/** * 初始化<br> * 设定文件中的host和端口有三种形式: --------------------- host = host:port --------------------- host = host * port = port --------------------- #此种形式使用MongoDB默认端口 host = host --------------------- */ public synchronized void initSingle() { if (setting == null) { try { setting = new Setting(MONGO_CONFIG_PATH, CharsetUtil.UTF_8, true); } catch (Exception e) { // 在single模式下,可以没有配置文件。 } } String group = StrUtil.EMPTY; if (serverAddress == null) { if (groups != null && groups.length == 1) { group = groups[0]; } serverAddress = createServerAddress(group); } try { mongo = new MongoClient(serverAddress, buildMongoClientOptions(group)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UtilException( StrUtil.format("Init MongoDB pool with connection to [{}] error!", serverAddress), e); } log.info("Init MongoDB pool with connection to [{}]", serverAddress); }
/** * 初始化集群<br> * 集群的其它客户端设定参数使用全局设定<br> * 集群中每一个实例成员用一个group表示,例如:<br> * [db0] host = [db1] host = [db2] host = */ public synchronized void initCloud() { if (groups == null || groups.length == 0) { throw new UtilException("Please give replication set groups!"); } if (setting == null) { // 若未指定配置文件,则使用默认配置文件 setting = new Setting(MONGO_CONFIG_PATH, Setting.DEFAULT_CHARSET, true); } List<ServerAddress> addrList = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>(); for (String group : groups) { addrList.add(createServerAddress(group)); } try { mongo = new MongoClient(addrList, buildMongoClientOptions(StrUtil.EMPTY)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Init MongoDB connection error!", e); return; } log.info("Init MongoDB cloud Set pool with connection to {}", addrList); }
/** 在垃圾回收(GC)被调用时关闭MongoDB客户端 */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { log.info("MongoDS is finalized!"); this.close(); super.finalize(); }