/** * 获取送件箱邮件信息对象 * * @param uinfo 读邮件的用户对象 * @param mid 邮件ID * @return MailInfo 邮件信息对象 */ public static MailInfo getSendInfo(UserInfo uinfo, int mid) throws SQLException { if (uinfo == null) return null; DBSource dbsrc = new DBSource(); try { /** 从数据库中检索邮件信息 */ String sql = "select id,receiverid,receivername,sub,content,sendtime from sendbox where id=? and senderid=?"; dbsrc.prepareStatement(sql); dbsrc.setInt(1, mid); dbsrc.setInt(2, uinfo.getId()); dbsrc.executeQuery(); if (dbsrc.next()) { MailInfo minfo = new MailInfo(); minfo.setId(dbsrc.getInt("id")); minfo.setReceiverId(dbsrc.getInt("receiverid")); minfo.setReceiverName(dbsrc.getString("receivername")); minfo.setSub(dbsrc.getString("sub")); minfo.setContent(dbsrc.getString("content")); minfo.setSendTime(dbsrc.getTimestamp("sendtime")); return minfo; } } finally { if (dbsrc != null) dbsrc.close(); } return null; }
/** * 获取邮件信息对象 * * @param uinfo 读邮件的用户对象 * @param mid 邮件ID * @return MailInfo 邮件信息对象 */ public static MailInfo getMailInfo(UserInfo uinfo, int mid) throws SQLException { if (uinfo == null) return null; DBSource dbsrc = new DBSource(); MailInfo minfo = null; try { /** 从数据库中检索邮件信息 */ String sql = "select id,senderid,sendername,sub,content,mstatus,sendtime from mailbox where id=? and receiverid=?"; dbsrc.prepareStatement(sql); dbsrc.setInt(1, mid); dbsrc.setInt(2, uinfo.getId()); dbsrc.executeQuery(); if (dbsrc.next()) { minfo = new MailInfo(); minfo.setId(dbsrc.getInt("id")); minfo.setSenderId(dbsrc.getInt("senderid")); minfo.setSenderName(dbsrc.getString("sendername")); minfo.setSub(dbsrc.getString("sub")); minfo.setContent(dbsrc.getString("content")); minfo.setStatus(dbsrc.getInt("mstatus")); minfo.setSendTime(dbsrc.getTimestamp("sendtime")); } if (minfo != null) { sql = "update mailbox set mstatus=? where id=? and receiverid=?"; dbsrc.prepareStatement(sql); dbsrc.setInt(1, SysUtils.MAIL_STATUS_READ); dbsrc.setInt(2, minfo.getId()); dbsrc.setInt(3, uinfo.getId()); int ret = dbsrc.executeUpdate(); if (ret != 1) { return null; } return minfo; } } finally { if (dbsrc != null) dbsrc.close(); } return null; }
/** * 删除发件箱中邮件 * * @param uinfo 用户信息对象 * @param mlist 要删除的邮件ID列表 * @return int 操作状态,-1-失败 * @throws SQLException 数据库异常 */ public static int delSendMail(UserInfo uinfo, String mlist) throws SQLException { if ((uinfo == null) || StringUtils.isNull(mlist)) { return -1; } DBSource dbsrc = new DBSource(); try { /** 删除收件箱信息表中记录 */ StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("delete from sendbox where id in ("); sql.append(mlist); sql.append(") and senderid="); sql.append(uinfo.getId()); return dbsrc.executeUpdate(sql.toString()); } finally { if (dbsrc != null) dbsrc.close(); } }
/** * 添加活动 * * @param mapping 路径映射对象 * @param form 表单对象 * @param request 请求对象 * @param response 响应对象 * @return ActionForward * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward doCreateact( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { int actid = 0; Timestamp now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); // 初始化 ActivityInfo act = (ActivityInfo) form; ErrorInformation errInfo = new ActivityErrInfo(); // 转换时间格式 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); String starttime = request.getParameter("starttime"); String endtime = request.getParameter("endtime"); String bin_hour = request.getParameter("begin_hour"); String bin_min = request.getParameter("begin_min"); String end_hour = request.getParameter("end_hour"); String end_min = request.getParameter("end_min"); Timestamp start = Utils.StingToTimestamp(starttime, bin_hour, bin_min); Timestamp end = null; if (!StringUtils.isNull(endtime)) { end = Utils.StingToTimestamp(endtime, end_hour, end_min); } else { end = Utils.StingToTimestampEnd(starttime, bin_hour, bin_min); } // 获取登录用户 UserInfo loginUser = UserInfo.getLoginUser(request); if (loginUser == null) // 检查用户是否登录 errInfo.saveError(ActivityErrInfo.NEED_LOGIN); // 检查活动名称,活动地点和和活动内容,它们不能为空 else if (StringUtils.isNull(act.getActname()) || StringUtils.isNull(act.getActplace()) || StringUtils.isNull(act.getActcontent())) errInfo.saveError(ActivityErrInfo.NEEDED_FIELD_NOT_NULL); else { // 完善act对象 act.setAuthorId(loginUser.getId()); act.setAuthorname(loginUser.getRealName()); act.setStart(start); act.setEnd(end); act.setStatus(Utils.ACTIVITY_NORMAL); // 1为正常活动,2表示热点活动; try { // 如果没有出错,则保存到数据库 int ret = ActivityDAO.createActivity(act); if (ret < 1) { errInfo.saveError(ActivityErrInfo.ERR_UNKNOWN); } // 获得活动id,以便跳转到readact.jsp; actid = ActivityDAO.getActIdByActname(act.getActname(), act.getAuthorname(), now); if (actid < 0) { errInfo.saveError(ActivityErrInfo.ERR_UNKNOWN); } // 因创建一个活动,用户积分减100 if (errInfo.isEmpty()) { int rt = AuthUserDAO.addScore(loginUser, -Utils.SCORE_BEGIN_ACTIVITY); if (rt < 1) errInfo.saveError(ActivityErrInfo.ERR_UNKNOWN); } } catch (SQLException e) { Logger.Log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, e); errInfo.saveError(ActivityErrInfo.DATABASE_ERR); } } if (!errInfo.isEmpty()) { errInfo.saveToRequest("err", request); return mapping.findForward("error"); } return new ActionForward("/activity/readact.jsp?actid=" + actid, true); }