@Test( description = "Double tag a contact ", groups = {"functional"}) public void DoubleTag() throws HarnessException { // Create a new tag TagItem tagItem = TagItem.CreateUsingSoap(app); // Create a contact via Soap then select ContactItem contactItem = app.zPageAddressbook.createUsingSOAPSelectContact(app, Action.A_LEFTCLICK); // select the tag app.zPageAddressbook.zToolbarPressPulldown(Button.B_TAG, tagItem); Verify(contactItem, tagItem.getName()); // create a new tag name String tagName = "tag" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // click Tag Contact->New Tag DialogTag dialogTag = (DialogTag) app.zPageAddressbook.zListItem( Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_TAG, Button.O_TAG_NEWTAG, contactItem.fileAs); dialogTag.zSetTagName(tagName); dialogTag.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); Verify(contactItem, tagName); }
private void TagGroup(DialogTag dialogTag, ContactGroupItem group) throws HarnessException { String tagName = "tag" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); dialogTag.zSetTagName(tagName); dialogTag.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); // Make sure the tag was created on the server (get the tag ID) app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSend("<GetTagRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'/>"); ; String tagID = app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSelectValue("//mail:GetTagResponse//mail:tag[@name='" + tagName + "']", "id"); // Make sure the tag was applied to the contact app.zGetActiveAccount() .soapSend( "<GetContactsRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>" + "<cn id='" + group.getId() + "'/>" + "</GetContactsRequest>"); String contactTags = app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:GetContactsResponse//mail:cn", "t"); ZAssert.assertEquals( contactTags, tagID, "Verify the tag appears on the contact id=" + group.getId()); // verify toasted message '1 contact tagged ...' String expectedMsg = "1 contact group tagged \"" + tagName + "\""; ZAssert.assertStringContains( app.zPageMain.zGetToaster().zGetToastMessage(), expectedMsg, "Verify toast message '" + expectedMsg + "'"); }
@Test( description = "Tag a contact, click pulldown menu Tag->New Tag", groups = {"smoke"}) public void ClickPulldownMenuTagNewTag() throws HarnessException { // Create a contact via Soap then select ContactItem contactItem = app.zPageAddressbook.createUsingSOAPSelectContact(app, Action.A_LEFTCLICK); String tagName = "tag" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // Click new tag DialogTag dialogTag = (DialogTag) app.zPageAddressbook.zToolbarPressPulldown(Button.B_TAG, Button.O_TAG_NEWTAG); dialogTag.zSetTagName(tagName); dialogTag.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); Verify(contactItem, tagName); }
@Test( description = "Right click then click Tag Contact->New Tag", groups = {"smoke"}) public void ClickContextMenuTagContactNewTag() throws HarnessException { // Create a contact via Soap then select ContactItem contactItem = app.zPageAddressbook.createUsingSOAPSelectContact(app, Action.A_LEFTCLICK); String tagName = "tag" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString(); // click Tag Contact->New Tag DialogTag dialogTag = (DialogTag) app.zPageAddressbook.zListItem( Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_TAG, Button.O_TAG_NEWTAG, contactItem.fileAs); dialogTag.zSetTagName(tagName); dialogTag.zClickButton(Button.B_OK); Verify(contactItem, tagName); }