コード例 #1
   * Given a pointer to an entity and a std container of pointers to nearby entities, this function
   * checks to see if there is an overlap between entities. If there is, then the entities are moved
   * away from each other
  public static <T extends BaseGameEntity, conT extends List<? extends BaseGameEntity>>
      void EnforceNonPenetrationContraint(T entity, final conT others) {
    ListIterator<? extends BaseGameEntity> it = others.listIterator();

    // iterate through all entities checking for any overlap of bounding
    // radii
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      BaseGameEntity curOb = it.next();
      // make sure we don't check against this entity
      if (curOb == entity) {

      // calculate the distance between the positions of the entities
      Vector2D ToEntity = sub(entity.Pos(), curOb.Pos());

      double DistFromEachOther = ToEntity.Length();

      // if this distance is smaller than the sum of their radii then this
      // entity must be moved away in the direction parallel to the
      // ToEntity vector
      double AmountOfOverLap = curOb.BRadius() + entity.BRadius() - DistFromEachOther;

      if (AmountOfOverLap >= 0) {
        // move the entity a distance away equivalent to the amount of overlap.
        entity.SetPos(add(entity.Pos(), mul(div(ToEntity, DistFromEachOther), AmountOfOverLap)));
    } // next entity
コード例 #2
   * tags any entities contained in a std container that are within the radius of the single entity
   * parameter
  public static <T extends BaseGameEntity, conT extends List<? extends T>> void TagNeighbors(
      T entity, conT others, final double radius) {
    ListIterator<? extends T> it = others.listIterator();

    // iterate through all entities checking for range
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      T curOb = it.next();
      // first clear any current tag

      // work in distance squared to avoid sqrts
      Vector2D to = sub(curOb.Pos(), entity.Pos());

      // the bounding radius of the other is taken into account by adding it
      // to the range
      double range = radius + curOb.BRadius();

      // if entity within range, tag for further consideration
      if ((curOb != entity) && (to.LengthSq() < range * range)) {
    } // next entity
コード例 #3
  public static <T extends BaseGameEntity, conT extends List<? extends BaseGameEntity>>
      boolean Overlapped(final T ob, final conT conOb, double MinDistBetweenObstacles) {
    ListIterator<? extends BaseGameEntity> it = conOb.listIterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
      BaseGameEntity curOb = it.next();
      if (TwoCirclesOverlapped(
          ob.Pos(), ob.BRadius() + MinDistBetweenObstacles, curOb.Pos(), curOb.BRadius())) {
        return true;

    return false;