コード例 #1
  * Registers a new listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by
  * this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not
  * be passed to it when it's called.
  * <p>For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the {@link com.vaadin.event
  * com.vaadin.event package documentation}.
  * @param eventType the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate
  *     the listener.
  * @param target the object instance who owns the activation method.
  * @param method the activation method.
 public void addListener(Class<?> eventType, Object target, Method method) {
   if (eventRouter == null) {
     eventRouter = new EventRouter();
   eventRouter.addListener(eventType, target, method);
コード例 #2
  * Registers a new listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by
  * this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not
  * be passed to it when it's called.
  * @param eventType the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate
  *     the listener.
  * @param listener the object instance who owns the activation method.
  * @param method the activation method.
  * @return a registration for the listener
 protected Registration addListener(
     Class<?> eventType, DataProviderListener listener, Method method) {
   if (eventRouter == null) {
     eventRouter = new EventRouter();
   return eventRouter.addListener(eventType, listener, method);
コード例 #3
  * Convenience method for registering a new listener with the specified activation method to
  * listen events generated by this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments
  * the event object will not be passed to it when it's called.
  * <p>This version of <code>addListener</code> gets the name of the activation method as a
  * parameter. The actual method is reflected from <code>object</code>, and unless exactly one
  * match is found, <code>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</code> is thrown.
  * <p>For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the {@link com.vaadin.event
  * com.vaadin.event package documentation}.
  * <p>Note: Using this method is discouraged because it cannot be checked during compilation. Use
  * {@link #addListener(Class, Object, Method)} or {@link
  * #addListener(com.vaadin.ui.Component.Listener)} instead.
  * @param eventType the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate
  *     the listener.
  * @param target the object instance who owns the activation method.
  * @param methodName the name of the activation method.
  * @deprecated As of 7.0. This method should be avoided. Use {@link #addListener(Class, Object,
  *     Method)} or {@link #addListener(String, Class, Object, Method)} instead.
 public void addListener(Class<?> eventType, Object target, String methodName) {
   if (eventRouter == null) {
     eventRouter = new EventRouter();
   eventRouter.addListener(eventType, target, methodName);
コード例 #4
   * Registers a new listener with the specified activation method to listen events generated by
   * this component. If the activation method does not have any arguments the event object will not
   * be passed to it when it's called.
   * <p>This method additionally informs the event-api to route events with the given
   * eventIdentifier to the components handleEvent function call.
   * <p>For more information on the inheritable event mechanism see the {@link com.vaadin.event
   * com.vaadin.event package documentation}.
   * @param eventIdentifier the identifier of the event to listen for
   * @param eventType the type of the listened event. Events of this type or its subclasses activate
   *     the listener.
   * @param target the object instance who owns the activation method.
   * @param method the activation method.
   * @since 6.2
  protected void addListener(
      String eventIdentifier, Class<?> eventType, Object target, Method method) {
    if (eventRouter == null) {
      eventRouter = new EventRouter();
    boolean needRepaint = !eventRouter.hasListeners(eventType);
    eventRouter.addListener(eventType, target, method);

    if (needRepaint) {
      ComponentStateUtil.addRegisteredEventListener(getState(), eventIdentifier);