コード例 #1
  public List<Arc> chooseArcs(Solution solution, Vertex current) {

    List<Arc> nextArcs;

    List<Arc> currentOutgoing = current.getOutgoingArcs();
    List<Arc> currentOutgoingStillInAreaNotVisited = new LinkedList<Arc>();

    for (Arc arc : currentOutgoing) {
      Vertex endVertex = arc.getEnd();
      if (GeographicDistances.distance(
              endVertex, new Vertex(solution.getLatStart(), solution.getLngStart(), -1))
          < maxDistanceFromStart) {
        if (!arc.isVisited()) {

    // The set of outgoing arcs contains arcs that are not visited
    // Choose the best arc among the set
    if (!currentOutgoingStillInAreaNotVisited.isEmpty()) {
      Collections.sort(currentOutgoingStillInAreaNotVisited, comparator);
      nextArcs = Collections.singletonList(currentOutgoingStillInAreaNotVisited.get(0));

    // Else all the arcs are visited
    // Go to the nearest unvisited arc in the area
    // TODO - is there a better choice?
    else {
      nextArcs = pathToNearestUnvisitedArcInArea(current, solution);

    int newTotal = solution.getTotalTime();
    for (Arc arc : nextArcs) newTotal += arc.getDuration();

    if (newTotal > maxTime || nextArcs.isEmpty()) return null;
    else return nextArcs;