public Player() { PlayerLevel = 1; CurrentExp = 0; this.showPauseMenu = false; this.showTowerSelectMenu = false; this.placingTower = false; this.mouseButton0 = false; this.mouseButton1 = false; // Keeps track of if there was an interactive click this update cycle. If so // other mouse actions are blocked until both mouse buttons are not clicked this.mouseWait = true; // Setup towerUI TowerSelectUI = new UI(); TowerSelectUI.addButton( "Towermenutitle", "towerselectbutton", TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE * 12); // Title bar, no functionality TowerSelectUI.addButton("Towercannonblue", "cannonbaseblue", TILE_SIZE * 1, TILE_SIZE * 13); CurrentTowerType = TowerType.CannonBlue; CurrentAOEType = AOEType.NULL; for (AOEType a : AOEType.values()) { a.resetCooldown(); // All AOEs are initially available a.incrementCooldown(a.cooldown); } Cash = 0; // These are modified when setup() is called Lives = 0; Tower.Setup(); }
public void update() { for (AOEType a : AOEType.values()) { a.incrementCooldown(Delta()); } if (showTowerSelectMenu) { TowerSelectUI.draw(); UpdateButtons(); } updateTowers(); updateAOE(); // Pick which style of placement drawing I like better, and use that one for both. if (placingTower) { Tower.PlacementDraw( CurrentTowerType, Mouse.getX(), (int) Math.floor(HEIGHT - Mouse.getY() - 1)); } if (placingAOE) { CurrentAOEType.PlacementDraw(Mouse.getX(), (int) Math.floor(HEIGHT - Mouse.getY() - 1)); } // Handle mouse input // Left Mouse was newly clicked if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0) && !mouseButton0 && !mouseWait) { if (placingTower) { placeTower(); } else if (placingAOE && CurrentAOEType.cooldownComplete()) { placeAOE(); } else if (!placingTower && !placingAOE) { setMenuTower(); } } // Cancel tower or AOE placement or close tower menu by pressing right mouse if (Mouse.isButtonDown(1) && !mouseButton1 && !mouseWait) { placingTower = false; placingAOE = false; Tower.CloseMenu(); } mouseButton0 = Mouse.isButtonDown(0); mouseButton1 = Mouse.isButtonDown(1); // Handle keyboard input while ( { // Toggle Pause and toggle pause menu if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_P && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { showPauseMenu = !showPauseMenu; Clock.Pause(); } // Speed up and slow down time with arrow keys if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { Clock.ChangeMultiplier(0.2f); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { Clock.ChangeMultiplier(-0.2f); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_UP && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { Clock.ResetMultiplier(); } // Select and and begin placing towers // Open tower menu if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_T && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { showTowerSelectMenu = !showTowerSelectMenu; } // Hotkeys for tower selection if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_1 && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { selectTowerType(CannonBlue); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_2 && Keyboard.getEventKeyState() && PlayerLevel >= TOWER_CANNONRED_UNLOCK) { selectTowerType(CannonRed); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_3 && Keyboard.getEventKeyState() && PlayerLevel >= TOWER_ICE_UNLOCK) { selectTowerType(IceTower); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_4 && Keyboard.getEventKeyState() && PlayerLevel >= TOWER_ROCKET_UNLOCK) { selectTowerType(RocketTower); } // Select and begin placing AOE if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_Q && Keyboard.getEventKeyState() && PlayerLevel >= AOE_FIRESTRIKE_UNLOCK) { selectAOEType(FireStrike); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_W && Keyboard.getEventKeyState() && PlayerLevel >= AOE_TOWERBUFF_UNLOCK) { selectAOEType(TowerBuff); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_E && Keyboard.getEventKeyState() && PlayerLevel >= AOE_SLOW_UNLOCK) { selectAOEType(Slow); } // Tower deletion if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_D && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { deleteTower(); } // Tower upgrade if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_U && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { levelUpTower(); } } // Keep waiting until both buttons are not down. May be changed // to have one for each button. mouseWait = (Mouse.isButtonDown(0) || Mouse.isButtonDown(1)); }