コード例 #1
  public DateConstraint createStandardSchedule(String[] description) {
    DateConstraint standardSchedule = new DateConstraint();
    Team noTeam = null;
    ArrayList<DateConstraint> components = new ArrayList<DateConstraint>();
    for (String request : description) {
      request = request.trim().toLowerCase();
      for (int i = 1; i < LONG_DAYS.length; i++) {
        String longDay = LONG_DAYS[i];
        DateConstraint nextComponent = null;
        if (request.contains(longDay) && request.contains(":")) {
          // special constraint: [day] before/after [time]
          // restrict if both on this day AND at this time-- so take the intersection
          DateConstraint day = parseDateConstraints(longDay, noTeam, new DateConstraint());
          DateConstraint time =
              parseDateConstraints(cleanRequest(request, longDay), noTeam, new DateConstraint());
          nextComponent = DateConstraint.getIntersection(day, time);
    for (int i = 0; i < components.size(); i += 2) {
      // this means the description NEEDS to be paired-- the two constraints describing a day need
      // to be adjacent
      DateConstraint c1 = components.get(i);
      DateConstraint c2 = components.get(i + 1);
      DateConstraint c = DateConstraint.getIntersection(c1, c2);
      // and then OR all the components together
      standardSchedule = new DateConstraint(standardSchedule, c);

    // wipe holidays
    for (LocalDate holiday : holidays) {
      int holidayIndex = standardSchedule.findDate(holiday);

    return standardSchedule;