/** * Test retrieving the resources of a Role without providing a role id. * * @throws Exception If anything fails. */ @Test public void testAARrr3_rest() throws Exception { try { retrieveResources(null); EscidocRestSoapTestBase.failMissingException(MissingMethodParameterException.class); } catch (final Exception e) { EscidocRestSoapTestBase.assertExceptionType(MissingMethodParameterException.class, e); } }
/** * Test retrieving the resources of a Role with providing an id of an existing resource of another * resource type. * * @throws Exception If anything fails. */ @Test public void testAARrr2_2_rest() throws Exception { try { retrieveResources(CONTEXT_ID); EscidocRestSoapTestBase.failMissingException(RoleNotFoundException.class); } catch (final Exception e) { EscidocRestSoapTestBase.assertExceptionType(RoleNotFoundException.class, e); } }
/** * Test declining creation of Role with providing objid. * * @throws Exception If anything fails. */ @Test public void testAACro9_rest() throws Exception { Document toBeCreatedDocument = EscidocRestSoapTestBase.getTemplateAsDocument(TEMPLATE_ROLE_PATH, "role_for_create.xml"); addAttribute( toBeCreatedDocument, XPATH_ROLE, createAttributeNode( toBeCreatedDocument, XLINK_NS_URI, null, EscidocTestBase.NAME_OBJID, "escidoc:42")); insertUniqueRoleName(toBeCreatedDocument); try { create(toString(toBeCreatedDocument, false)); EscidocRestSoapTestBase.failMissingException(XmlSchemaValidationException.class); } catch (final Exception e) { EscidocRestSoapTestBase.assertExceptionType(XmlSchemaValidationException.class, e); } }