コード例 #1
  * @param ev
  * @param alphabet
  * @param bs
  * @param sup
  * @param seqDB
  * @param posDB
  * @param sInd
  * @param eInd
 protected void verifyContentGeneralAcceptance(
     Event ev,
     Vector<Element> alphabet,
     BitSet bs,
     long[] sup,
     Vector<Integer>[] seqDB,
     Vector<Integer>[] posDB,
     int sInd,
     int eInd) {
   ItemSet set = ev.getSet();
   for (int i = 0; i < set.size(); i++) {
     Element el = set.elementAt(i);
     int found = alphabet.indexOf(el);
     if (-1 != found) {
       // If current sequence did not contribute to the support of
       // this element yet, increment its support
       if (!bs.get(found)) {
       // In any case, add another object to projecyed db
       seqDB[found].addElement(new Integer(sInd));
       posDB[found].addElement(new Integer(eInd));
コード例 #2
  * @param db
  * @return a db transformed in a database of events ???
 public Database preProcessing(Database db) {
   Vector<Element> alphabet = m_tdm.m_contentC.m_taxonomy.getAlphabet(m_tdm.m_contentC.m_level);
   Database preprocDB = new Database();
   for (int i = 0; i < db.getSize(); i++) {
     EventSequence s = db.elementAt(i);
     Vector<Event> events = new Vector<Event>(0);
     for (int k = 0; k < s.length(); k++) {
       Event e = s.elementAtIndex(k);
       if (m_tdm.m_temporalC.accepts(e)) {
         Vector<Element> v = getParents(e.getSet(), alphabet, m_tdm.m_contentC.m_taxonomy);
         if (null != v) events.addElement(new Event(new ItemSet(v), e.getInstant()));
     if (0 != events.size()) preprocDB.addElement(new EventSequence(events));
   return preprocDB;