/** * Collects data about external IMAP accounts from XML * * @param is * @return ExternalIMAPAccount list of account data containers * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException * @throws ServiceException */ private Map<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>> parseExternalIMAPAccounts( org.dom4j.Element root, ZimbraSoapContext zsc) throws DocumentException, IOException, ServiceException { List<ExternalIMAPAccount> idleAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> runningAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> finishedAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); Map<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>> accts = new HashMap<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>>(); Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance(); for (Iterator userIter = root.elementIterator(AdminExtConstants.E_User); userIter.hasNext(); ) { org.dom4j.Element elUser = (org.dom4j.Element) userIter.next(); String userEmail = ""; String userLogin = ""; String userPassword = ""; for (Iterator userPropsIter = elUser.elementIterator(); userPropsIter.hasNext(); ) { org.dom4j.Element el = (org.dom4j.Element) userPropsIter.next(); /* * We support <ExchangeMail> element for compatibility with * desktop based Exchange Migration utility <RemoteEmailAddress> * takes prevalence over <ExchangeMail> element */ if (AdminExtConstants.E_ExchangeMail.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userEmail = el.getTextTrim(); } if (AdminExtConstants.E_remoteEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userEmail = el.getTextTrim(); } if (AdminExtConstants.E_remoteIMAPLogin.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userLogin = el.getTextTrim(); } if (AdminExtConstants.E_remoteIMAPPassword.equalsIgnoreCase(el.getName())) { userPassword = el.getTextTrim(); } } Account localAccount = null; try { localAccount = prov.get(AccountBy.name, userEmail, zsc.getAuthToken()); } catch (ServiceException se) { ZimbraLog.gal.warn("error looking up account", se); } if (localAccount == null) { throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT(userEmail); } checkAdminLoginAsRight(zsc, prov, localAccount); if (userLogin.length() == 0) { userLogin = userEmail; } // Check if an import is running on this account already boolean isRunning = false; boolean hasRun = false; List<DataSource> sources = Provisioning.getInstance().getAllDataSources(localAccount); for (DataSource ds : sources) { if (ZimbraBulkProvisionExt.IMAP_IMPORT_DS_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(ds.getName()) && ds.getType() == DataSourceType.imap && ds.isImportOnly() && "1".equalsIgnoreCase(ds.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraDataSourceFolderId))) { ImportStatus importStatus = DataSourceManager.getImportStatus(localAccount, ds); if (!isRunning) { synchronized (importStatus) { isRunning = importStatus.isRunning(); hasRun = importStatus.hasRun(); } } if (!hasRun) { synchronized (importStatus) { hasRun = importStatus.hasRun(); } } if (!isRunning) { runningAccts.add( new ExternalIMAPAccount(userEmail, userLogin, userPassword, localAccount)); break; } else if (hasRun) { finishedAccts.add( new ExternalIMAPAccount(userEmail, userLogin, userPassword, localAccount)); break; } } } if (!isRunning && !hasRun) { idleAccts.add(new ExternalIMAPAccount(userEmail, userLogin, userPassword, localAccount)); } } accts.put(accountState.idle, idleAccts); accts.put(accountState.running, runningAccts); accts.put(accountState.finished, finishedAccts); return accts; }
private Map<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>> getZimbraAccounts( Element request, ZimbraSoapContext zsc) throws ServiceException { List<Element> acctElems = request.listElements(AdminConstants.E_ACCOUNT); Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> idleAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> runningAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); List<ExternalIMAPAccount> finishedAccts = new ArrayList<ExternalIMAPAccount>(); Map<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>> accts = new HashMap<accountState, List<ExternalIMAPAccount>>(); if (acctElems != null && acctElems.size() > 0) { for (Element elem : acctElems) { String emailAddress = elem.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_NAME); Account localAccount = null; try { localAccount = prov.get(AccountBy.name, emailAddress); } catch (ServiceException se) { ZimbraLog.gal.warn("error looking up account", se); } if (localAccount == null) { throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT(emailAddress); } checkAdminLoginAsRight(zsc, prov, localAccount); // Check if an import is running on this account already boolean isRunning = false; boolean hasRun = false; List<DataSource> sources = Provisioning.getInstance().getAllDataSources(localAccount); for (DataSource ds : sources) { if (ZimbraBulkProvisionExt.IMAP_IMPORT_DS_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(ds.getName()) && ds.getType() == DataSourceType.imap && ds.isImportOnly() && "1".equalsIgnoreCase(ds.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraDataSourceFolderId))) { ImportStatus importStatus = DataSourceManager.getImportStatus(localAccount, ds); if (!isRunning) { synchronized (importStatus) { isRunning = importStatus.isRunning(); hasRun = importStatus.hasRun(); } } if (!hasRun) { synchronized (importStatus) { hasRun = importStatus.hasRun(); } } if (!isRunning) { runningAccts.add( new ExternalIMAPAccount(emailAddress, emailAddress, "", localAccount)); break; } else if (hasRun) { finishedAccts.add( new ExternalIMAPAccount(emailAddress, emailAddress, "", localAccount)); break; } } } if (!isRunning && !hasRun) { idleAccts.add(new ExternalIMAPAccount(emailAddress, emailAddress, "", localAccount)); } } } accts.put(accountState.idle, idleAccts); accts.put(accountState.running, runningAccts); accts.put(accountState.finished, finishedAccts); return accts; }