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_YES); } else { out.printLeftBrace(NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO); rparen.setHiddenAfter(out.pendingComment); printCommentsAfter(rparen, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_YES, out); out.pendingComment = null; } PrinterFactory.create(body, out).print(body, out); out.printRightBrace(rightBraceNewline || (next == null)); } else { if (!out.newline) out.printNewline(); out.indent(); PrinterFactory.create(body, out).print(body, out); out.unindent(); } } // print the else-if or else part if (next != null) { printCommentsBefore(next, out); if (!out.newline && (out.last == JavaTokenTypes.RCURLY)) { out.print( out.getString( AbstractPrinter.settings.getInt( ConventionKeys.INDENT_SIZE_BRACE_RIGHT_AFTER, ConventionDefaults.INDENT_SIZE_BRACE_RIGHT_AFTER)), JavaTokenTypes.WS); } offset = out.print(ELSE, JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_else); trackPosition(next, out.line, offset, out); JavaNode block = (JavaNode) next.getNextSibling(); switch (block.getType()) { case JavaTokenTypes.SLIST: // block // print the endline comment for the else printCommentsAfter(next, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, !leftBraceNewline, out); // either we print a LITERAL_if or LITERAL_else but // we don't care as both will lead to the same result out.last = JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_if; PrinterFactory.create(block, out).print(block, out); break; case JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_if: // the else-if 'if' out.last = JavaTokenTypes.LITERAL_else; print(block, out); break; default: // single expression if (insertBraces) { out.pendingComment = next.getCommentAfter(); if (out.pendingComment == null) { printCommentsAfter(next, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, !leftBraceNewline, out); out.printLeftBrace( rightBraceNewline, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, !rightBraceNewline && !out.newline); out.printNewline(); } else { out.printLeftBrace(NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO); printCommentsAfter(next, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_YES, out); } PrinterFactory.create(block, out).print(block, out); out.printRightBrace(); } else { printCommentsAfter(next, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, NodeWriter.NEWLINE_NO, out); out.printNewline(); out.indent(); PrinterFactory.create(block, out).print(block, out); out.unindent(); } } } // do as if always braces printed for the correct blank lines behaviour out.last = JavaTokenTypes.RCURLY; }