コード例 #1
ファイル: ExportParams.java プロジェクト: baywind/rujel
 public NSArray localList() {
   if (indexItem == null) return null;
   NSDictionary local = (NSDictionary) indexItem.valueForKey("local");
   if (local == null) return null;
   NSArray result = (NSArray) local.valueForKey("list");
   if (result != null) return result;
   String entityName = (String) local.valueForKey("entityName");
   if (entityName != null) {
     EOQualifier qual = null;
     String qualifier = (String) local.valueForKey("qualifier");
     if (qualifier != null) {
       NSArray args = (NSArray) local.valueForKey("args");
       if (args != null && args.count() > 0) {
         Object[] a = new Object[args.count()];
         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
           a[i] = DisplayAny.ValueReader.evaluateValue(args.objectAtIndex(i), plist, this);
         args = new NSArray(a);
       qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat(qualifier, args);
     NSArray sorter = (NSArray) local.valueForKey("sorter");
     if (sorter != null && sorter.count() > 0) {
       Object[] s = new Object[sorter.count()];
       for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
         Object sort = sorter.objectAtIndex(i);
         if (sort instanceof String) {
           s[i] = new EOSortOrdering((String) sort, EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending);
         } else {
           NSDictionary so = (NSDictionary) sort;
           String key = (String) so.valueForKey("key");
           String order = (String) so.valueForKey("order");
           s[i] = new EOSortOrdering(key, EOSortOrdering._operatorSelectorForString(order));
       sorter = new NSArray(s);
     EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(entityName, qual, sorter);
     result = ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(fs);
   } else if (local.valueForKey("methodName") != null)
     result = (NSArray) DisplayAny.ValueReader.evaluateDict(local, plist, this);
   if (result != null) {
     String uniq = (String) local.valueForKey("uniqueAttribute");
     if (uniq != null) {
       NSMutableArray res = new NSMutableArray();
       for (int i = 0; i < result.count(); i++) {
         Object obj =
             NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(result.objectAtIndex(i), uniq);
         if (obj instanceof String) obj = WOMessage.stringByEscapingHTMLString((String) obj);
         if (!res.containsObject(obj)) res.addObject(obj);
       result = res;
   local.takeValueForKey(result, "list");
   return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ExportParams.java プロジェクト: baywind/rujel
 private String localValue() {
   if (item1 == null || item1 instanceof String) {
     return (String) item1;
   } else {
     String path = (String) indexItem.valueForKeyPath("local.valuePath");
     if (path == null) {
       return MyUtility.getID((EOEnterpriseObject) item1);
     } else {
       return NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(item1, path).toString();
コード例 #3
 public boolean evaluateWithObject(Object object) {
   Object destinationValue =
       NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(object, relationshipName);
   if (destinationValue != null) {
     if (destinationValue instanceof NSArray) {
       NSArray arr = (NSArray) destinationValue;
       return EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(arr, qualifier).count() > 0;
     return qualifier.evaluateWithObject(destinationValue);
   return false;
コード例 #4
  * Creates a dictionary from an objects and an array of key paths
  * @param object object to pull the values from
  * @param keys array of keys
  * @return NSDictionary containing all of the object-key pairs.
 public static NSDictionary<String, Object> dictionaryFromObjectWithKeys(
     Object object, NSArray<String> keys) {
   NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> result = new NSMutableDictionary<String, Object>();
   if (object != null && keys != null) {
     for (Enumeration<String> e = keys.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
       String key = e.nextElement();
       Object value = NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(object, key);
       if (value != null) {
         result.setObjectForKey(value, key);
   return result.immutableClone();
コード例 #5
ファイル: ExportParams.java プロジェクト: baywind/rujel
 public String value1() {
   if (item1 == null) return null;
   if (item1 instanceof String) return (String) item1;
   String format = (String) indexItem.valueForKeyPath("local.titlePath");
   if (format != null)
     return WOMessage.stringByEscapingHTMLString(
         (String) NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(item1, format));
   format = (String) indexItem.valueForKeyPath("local.format");
   if (format == null) return item1.toString();
   NSArray fa = (NSArray) indexItem.valueForKeyPath("local.formatArgs");
   Object[] args = null;
   if (fa != null && fa.count() > 0) {
     args = new Object[fa.count()];
     for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
       args[i] = DisplayAny.ValueReader.evaluateValue(fa.objectAtIndex(i), item1, this);
   return WOMessage.stringByEscapingHTMLString(String.format(format, args));
コード例 #6
 public NSArray selections() {
   if (_selections == null) {
     NSArray oldValues =
             NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(sourceObject(), relationshipKey());
     if (oldValues != null) {
       if (oldValues.lastObject() instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) {
         oldValues = ERXEOControlUtilities.localInstancesOfObjects(editingContext(), oldValues);
     // deal with isMandatory
     if ((_selections == null) && isMandatory()) {
       if (theList().count() > 0) {
         Object anObject = theList().objectAtIndex(0);
         setSelections(new NSArray(anObject));
   return _selections;
コード例 #7
   * Overridden to handle case of in-memory evaluation of QualifierOperatorContains selector and a
   * keyPath that has multiple toMany and/or manyToMany-flattened relationships resulting in arrays
   * of arrays rather than an array of discrete objects. In that case the object is evaluated
   * against a flattened array which gives the same result as SQL evaluation.
   * <p>Since legacy code may depend on workarounds to the incorrect behavior, this patch can be
   * disabled by setting the property <code>er.extensions.ERXKeyValueQualifier.Contains.flatten
   * </code> to <code>false</code>
  public boolean evaluateWithObject(Object object) {
    Object objectValue = NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valueForKeyPath(object, _key);

    if (_value instanceof EOQualifierVariable) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Error evaluating qualifier with key "
              + _key
              + ", selector "
              + _selector
              + ", value "
              + _value
              + " - value must be substitued for variable before evaluating");

    if (_selector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike)) {
      if (_lowercaseCache == null) {
        _lowercaseCache =
            (_value != NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue) ? (_value.toString()).toLowerCase() : "";
      return _NSStringUtilities.stringMatchesPattern(
          ((objectValue != null) && (objectValue != NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue))
              ? objectValue.toString()
              : "",

    // Flatten in case we have array of arrays
    if (_selector.equals(EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorContains)
        && PROPERTIES.shouldFlattenValueObject
        && objectValue != null
        && objectValue instanceof NSArray) {
      objectValue = ERXArrayUtilities.flatten((NSArray<?>) objectValue);
    return ComparisonSupport.compareValues(
        (objectValue != null) ? objectValue : NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue, _value, _selector);