コード例 #1
   * search from the table who's name like p%.
   * @throws Exception to Junit
  public void testsearch_accuracy10() throws Exception {
    LikeFilter filter = new LikeFilter("peopleName", "SW:p", '!');

    // search depend the filter
    CustomResultSet result =
        (CustomResultSet) strategy.search(CONTEXT, filter, new ArrayList(), aliasMap);

    List list = new ArrayList();

    // get the result
    while (result.next()) {

    assertEquals("There are 9 prople with BetweenFilter", 9, list.size());
コード例 #2
   * search from the table who's weight < 31.
   * @throws Exception to Junit
  public void testsearch_accuracy5() throws Exception {
    LessThanFilter lessThanFilter = new LessThanFilter("The weight", new Integer(31));

    // search depend the filter
    CustomResultSet result =
        (CustomResultSet) strategy.search(CONTEXT, lessThanFilter, new ArrayList(), aliasMap);

    List list = new ArrayList();

    // get the result
    while (result.next()) {

    assertEquals("There are 4 prople with weight < 31", 4, list.size());
コード例 #3
   * search from the table who's age = 10.
   * @throws Exception to Junit
  public void testsearch_accuracy1() throws Exception {
    EqualToFilter equalToFilter = new EqualToFilter("The age", new Integer(10));

    // search depend the filter
    CustomResultSet result =
        (CustomResultSet) strategy.search(CONTEXT, equalToFilter, new ArrayList(), aliasMap);

    List list = new ArrayList();

    // get the result
    while (result.next()) {

    assertEquals("There are 2 prople with age = 10", 2, list.size());
コード例 #4
   * search from the table who's age = 10 or weight > 30.
   * @throws Exception to Junit
  public void testsearch_accuracy3() throws Exception {
    EqualToFilter equalToFilter = new EqualToFilter("The age", new Integer(10));
    GreaterThanFilter greaterThanFilter = new GreaterThanFilter("The weight", new Integer(30));
    OrFilter orFilter = new OrFilter(equalToFilter, greaterThanFilter);

    // search depend the filter
    CustomResultSet result =
        (CustomResultSet) strategy.search(CONTEXT, orFilter, new ArrayList(), aliasMap);

    List list = new ArrayList();

    // get the result
    while (result.next()) {

    assertEquals("There are 6 prople with age = 10 or weight > 30", 6, list.size());
コード例 #5
   * search from the table who's name in 'p1' or 'p9'.
   * @throws Exception to Junit
  public void testsearch_accuracy8() throws Exception {
    List values = new ArrayList();

    InFilter filter = new InFilter("peopleName", values);

    // search depend the filter
    CustomResultSet result =
        (CustomResultSet) strategy.search(CONTEXT, filter, new ArrayList(), aliasMap);

    List list = new ArrayList();

    // get the result
    while (result.next()) {

    assertEquals("There are 2 prople with Infilter", 2, list.size());