private void validateResponse(HTTPResponse response) { HTTPStatus status = response.status(); if (status.code >= HTTPStatus.OK.code && status.code <= 300) return; try { if (status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) { ValidationErrorResponse validationErrorResponse = JSON.fromJSON(ValidationErrorResponse.class, response.text()); throw new RemoteServiceException( "failed to validate, message=" + validationErrorResponse.message + ", fieldErrors=" + validationErrorResponse.fieldErrors); } else { ErrorResponse errorResponse = JSON.fromJSON(ErrorResponse.class, response.text()); throw new RemoteServiceException(errorResponse.message); } } catch (RemoteServiceException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "failed to decode response, statusCode={}, responseText={}", status.code, response.text(), e); throw new RemoteServiceException( "received non 2xx status code, status=" + status.code + ", remoteMessage=" + response.text(), e); } }
public <T> T execute( HTTPMethod method, String path, Map<String, String> pathParams, Object requestBean, Type responseType) { logger.debug( "call web service, serviceURL={}, method={}, path={}, pathParams={}", serviceURL, method, path, pathParams); validateRequestBean(requestBean); String serviceURL = serviceURL(path, pathParams); HTTPRequest httpRequest = new HTTPRequest(method, serviceURL); linkContext(httpRequest); if (requestBean != null) { String json = JSON.toJSON(requestBean); if (method == HTTPMethod.GET || method == HTTPMethod.DELETE) { Map<String, String> queryParams = JSON.fromJSON(, String.class), json); queryParams.forEach(httpRequest::addParam); } else if (method == HTTPMethod.POST || method == HTTPMethod.PUT) { httpRequest.text(json, ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON); } else { throw Exceptions.error("not supported method, method={}", method); } } if (signer != null) { logger.debug("sign request, signer={}", signer.getClass().getCanonicalName()); signer.sign(httpRequest); } HTTPResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpRequest); validateResponse(response); if (void.class != responseType) { return JSON.fromJSON(responseType, response.text()); } else { return null; } }