/** * 获取销售记录 * * @param productSheet * @return */ private int getSaleRecordsFormXSheet(Sheet salesSheet) { int count = 0; if (salesSheet == null) return 0; try { int rowStart = salesSheet.getFirstRowNum(); int rowEnd = salesSheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = rowStart + 1; i <= rowEnd; i++) { Row row = salesSheet.getRow(i); SaleRecord sr = new SaleRecord(); // 日期 String datestr = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(0))); if ("".equals(datestr)) continue; Date date = null; try { date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(datestr); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } String struser = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(1))); // if have not user info discard this record if ("".equals(struser)) continue; int user = Integer.parseInt(struser); String strproduct = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(2))); // if have not user info discard this record if ("".equals(strproduct)) continue; int product = Integer.parseInt(strproduct); // 购买价格 String pricestr = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(3)); double price = 0d; if (!"".equals(pricestr)) { price = Double.parseDouble(pricestr); } // 购买量 String numstr = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(3)); double num = 0d; if (!"".equals(numstr)) { num = Double.parseDouble(numstr); } sr.setNum(num); sr.setPrice(price); sr.setProduct(product); sr.setUser(user); sr.setSaledate(date); simpleDao.createEntity(sr); count++; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("getSaleRecordsFormXSheet exception !"); } return count; }
private int getUserFormXSheet(Sheet userSheet) { int count = 0; if (userSheet == null) return 0; try { int rowStart = userSheet.getFirstRowNum(); int rowEnd = userSheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = rowStart + 1; i <= rowEnd; i++) { Row row = userSheet.getRow(i); User user = new User(); String strid = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(0))); if ("".equals(strid)) continue; int id = Integer.parseInt(strid); String name = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(1)); String address = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(2)); String str_borthday = getXssCellData(row.getCell(3)).toString(); Date borthday = null; if (!"".equals(str_borthday)) { try { borthday = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(str_borthday); } catch (Exception e) { } } String gender = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(4)); user.setId(id); user.setName(name); user.setAddress(address); user.setBirthday(borthday); if ("男".equals(gender)) { user.setGender("男"); } simpleDao.createEntity(user); count++; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("getUserFormXSheet exception !"); } return count; }
public boolean testInsertUser() { try { User user = new User(); user.setId(1); user.setName("wangchaobo"); user.setAddress("hunan"); user.setBirthday(new Date()); // user.setGender(1); simpleDao.createEntity(user); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return true; }
/** * 从excel表格中获取产品数据 * * @param productSheet * @return */ private int getProductsFormXSheet(Sheet productSheet) { int count = 0; if (productSheet == null) return 0; try { int rowStart = productSheet.getFirstRowNum(); int rowEnd = productSheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = rowStart + 1; i <= rowEnd; i++) { Row row = productSheet.getRow(i); Product product = new Product(); String strid = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(0))); if ("".equals(strid)) strid = "0"; int id = Integer.parseInt(strid); String name = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(1)); String type = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(2)); String coststr = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(3)); double cost = 0d; if (!"".equals(coststr)) { cost = Double.parseDouble(coststr); } String unit = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(4)); product.setId(id); product.setPname(name); product.setType(type); product.setCost(cost); product.setUnit(unit); simpleDao.createEntity(product); count++; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("getProductsFormXSheet exception !"); } return count; }