/** * Loops over each RecordGroup and group it. Init each new sub RecordGroup with empty record * groups for each record group in the parent */ public void groupSubRecordGroupsWithMasterCriteriaLookupDict(NSDictionary groupLookUpDict) { Enumeration anEnum = recordGroupList().objectEnumerator(); while (anEnum.hasMoreElements()) { DRRecordGroup recGrp = (DRRecordGroup) anEnum.nextElement(); NSMutableArray arr = new NSMutableArray(masterCriteriaDrillDownList()); arr.removeObjectAtIndex(0); recGrp.groupSubRecordGroupGroupLookUpDict(arr, groupLookUpDict); } }
public WOActionResults delete() { NSMutableArray personList = (NSMutableArray) session().valueForKey("personList"); if (personList != null && personList.count() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < personList.count(); i++) { PersonLink pers = (PersonLink) personList.objectAtIndex(i); if (item == EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, pers.person())) { personList.removeObjectAtIndex(i); break; } } } return context().page(); // onEdit = null; }
public static NSArray getNextColor() { initColors(); NSArray theColor = (NSArray) theColors.objectAtIndex(0); theColors.removeObjectAtIndex(0); return theColor; }